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And next, Syria?

no, as I already pointed out the process under which its administered is very undemocratic . But what is the point your trying to make..im missing it . Is it that international law should simply be abolished..because it sounds like it .
What do you mean "undemocratic"? Do you actually mean 'not applicable'?
What do you mean "undemocratic"? Do you actually mean 'not applicable'?

well no, for example Russian homosexuals secured an important victory in the human rights courts relatively recently thats a major boost to their fight for full equality


Russias quite a powerful country but like many others it tends to take note of international law and recognise its jurisdiction is applicable to them
Well, as Parliament has voted clearly to keep us out of military action, unless things change significantly, hopefully the government will take humanitarian action to help out all those displaced people. That would be a positive and worthwhile thing to do.
Well, as Parliament has voted clearly to keep us out of military action, unless things change significantly, hopefully the government will take humanitarian action to help out all those displaced people. That would be a positive and worthwhile thing to do.

unless giving them some guns to fight the syrian army with qualifies as humanitarian action id say theyre shit out of luck .
Well, as Parliament has voted clearly to keep us out of military action, unless things change significantly, hopefully the government will take humanitarian action to help out all those displaced people. That would be a positive and worthwhile thing to do.

Yes, our and most other Western govts pride themselves on positive, worthwhile initiatives.

Watch this space!
Well, as Parliament has voted clearly to keep us out of military action, unless things change significantly, hopefully the government will take humanitarian action to help out all those displaced people. That would be a positive and worthwhile thing to do.
There was a remark by a UN official about the efforts of neighbouring countries who are sheltering refugees and who can barely afford to feed their own; how shamefully this reflects on the attitude of richer nations who spurn asylum seekers and say "we're only a small country" and "charity begins at home".
Its just dawned on me the idiot french have around 2000 peace keeping troops sitting in lebanon . If France partipates in attacks on Syria it could well get very messy very quickly . Syria and Iran are adamant theyll retaliate . Syria have told France directly it will have negative repercussions for them .

Syrian civilians are forming up as human sheilds around military sites now as well
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Russias quite a powerful country but like many others it tends to take note of international law and recognise its jurisdiction is applicable to them

Apart from when it doesn't. Such as it's illegal and continued support for the breakaway republics in South Ossettia and Abkhazia.

You're awfully liberal for an anti-imeprialist. How's that international law helped the Palestinians recently? Hows that UN resolution 242 doing? Do tell....
That article quotes Craig Murray. He was based in Cyprus over 20 years ago. Any information he has is out of date.

There's a convincing argument put forward by German intelligence about the motives behind the Assad chemical attack: http://www.theguardian.com/world/on-the-middle-east/2013/sep/04/syria-assad-obama-germany

That's the view I'm starting to think is most likely - that the Syrian govt did carry it out but that it was kind of almighty fuck up.

This is also interesting

According to Der Spiegel, Gerhard Schindler, the head of the BND external intelligence service, told MPs in Berlin on Monday that while there was still no "incontestable proof," analysis of the evidence has led his service to believe that Assad's regime is to blame. Schindler also emphasized that the rebels were unable to carry out such a concerted attack.

Y'see this is what I've been pondering. This wasn't some crude homemade dirty bomb it was a precise and concerted artillery attack. As far as I know the Syrians rebels haven't got a trained chemical weapons battalion on hand - if they did have this war could well be over by now - but do we know the Syrian Arab Army has a chemical weapons unit, trained to deliver the sort of strikes that took place in Ghouta.

Incidentally I wouldn't be suprised if the rebels had used chemical weapons at various points in the war, the discovery of Sarin gas in Turkey a while back (connected to Al-Qeada) suggests they've got access to some of these nasty chemicals. But I'm less convinced they'd be able to launch artillery attacks with chemical weapons warheads as that's a pretty specialist thing that you'd assume it would take trained professional soldiers to do it.
unless giving them some guns to fight the syrian army with qualifies as humanitarian action id say theyre shit out of luck .

which shows what an utter idiot you are.

the UK has, over the last 2 and a half years, spent £350m on humanitarian aid in and around Syria - food, water, medical support, shelter. it is the second largest donor in the world.

furthermore, the UK has not provided the various rebel groups with any weapons - because we aren't that keen on them aquiring the kind of weapons that would help them. communictions kit, yes, CBRN defense (suits, masks, detection kits, antidotes) yes, body armour, yes. weapons and ammunition - no.

interestingly, you hero in Moscow has also provided aid - but all of it the 'whizz-bang' variety (and all paid for).

you do know this, but your pathetic and myopic mindset can't handle it because it would upset your world veiw - so you make shit up.
the UK has, over the last 2 and a half years, spent £350m on humanitarian aid in and around Syria - food, water, medical support, shelter. it is the second largest donor in the world.
tbf compared to military costs the government was about to burn 350million is a drop in the ocean, especially when there are 2million official refugees and many more beyond that
Actually don't think they will have budgeted anything like £350mil for military action, a retaliatory spiral deliberately won't be included, cos it looks bad. Ordnance such the tomahawk cost a mil each not sure we even have 350 and the subs are just doing what they are normally budgeted to do.

Eta:That's going on the original voted down throw a few fireworks in and walk away, US senate agreed Libya style erode Assad and replace with God knows what will cost quite a bit more
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That article quotes Craig Murray. He was based in Cyprus over 20 years ago. Any information he has is out of date.

