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And next, Syria?

They are not 'my' anything, though I certainly have more sympathy for them than pretty much any other armed group in the conflict fool.
They are not 'my' anything, though I certainly have more sympathy for them than pretty much any other armed group in the conflict fool.

Yes they are your "guys", they all are supported by your governments and they are "terrorists". Supporting terrorists make you a "terrorist". Having sympathy for "terrorists" makes you a "terrorists".

Why are you terrorising the World under the pretext of figthing "terrorism" ?
Lol my government does not speak for me on many things, and the US government has only offered the Kurds limited support as has become evident over the past few days.

Now whether you are actually a real Turkish nationalist or in fact a returning poster badly masquerading as one I am not really interested in you clownery. :)
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Lol my government does not speak for me on many things, and the US government had only offered the Kurds limited support as has become evident over the past few days.

Now whether you are actually a real Turkish nationalist or in fact a returning poster badly masquerading as one I am not really interested in you clownery. :)

So you "limitedly" supporting terrorists. Awww what a good guys you are. Thanks for your "limitedly" support for terrorist. Okay sorry for my mistake. What an idiot I am, I could not understand your goodwill, sorry.
You have deliberately misquoted me I said the 'US government has only offered the Kurds limited support'. Last time I looked I am not the US government nor a US citizen. Now off you jolly well fuck. :)
Which Russian "kit" is superior to the Turkish F-16C Block 50+/AIM-120C/Peace Eagle combination?
The Turks have a long history of losing wars with Russia.

The operational necessity of denying Russian air superiority could lead to direct Turkish–Russian air-to-air clashes. Problematically, the Russian air force detachment in Syria is now much stronger than it was in November 2015, when a Russian Su-24 was downed by the Turkish air force for violating Turkish airspace. The Kremlin responded to that Turkish move with further escalation: Russia deployed S-400 long-range air and missile defense systems, additional Su-34 strike fighters, and extremely capable Su-35S air superiority fighters. Currently, over 20 air superiority “Flankers”(SU-27SM3, Su-30SM, and Su-35S) and air-to-air capable Su-34 Fullbacks pose a deterrent threat to any Turkish operations within Syrian airspace. Furthermore, the Russian air wing in Syria now operates under a robust, layered air defense umbrella provided by deployed S-400s, SA-17s, and SA-22s coupled with advanced electronic warfare capabilities, such as the recently spotted Krasukha-4 that could blind Turkish command and control systems and aircraft.
Could get rather embarrassing rather quickly. That's why the Turks have generally stayed out of Syrian airspace except when the US was managing deconfliction with Moscow since the daft buggers in the TAF shot down that Su-24 bomber. They've relied heavily on cross border 155 fire rather than risk air frames even when IS was rocketing Turkish towns.

From Washington Institute The Turkish-Russian Military Balance.

Makes clear that while the Turks might have the edge in Syria they could find themselves facing big losses and a serious escalation. That's when their air force's command cadre was intact rather than in prison after botching a regime decapitation. And you always have to have at the back of your mind that if the Russians start losing they promise to be rather unsporting. Their new "deescalation" doctrine goes tactically nuclear rather quickly.

I'd reckon probably with NATO umming and ahhing about actually supporting Erdogan's naughty HR abusing Sultanate. At least judging by the members tut tutting when it failed to roll over to a oh so democracy loving military mutiny. It seems now Ankara-Moscow relations are much improved so Turkey can thwack down the PKK in Syria without risking that sort of gamble.
The Turks have a long history of losing wars with Russia.

Russian aircraft have a long history of getting shot down whenever they encounter Vipers.

The 20 Russian Flankers with various mods on them in Syria can probably generate 10-12 airframes for ops. The Turkish Air Force fields 13 squadrons of F-16s and would have home court advantage. A hypothetical Russia-Turkey air war would only go one way...
Having taken Manbij and having lost several hundred PKK fighters in the process it would be quite understandable if the PKK stuck around. The big motivation was unification but even if they've given up on that for the time being there'd be cause.

