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Another Life - Netflix sci-fi series

They incorporate huge chunks of that. The subplot with the husband (he was the drug dealer boyfriend from Orphan Black if you’re wondering where you’ve seen him before) is basically an Arrival rip off.
Yep. And it's very similar too.
I hate the way these American shows feel it's important to include cheesy kids as part of their 'heart-tugging' sub plots. I want space and science, Not whining 'where's Mommy' kids.

Anyway, I've got dash to explore a new star system. I'll be back in a couple of hours as I'm using the same technology from the show - the one that sees people get all grease on their hands when they try to fix it.
no it wasn't


^ that's starbuck from battlestar galactica
If ever we needed proof of the timeline proposed by the ending of the BSG reboot, it's that he is smoking, not something that could possibly happen in the future.
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It's almost like they're throwing in plot rips offs of every well known sci-fi film with an abundant supply of Star Trek red-shirt expendable characters. It's so ludicrous it's almost becoming compelling in a so-good-it's-bad way.
If anyone could be bothered to make up some "Plot Rip-Off Bingo" cards. We could even turn it into a drinking game... :hmm:*

That said, one shouldn't need to go to such extremes to make things watchable.

*One could do similar with the entire output of the Horror channel, soap operas, and a few other things.
Done. I assumed since it was so very long ago... I wouldn't put up spoilers for how xenomorphs breed, for example...
I’ve not seen the reboot, but intend to once I can find a way to do it. (It probably involves me buying a Blu Ray player).
I usually stick with stealing stuff off the internet. Two-m oviesdot me is my current source.
I have never felt technically competent enough to do that, and I fear I’d also download a cocktail of viruses and Trojans. Both beliefs may be unfounded, but they’re entrenched now and so I will either borrow my sister’s parter’s box set once I’ve bought a blu ray player, or I’ll obtain the dvd box somehow.
I have never felt technically competent enough to do that, and I fear I’d also download a cocktail of viruses and Trojans. Both beliefs may be unfounded, but they’re entrenched now and so I will either borrow my sister’s parter’s box set once I’ve bought a blu ray player, or I’ll obtain the dvd box somehow.
Adblock, and stick with the ones that have embedded streaming players. There are full instructions on the site I linked to. It's streaming, not downloading, so technically not even illegal (according to the Torygraph anyway). Using whatever default content blocking settings come with Firefox and uBlock Origin I've not been exposed to Viagra ads or babes with big curvy bums ever from that site. :D
Have they got different writers for every episode? Because the fourth one bore virtually zero any similarity or continuity to the previous three.

Although it is compellingly shit and the 'plot' increasingly preposterous but vaguely entertaining, I'm close to throwing in the towel.
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