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Baby Reindeer (Netflix)

That makes no sense, though, if it’s just a story that he’s telling from a distance. He’s obviously not the greatest actor of his generation or anything. Plus, he’s totally the wrong age (and looks it). No, there would be 100 actors more suited to the story. It only makes sense if he is still feeling this story viscerally and from the first person subjective perspective. And whatever having “processed it” means (generally, it’s conspicuously undefined), that feels like the antithesis of it.
Yeah, it felt more like reliving it, which is an entirely different kettle of fish. Admittedly Coel self acted in hers but that whole piece felt transformative and healing at the end. Gadd’s is still left in trauma.
I’m still limping through it in chunks. It’s so difficult to watch. Not sure that I’ll finish it.

I’m staggered at his willingness to physically reenact his trauma as the main role. Presumably there were rehearsals, retakes etc. Why would he put himself through that?
Yeah, it felt more like reliving it, which is an entirely different kettle of fish. Admittedly Coel self acted in hers but that whole piece felt transformative and healing at the end. Gadd’s is still left in trauma.

Or he just has a massive ego and wanted to star in his own show on Netflix despite the continuity slip.

When One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest went from stage to screen Michaeal Douglas (who produced) had to tell Kirk (his dad) that despite having made the role his own in the theatre, he was too old for the film version and it was going to someone else. Which caused a bit of a rift at the time because Kirk believed the role belonged to him, and he deserved it in the film.

In this case, Gadd had more claim and made that claim. Netflix likely just accepted that he would do it and let him.
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was it the fact that he said the rapists name is well known that was the giveaway?
No, I was saying that's where my information came from, from the podcast, not in the sense of it was inferred. But can see how I wrote it would lead you to think that.

Still can't see why Agent Sparrow thinks I think the identity being known is a good thing. No one has said that on this thread?
No, I was saying that's where my information came from, from the podcast, not in the sense of it was inferred. But can see how I wrote it would lead you to think that.

Still can't see why Agent Sparrow thinks I think the identity being known is a good thing. No one has said that on this thread?
But I answered that - I didn’t think that. I didn’t quite know what you thought but you’ve now clarified it yourself, so surely that’s now resolved? :)
I’m still limping through it in chunks. It’s so difficult to watch. Not sure that I’ll finish it.

I’m staggered at his willingness to physically reenact his trauma as the main role. Presumably there were rehearsals, retakes etc. Why would he put himself through that?
Well you could see controlled reliving in safe circumstances as therapeutic in itself. That’s a large part of TB-CBT (though usually it’s just retelling or imaginal reliving). If that was his intention though, doing it so publicly seems brave, foolhardy and/or really badly thought through.
That makes no sense, though, if it’s just a story that he’s telling from a distance. He’s obviously not the greatest actor of his generation or anything. Plus, he’s totally the wrong age (and looks it). No, there would be 100 actors more suited to the story. It only makes sense if he is still feeling this story viscerally and from the first person subjective perspective. And whatever having “processed it” means (generally, it’s conspicuously undefined), that feels like the antithesis of it.

Who knows for sure?

People react differently to being abused. Maybe he wanted to own his experience and not have it diluting with someone else playing him.
Who knows for sure?

People react differently to being abused. Maybe he wanted to own his experience and not have it diluting with someone else playing him.
By not a great actor people mean he isn't good looking don't they?

He good enough an actor to be cast to a series by an previously unproven writer.

Plain and simple explanation.
If no one books you, create, promote and book yourself.

Matt Damon is only a thing because he wrote his own film.
There's DJs that promote their own club nights so that they'll get to play.
There are singers who write their own songs as the singer songwriter tag forgives their lack of looks.

If I was a wannabe famous person and had a lever to gain me screen time, damn right I'd leverage it.
If they told me Brad Pitt wanted to do it I'd step back but I doubt any A listers applied for the role.
I don’t think anyone is saying they can’t see why he cast himself, more hoping that it hasn’t been a bad decision for his mental health.
By not a great actor people mean he isn't good looking don't they?

He good enough an actor to be cast to a series by an previously unproven writer.

Plain and simple explanation.
If no one books you, create, promote and book yourself.

Matt Damon is only a thing because he wrote his own film.
There's DJs that promote their own club nights so that they'll get to play.
There are singers who write their own songs as the singer songwriter tag forgives their lack of looks.

If I was a wannabe famous person and had a lever to gain me screen time, damn right I'd leverage it.
If they told me Brad Pitt wanted to do it I'd step back but I doubt any A listers applied for the role.


There’s nothing in the world wrong with his looks.

Is Matt Damon butters? :confused:
I think that having an ordinary, average looking actor, makes it a lot more watchable, and that's just in general. It makes it more real?!
I think that having an ordinary, average looking actor, makes it a lot more watchable, and that's just in general. It makes it more real?!
It’s not about whether he is good-looking or not, it’s the fact that he’s clearly about 10 years older than the character he’s supposed to be playing.
Okay, so I’m face blind so I may be missing something but having just checked his pictures online, I think he’s very striking. I think he’s got a really interesting face.