IS fought hard for Manbij counter attacking from outside. Despite all the happy fag smokers after it fell there were signs of IS support in the Manbij area. They'll have left an intelligence presence in the population. Whoever holds it needs to be prepared for their return.

Holding IS territory in Sunni Arab country can be difficult. In IS's heartland Anbar the ISF spent a lot of time in the past three years taking towns off IS only to have them activate their sleepers and filter back in. Despite the Pentagon PR the SDF's small Arab contingent has mostly been a rear echelon, many are not from round Manbij and it would need experienced fighters to stiffen them if they were attacked. The only other alternative is US Special Forces, they are pretty thin on the ground and safer in Kurdish company.

Turkey backed rebel factions have taken and lost villages repeatedly to IS in the Azaz corridor. Unlike the SDF they lacked a properly unified command. It would not be that surprising if having booted out a residual PKK presence from Manbij they had trouble holding it.
Russian aircraft have a long history of getting shot down whenever they encounter Vipers.

The 20 Russian Flankers with various mods on them in Syria can probably generate 10-12 airframes for ops. The Turkish Air Force fields 13 squadrons of F-16s and would have home court advantage. A hypothetical Russia-Turkey air war would only go one way...
Yeh much fucking bigger
Russian aircraft have a long history of getting shot down whenever they encounter Vipers.

The 20 Russian Flankers with various mods on them in Syria can probably generate 10-12 airframes for ops. The Turkish Air Force fields 13 squadrons of F-16s and would have home court advantage. A hypothetical Russia-Turkey air war would only go one way...
Russian aircraft aren't what they were. Their air defences have been rather successfully in intimidating the TAF from what I've seen.

Read the articles, it's really foolish to assume Turkey would be fighting just the Russian assets in Syria currently. And Turkey doesn't appear to have any reliable friends just passive aggressive NATO allies a fair few of whom rely on Russian energy.

That's before the stealth-Gulenists/Kurd-haters in the TAF leadership mutinied. Lots of expensive kit and no experienced command chain, yes the TAF have become the Saudi air force. At that point a collision with Russian air and air defences over Syria would be even more stupid. There was only one way that could go. Erdogan sensibly winds his neck in on any direct confrontation with Putin, blames the TAF traitors for the nastiness, while putting more muscle behind the rebels.

Looks like Erdogan finally gets to carve up the PKK's Syrian empire building. Turkish military gets its wasta back on the cheap backing up a few FSA head choppers strolling into Jarabulus. And even if it get a bit quagmirey it will go down better with the Turkish voter than losing a few squadrons of expensive F16s in the vain hope that some Muslim Brother beard can ever rule Damascus.
Turkish National Army Website share the news about Jarabulus under the title of "Important Domestic Events".

Important Domestic Events
Important Domestic Events
Important Domestic Events

This video has been shown on spanish media outlets and is harder to watch than images of combat, simply because it shows the vulnerability of ordinary people whose only desire is to live, love and sing before bombs fall around them. (noone is hurt in the video but you cannot avoid being upset)

This video has been shown on spanish media outlets and is harder to watch than images of combat, simply because it shows the vulnerability of ordinary people whose only desire is to live, love and sing before bombs fall around them. (noone is hurt in the video but you cannot avoid being upset)

What does it tell you?
Why are you posting this on this thread and why now? The STWC have been pro-assad since the uprising started. Why now from you?

I have been following the thread on and off for ages. This video was in a column at the side of my screen when I checked my hotmail today. A reminder of the cost to civilians in the conflict.

Wishing for an end to the chaos seems hopeless.
The secular revolution, the democratic revolution. The Local Co-ordinating committees. Like what revolutionaries should do. Not state dictatorships.

(Need i wait, they're all head-choppers etc - all white w/c people are secretly racist)

Any links to show what the STWC think of the forces opposing Assad?

I'm checking out Stopthewar.org now and can't find anything.
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