He makes the point the intelligence was collated and disseminated by Israeli sources, and backs that up with sources . Furthermore its extremely easy to illustrate that as a pattern of activity

There's a convincing argument put forward by German intelligence about the motives behind the Assad chemical attack: http://www.theguardian.com/world/on-the-middle-east/2013/sep/04/syria-assad-obama-germany

If your names Senator John McCain then indeed it is convincing . However anyone whos even remotely aware of the Snowden leaks, a thing that was in some of the newspapers recently, would be aware that fucking kraut is nothing more than an American sock puppet who does and says what hes told . That his theory is fucking laughable, and that the BND in particular has form in this regard, notably the fraudulent Operation Horseshoe , horseshit to be more precise .

A concoction they proffered to justify the bypassing of international law so Serbia could be bombed . A document they claimed to have snaffled from the Serb army but later transpired to have been drawn up by Bulgarian intelligence officials . And then the BND sexed that up even further . And all the while having their spokespersons leaking little nuggets like that to a lapping up press .

Its a shit theory and hes a liar with form. Hell be telling us he has evidence communists burned the reichstag next .
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[quote="Delroy Booth, post: 12527680, member:

Y'see this is what I've been pondering. This wasn't some crude homemade dirty bomb it was a precise and concerted artillery attack.

weres your evidence for this..you have none . At best this agent appears to have been released in and around the period of a government offensive on that area which used artillery and ground troops .

Incidentally I wouldn't be suprised if the rebels had used chemical weapons at various points in the war, the discovery of Sarin gas in Turkey a while back (connected to Al-Qeada) suggests they've got access to some of these nasty chemicals. But I'm less convinced they'd be able to launch artillery attacks with chemical weapons warheads as that's a pretty specialist thing that you'd assume it would take trained professional soldiers to do it

theres been more discoveries than that and up to this point they are the only group UN agencies have identified as suspects in previous CW attacks, all of them on civilian targets .
If your names Senator John McCain then indeed it is convincing . However anyone whos even remotely aware of the Snowden leaks, a thing that was in some of the newspapers recently, would be aware that fucking kraut is nothing more than an American sock puppet who does and says what hes told . That his theory is fucking laughable, and that the BND in particular has form in this regard, notably the fraudulent Operation Horseshoe , horseshit to be more precise .

A concoction they proffered to justify the bypassing of international law so Serbia could be bombed . A document they claimed to have snaffled from the Serb army but later transpired to have been drawn up by Bulgarian intelligence officials . And then the BND sexed that up even further . And all the while having their spokespersons leaking little nuggets like that to a lapping up press .

Its a shit theory and hes a liar with form. Hell be telling us he has evidence communists burned the reichstag next .

You are beginning to come across like this Onion sketch: http://www.theonion.com/articles/assad-unable-to-convince-putin-that-he-used-chemic,33731/
tbf compared to military costs the government was about to burn 350million is a drop in the ocean, especially when there are 2million official refugees and many more beyond that

not really - the government was talking about Tommahawk cruise missiles and Storm Shadow cruise missiles - both cost around £1m each, and the RN has less than 70 Tommahawks, and the RAF around 200 Storm Shadows, and wasn't likely to use anything like its full stocks.

we'd probably be looking at less than a dozen TLAM's and a similar number of Storm Shadow. and that doesn't make £350m - or even a tenth of that...

and your coming accross as little more than trust me guys, we have the intelligence, and hes a bad man

i'll have to bow to your greater knowledge on this kebabking- but reluctantly! ;) i bet theres all kinds of other costs in there
talking military hardware i just saw this on facebook - dont know the source or how up to date it is
Apart from when it doesn't. Such as it's illegal and continued support for the breakaway republics in South Ossettia and Abkhazia.

You're awfully liberal for an anti-imeprialist. How's that international law helped the Palestinians recently? Hows that UN resolution 242 doing? Do tell....

UN lawyers have just arrived in Britain to ascertain whether or not that bedroom tax is a breach of peoples human rights .
Ill take it youll be busy organising a protest against them
i'll have to bow to your greater knowledge on this kebabking- but reluctantly! ;)
talking military hardware i just saw this on facebook - dont know the source or how up to date it is
i have to say thats very reassuring, all those missiles about to be fired over a screen of Russian ships, with zionists lurking about on the edges . Nothing could go wrong there
its hard to keep up, but am i right that the US attack will be launched from ships and not planes? i think i read that..
I think the syrian state still has anti-aircraft capabilites - I'm sure someone will put me straight in a second
I think the syrian state still has anti-aircraft capabilites - I'm sure someone will put me straight in a second

have a read through this



the first article seems to support the case that Assad may well have taken the advice of the 2010 article on board

theres also copious amounts of anti aircraft artillery that can have a limited impact on cruise missiles providing the crews are assisted by radar .
i'll have to bow to your greater knowledge on this kebabking- but reluctantly! ;) i bet theres all kinds of other costs in there...

not for the UK - there's definately one British Submarine in the eastern Med (HMS Tireless), there may be another (we only have 7 in service, so the pot is not bottomless..), but if so the MOD aren't saying. we have no strike aircraft in the eastern Med - or the western Med for that matter - and our warships can't fire any kind of land attack missile.

thats it - what the French, Russians and Americans have floating about is a matter for them, but the UK just isn't burning money on Syria.
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