Also wondering if Gromit ‘s theory about non-gorgeous stars having to self write and create their projects in order to get anywhere also applies to women.

Where does that put J-Lo right now. I guess she had to pay for her recent projects cos her looks have dwindled cos she’s in her fifties or something?
It’s not about whether he is good-looking or not, it’s the fact that he’s clearly about 10 years older than the character he’s supposed to be playing.

Yeh, this seems to be more of a glitch than any other factor.

If it was a 10 actor playing it someone (like Gromit) would be saying it’s not believable because 10 people don’t get abused or something.
It’s not about whether he is good-looking or not, it’s the fact that he’s clearly about 10 years older than the character he’s supposed to be playing.
In fairness, that kind of casting isn't new. Howard Stern playing himself in his autobiographical film or the cast of the fictional Da 5 Bloods playing their younger selves but as they are now.
It’s not about whether he is good-looking or not, it’s the fact that he’s clearly about 10 years older than the character he’s supposed to be playing.
read Gromit's post, that's what I was responding to.
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Okay, so I’m face blind so I may be missing something but having just checked his pictures online, I think he’s very striking. I think he’s got a really interesting face.

Also wondering if Gromit ‘s theory about non-gorgeous stars having to self write and create their projects in order to get anywhere also applies to women.

Where does that put J-Lo right now. I guess she had to pay for her recent projects cos her looks have dwindled cos she’s in her fifties or something?
Gavin and Stacy's writer / actors aren't exactly models.

J-Lo has pre-existing wealth and influence. Not denying her talent but other of equal talent don't make it for various reasons.
It’s an odd little sidetrack, this.

The point of the sidetrack is whether or not Gadd has “processed” the events that happened to him. I’m suggesting that (a) having “processed” events involves objectifying their narrative, so that it can be now observed from the outside; and (b) the fact that Gadd cast himself as the protagonist in a thinly-disguised version of the events doesn’t really fit the idea that he has achieved this distance, given that (c) he in no way could be said to be the ideal actor for the role, in an objective sense.
The point of the sidetrack is whether or not Gadd has “processed” the events that happened to him. I’m suggesting that (a) having “processed” events involves objectifying their narrative, so that it can be now observed from the outside; and (b) the fact that Gadd cast himself as the protagonist in a thinly-disguised version of the events doesn’t really fit the idea that he has achieved this distance, given that (c) he in no way could be said to be the ideal actor for the role, in an objective sense.

Not that bit. That’s seems to me a valid line of enquiry.

I meant Gromit’s peculiar theory that non-optimally beautiful people have to write and produce their own projects in order to be successful.
I weirdly felt little empathy towards the Donny character- just felt really frustrated with him for seeming to endlessly continue round the loop.

This. I found him totally unlikeable and I couldn't warm to him or any character, except maybe his girlfriend who I'm glad fucked him off.

Pretty much everyone irritated me tbh. It was tedious cotinually watching him fail to cut ties with a mentally ill woman, after it was obvious 30 seconds in she was bullshitting, and then watching all those scenes where she's an absolute nutter attcking/abusing him and his girlfriend and everyone just stands around not getting involved, yeah right. Not one person bars her, nor removes her from the comedy venue, and barely anyone intervenes in a physical assault, it takes until she's literally done a GBH ripping his girlfriends hair out, and smashing his face in with a glass. It just lacked a reality check in too many areas.

And the ending, could it BE more trite? Terrible.
The fallout from the airing of this series just keeps getting worse

If the 'Darrien' rumour I heard is true, there are certainly some clues in the script which makes me now think Gadd/Netflix knew the people would be identified - or were otherwise quite naïve.

If said rumour is true, would also taint a fav show + put a dark pretty dark spin on one of the episodes :(
hmm, I suspect that would be because some people picked out a name from supposed clues within the programme, but that doesn't make those clues accurate, or even clues (necessarily). Sounds like a circular argument.
Nobody should suffer Piers Morgan, uncensored or otherwise.
And she's said that she felt exploited by doing it, well no shit, apparently she was expecting a bit more of a sympathetic interview.

I don't actually have a great deal of sympathy for her tbh if things went down the way they were portrayed, but yeah no good is going to come of getting fucking Piers Morgan involved in any situation.
hmm, I suspect that would be because some people picked out a name from supposed clues within the programme, but that doesn't make those clues accurate, or even clues (necessarily). Sounds like a circular argument.
Absolutely (I did type something along those lines too but lost it when rewriting my post). It's also important to remember that there was already what seemed a solid candidate which has been denied - it's a dangerous game so maybe I think I'll delete my post.
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