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Another Lib Dem anti-Semite

The BBC's news coverage reflects the views of the British state and a certain "dissenting" portion of its establishment not zionists.
Not sure I see the difference.

There is very clear media bias and the BBC is one of the worst offenders, C4 News the least. Bad News from Israel is not a polemic, it is a very well described study. You can disagree with it, but you'll need to demonstrate why it is flawed. I'll post you my copy when I can pick it up from storage, if you would like me to.
He would not have gained the publicity by not making daft comments.

Ward could have said that the state of Israel has no right to co-opt the tragedy of the Holocaust in order to justify its disgusting conduct a Palestinian genocide and that it does not represent all Jewish people and must stop claiming that it does.
Mentioning genocide is bog standard these days now, is it?

Jog on.
I base all of my beliefs on my belief in humanity rather than race and certainly religion. My post was based on one human being having a terrible crime perpetrated against them and that they, no matter whom, would like to have a society based on humanitarian beliefs....

turning it into anything racist is just picking a fight for the sake of it...it seems.

What crime did Netanyahu have perpetrated against him?
Jenny Tonge got sacked for merely saying that she could understand the desperation that drove suicide bombers. What on earth makes you think that referring to "a Palestinian genocide" wouldn't get him the same exposure whilst making a much more effective appeal to his Muslim constituents?

It is not, after all, at all unreasonable to oppose the occupation and its brutality and many Muslims are conscious of the way their current scape-goating mirrors that of the 1930s. They're not some homogeneous mass of religious bigots cheering on the most extreme product of the most extreme form of Islam and its most extreme state.

You're full of shit. And getting lazy.
I think Chomsky goes too far here; a generous interpretation of intent and relegating the racism to the subconscious/a semantic slip ("Jewish people" would have removed all traces of anti-semitism; he would then be saying no different to what many Jewish people say of the Shoah).

And Chomsky's still on probation post-Assange. And the source is known to be unreliable. Still, there's only one thing being discussed and it ain't the plight of the Palestinians. Funny that.

"I agree that there's nothing remotely anti-Semitic in his remarks, which are in fact familiar in Israeli discussions."

Noam Chomsky 09/02/13
Jenny Tonge got sacked for merely saying that she could understand the desperation that drove suicide bombers. What on earth makes you think that referring to "a Palestinian genocide" wouldn't get him the same exposure whilst making a much more effective appeal to his Muslim constituents?

It is not, after all, at all unreasonable to oppose the occupation and its brutality and many Muslims are conscious of the way their current scape-goating mirrors that of the 1930s. They're not some homogeneous mass of religious bigots cheering on the most extreme product of the most extreme form of Islam and its most extreme state.

You're full of shit. And getting lazy.

i think butchers is right.

i don;'t think he said anything about muslims being a homogenous mass or anything like that. In regard to the protests they might not have even been started by muslims. This man is a member of the governing party. To make out that he is a victim of some media witch-hunt when in reality all that's happening is that he's getting a slap on the wrist from some old and irrelevant jewish men like the ones that make up the board of deputies, is just ... well. I suspect he is trying to make a bit of a name for himself as a maverick before the next election.

I dont think it's just a section of the muslim vote he's trying to cater to either, but i don't think its being bigoted and racist to say that anti-semitic views are perhaps a bit more widely held among certain sections of the muslim community than they are in the population at large, any more than it's racist to say that some english people don't like polish people etc. maybe he thinks that it can win him back some support in his area.

It will probably backfire on him though. Let's hope so. Perhaps he sees what happened with Respect next door and thinks he can get a few more votes by aping some of the rhetoric of george galloway. I am fucking depressed to see all the soft tories turn out in support for him though.

Probably talking bollocks though but I'm thoroughly depressed by all this.
Jenny Tonge got sacked for merely saying that she could understand the desperation that drove suicide bombers. What on earth makes you think that referring to "a Palestinian genocide" wouldn't get him the same exposure whilst making a much more effective appeal to his Muslim constituents?

It is not, after all, at all unreasonable to oppose the occupation and its brutality and many Muslims are conscious of the way their current scape-goating mirrors that of the 1930s. They're not some homogeneous mass of religious bigots cheering on the most extreme product of the most extreme form of Islam and its most extreme state.

You're full of shit. And getting lazy.

He's a lib-dem MP he's not some bloke in the pub you can't judge him on those standards. He knows about the difference between saying "the jews" and "the state of israel".
Yeah and when the party implodes he think he can get some support on that issue rather than head for lib-dem electoral oblivion like the rest of them.

Anyway when is the oppose david ward demo set up by the zionists in the media? If there isn't i want to start one.
At Pesach a few years back, my cousin says: 'I hate all Arabs, including their babies. We are the chosen people and they just have to accept that'. There just aren't enough wtfs in the world really. :facepalm:

And no they don't. That's kind of what being the chosen people is about.
Well that's the point isn't it. Being 'chosen' does not equate to running around doing whatever you want to anyone you want.

Nobody has to "accept it" either. We were chosen to follow The Torah and as long as everyone else follows the 7 laws of Noah he doesn't give a fuck what they do or think.

Pretty disgusting article by MPAC here complaining about how Muslims aren't supporting our brave Mr Ward. I won't link to it because they're right wing soft islamist scum.

The Board of Deputies of British Jews are still applying unrelenting pressure on Lib Dem Chief Whip Alistair Carmichael to take further, more severe, disciplinary action against David Ward MP for his comments condemning the Zionist state of Israel.
Read more
The world is forever apologising to Zionists apparently.
The silence of British Muslim organisations in supporting David Ward MP. What a big shame. http://www.mpacuk.org/story/100213/silence-muslim-organisations.html#.URgvd8-DkYQ.twitter …

@MPACUKIlford why should they support somebody whose made anti-semitic remarks and is part of a party thats driving through a tory agenda

@hrb264 The comments he made were not anti-Semitic, Noam Chomsky agrees. And his party is irrelevant in this matter.

@MPACUKIlford No it is not irrelevant he is an MP and a member of the ruling class. And it is anti-semitic he said "the jews" meaning israel

@hrb264 He didn't refer to 'Jews' as a collective but Jews who oppressed/are oppressing Palestinians (who else is oppressing Palestinians?)

He also pretended to be a constituent and said that he'd been "helping the community for ages" on his own twitter account
He's being hounded. Poor David Ward :(

EDIT: 1. the article seems to be using 'liberal' as an insult. A bit bizarre then that it was copied to a Liberal Democrat website :confused: 2. Initial post made when I was just a few lines down. Getting to the end has left me feeling a bit sick.
He's being hounded. Poor David Ward :(

EDIT: 1. the article seems to be using 'liberal' as an insult. A bit bizarre then that it was copied to a Liberal Democrat website :confused: 2. Initial post made when I was just a few lines down. Getting to the end has left me feeling a bit sick.

The only witch-hunt I can see is that of his supporters witch-hunting the people accusing him of anti-semitism.
  • "There is a huge operation out there, a machine almost, which is designed to protect the state of Israel from criticism. And that comes into play very, very quickly and focuses intensely on anyone who's seen to criticise the state of Israel. And so I end up looking at what happened to me, whether I should use this word, whether I should use that word - and that is winning, for them. Because what I want to talk about is the fundamental question of how can they do this, and how can they be allowed to do this."
And you can read about it in this book which is so close to the truth it doesn't matter if it's a forgery or not.
Behind the lofty defence of 'responsible language' which she uses to attack Ward

Because of course there is no danger in conflating Israel with "the Jews".

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