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Another Life - Netflix sci-fi series


Got to say the first episode left by massively underwhelmed, much as I love well produced sci-fi.

The ship crew are nothing short of preposterous. Anyone else given it a go? I'll try one more episode.

i really wanted to enjoy this. but i found the acting uncompelling. i watched it with mrs model, who made it clear that if i want to watch a second episode i'll be doing it without her.

tbh i might just get the book.
I finished the series. It is pretty bad to begin with. I eventually came to like the characters, and to care about their fate, but I can’t in all honesty say “you must stick with it”. But in the slim chance they make a season 2, I’ll watch it.
Oh look, its Starbuck from BSG.
no it wasn't


^ that's starbuck from battlestar galactica
Got to say the first episode left by massively underwhelmed, much as I love well produced sci-fi.

The ship crew are nothing short of preposterous. Anyone else given it a go? I'll try one more episode.

Well done, I only got about 15 minutes in before calling it quits. Utter toss.
I'll go along.

This was absolutely terrible and everyone should give it the thumbs down.

Took me a day and a half to watch the first episode, was unimpressed with the bits of the second I watched.

I learned to skip through the following episodess just looking for major scene thumbnails in the fastforward, got the whole story.

Unacceptable. I would never have gone to that much trouble if it hadn't been Starbuck.
Watched the first episode, utter shite.

Like a dumb children's show compared to The Expanse, which I've recently started.
And that's shit too. But not as bad as this. Without giving the 'plot' away, this series involves a set of humans blasting off on what is supposed to be the most important mission in the history of humankind. And you couldn't have picked a more unstable/weird/unhinged set of characters if you'd enrolled them at 6am after an all night druggy rave.
Oh I just watched episode 2 and they just decided to throw in a bit of Star Trek style 'let's just hop on this handy planet over there' nonsense.
...this series involves a set of humans blasting off on what is supposed to be the most important mission in the history of humankind
And you couldn't have picked a more unstable/weird/unhinged set of characters if you'd enrolled them at 6am after an all night druggy rave.

Only continue watching with a humorous inclination.
do you mean utter toss shit plot or utter toss crap script or utter toss shit acting? or all three?

Definitely bad acting (that hit straight away) and a badly scripted and paced. The plot didn't really get time to take off before I did, but what seemed engaging on paper lost me on screen in record time.
Then it went all Beverly hills 90210 in the spaceship with a very weak reasoning for making the crew a bunch of teenagers (why not the older leads?). I saw a red letter media review that says the kids keep getting killed with an endless supply of new cast members to be unfrozen and take their place, but the massive lack of character development makes their deaths completely empty and meaningless.
My mate called it Hollyoaks In Space. Is he right?
I’ve never seen Hollyoaks. But I’d say it’s more like reading a Dan Brown. There are clunky, obvious cliffhangers. You know they’re there just to manipulate you, but a kind of masochistic curiosity makes you keep going to see what obvious technique will be thrown at you next. It’s like there’s a template the writers are following. And obviously in bold at the top of every page it says “There must be character conflict”.

And then, there’s the thing they think they have to do because they’ve watched
Game of Thones. Which is to introduce a character, get you used to them being a major player, then kill them off suddenly. Which they can do because there’s a never-ending supply of replacements in stasis tubes.

Honestly. Don’t watch it.
It's almost like they're throwing in plot rips offs of every well known sci-fi film with an abundant supply of Star Trek red-shirt expendable characters. It's so ludicrous it's almost becoming compelling in a so-good-it's-bad way.
It's almost like they're throwing in plot rips offs of every well known sci-fi film with an abundant supply of Star Trek red-shirt expendable characters. It's so ludicrous it's almost becoming compelling in a so-good-it's-bad way.
It’s terrible. I love it.
It’s terrible. I love it.
The way they nonchalantly discovered the first ever alien life form on a ridiculous planet (oh, we somehow missed its Moon), and then staged an entire rip off of Alien before finding a cure and killing it off within one episode was quite special.
The way they nonchalantly discovered the first ever alien life form on a ridiculous planet (oh, we somehow missed its Moon), and then staged an entire rip off of Alien before finding a cure and killing it off within one episode was quite special.
They incorporate huge chunks of that. The subplot with the husband (he was the drug dealer boyfriend from Orphan Black if you’re wondering where you’ve seen him before) is basically an Arrival rip off.
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