I spent far too long reading this thread last night with horrified fascination. It flags something very very worrying I've been noticing in the last few years, as more and more apparently educated, intelligent people I know have been gradually talking more and more about what they call "zionism" and the "international banking elite" (replace with your own synonyms as you will) but when I scratch the surface of their argument it becomes obvious what they're really talking about: Jews. Such people invariably claim to be anti-fascist / lefty / anarchist / other right-on political position (some of them I believe, too, having known them a while) and respond very badly when I point out that they probably ought to be careful of the company they're keeping in this discussion. And finally, not a few of them have even started treading the path towards denying the holocaust - it starts with "I'm just questioning the numbers", moving on to "no mass burial pits or gas chambers have ever been found" and finally ends up at "the holocaust was just a zionist plot to get a country" .. of course the names Rockefeller, Rothschild and Freud inevitably come up, I accuse them of (albeit perhaps unwitting) antisemitism, they tell me I need to wake up and start looking for The Truth (invariably capitalized) like they did. I point that virtually all the evidence they use comes from ultra-conservative or neo-nazi sources (eg. the Institute for Historical Review) and they say something asinine like "The Truth is The Truth, I don't care where it comes from, just that it's The Truth" and there's nothing I can do to persuade them of the mistake they're making... It scares me and worries me, and makes me want to return to the old methods we used when I was young - nut the fuckers.
That was a long paragraph, but it's really all about saying, clearly U75 isn't immune to such people and I'm very very happy to discover that most folks here are ready to destroy such warped reasoning. This guy Falcon was very careful, more than most, but I was very happy to see you guys saw through the bullshit immediately. I know you didn't do it for me, but I want to say thankyou anyway
I was surprised, though, that in 21 pages nobody had posted this, it's my favourite way to wind them up online (other than showing them Stormfront threads containing the same links to "evidence" they post themselves) ...as well as being light relief among the odiousness and negativity of having to talk about it at all.
I won't be taking part in too many political discussions because the level is way above what I can maintain, but I wanted to jump in quickly here because this is a particularly acute concern of mine just now. Too many people are using legitimate criticism of zionism or international finance to covertly advance another agenda altogether. I know it's not new, but a lot of the people doing it in 2013 seem to be people I might otherwise describe as progressive / liberal / socialist / communist / anarchist.
It's frightening.