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And next, Syria?

From Atlantic Council The Nusra Front’s Trap for the Syrian Opposition
Fateh al-Sham’s success in the Aleppo battle complicates regional and international plans, especially as the Russians and Americans try to reach a ceasefire that would exclude Nusra and ISIS. Fateh al-Sham keeps penetrating Syrian moderate armed groups after claiming that it separated from al-Qaeda to protect itself from air strikes. Meanwhile, the moderate armed groups and Islamist groups such as Ahrar al-Sham and Jaysh al-Islam cannot abandon Fateh al-Sham to Russian and American air strikes after its success on battlefield in Aleppo.

Twice now the Syrian opposition has fallen into Islamist traps. The first was when ISIS took advantage of the chaos in Syria and seized the territory in eastern Syrian from the Free Syrian Army (FSA), effectively putting an end to the FSA. With Fateh al-Sham integrating more deeply into the opposition, it’s possible that the same scenario could be repeated. Nusra’s so-called split from al-Qaeda is better termed a redeployment.
Has AQ Syria not just spearheading the latest rebel counter siege in Aleppo but providing the largest contingent of fighters, a quarter of the 10K involved. Backed up with plenty of the same sort of US weaponry supplied to anti-IS forces.

This has been a drift for sometime. Rebel successes in the offensive have almost always relied on the larger formations of Salafi-Jihadis which can deploy battalion and brigade sized forces beyond their home turf. When the big Salafist coalition Jaish al Fateh emerged to conquer Idlib City back up by Langley blessed TOWs AQ was prominent as well. Queue much celebration as the revolt over ambitiously headed to cleanse the Alawite heartland of Latakia. Then Russia and Iran counter-escalated spoiling the imagined beach party. But AQ's star was steadily rising. Gathering popular support and eliminating opposition within "the opposition".

Now with AQ modestly rebranded (at the conquerer of historic al Sham which only extended from Tarsus to Sinai) and even more in charge there's again talk of a badly needed "merger" of rebel commands. Many now set on establishing an a good old fashioned emirate in the manner of Mullah Omar. A wary observer might compare IS's hard coup in the second Iraqi Sunni rising back in 2014 to what looks like a soft one gradually occurring in the very well supplied Syrian revolt that unlike IS's DIY Caliphate actually has copious state actor support. This isn't just a trap for the Syrian opposition, we are jammed in the lobster pot as well and Assad's head is the bait.
Turkey have crossed the border into Syria to conduct operations in and around Jarabulus:

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Translation: Turkey to finish anti-Kurd 'clean-up'.
From The Washington Institute Assad Bombs the Kurds: Implications for U.S. Strategy in Syria

In light of the latest escalation, Washington needs to cautiously articulate its Syria strategy and carefully choose its objectives, appreciating the fact that its local allies often have goals that conflict with its own. This means it should avoid further entangling itself in a civil war that has no military solution. If Washington begins to defend the Kurds against SAA attacks, it may not be able to withdraw this protection until it has neutralized the regime threat. This was not America's objective when it began airstrikes in Syria and certainly should not be its policy now. Choosing sides this late in the game would only lead to a long quagmire, not a swift conclusion. Although withholding further protection may draw the PYD's ire, Washington should nevertheless focus on tempering the group's voracious territorial appetite to focus on rolling back IS. The central task for the Obama administration in its closing months is to leave options open for the next president, at a time when various actors -- especially the PYD and the Assad-Russia-Iran axis -- are aiming to create facts on the ground that foreclose more vigorous U.S. humanitarian assistance and military support for the opposition.
What do you do when a proxy gets greedy and the tail risks wagging the dog?
Turkiye wont allow Western backed Kurdish terror organizations PYD and Western backed ISIS to create an illegal region in Syria near Turkish border. We will bomb them all.
Lol you're getting a little confused there, it's true that the US is backing the Kurds in the fight against IS but there is documented evidence of the Turkish state providing material support to IS in the form of open access to their personnel crossing the Syrian border, arms shipments to IS and medical treatment of their fighters injured fighting in Syria within Turkey itself. The very recent incursion by the Turkish army into Syria to conduct an operation in and around Jarabulus which they say is an anti IS operation is in fact an operation against the Kurds only.
Lol you're getting a little confused there, it's true that the US is backing the Kurds in the fight against IS but there is documented evidence of the Turkish state providing material support to IS in the form of open access to their personnel crossing the Syrian border, arms shipments to IS and medical treatment of their fighters injured fighting in Syria within Turkey itself. The very recent incursion by the Turkish army into Syria to conduct an operation in and around Jarabulus which they say is an anti IS operation is in fact an operation against the Kurds only.

These guys which been supported by Western is the Syrian Arm of PKK terror organization. So its a terror organization.

"Turkiye supports ISIS" is another lie created by Western countries to legalize terror organization PYD. These are cheap lies spreaded by Western media to wash people's brain to gain public support. No logical person would claim such stupid things.

ISIS nor PYD are not allowed to invade native Arab and Turkomen lands under the pretext of whatever.
The only neighbour that hasn't worked with opposition Salafists is the Iraqis who effectively support Assad as they know they'd be the next target for Jihad energy focused on Syria. Even the Israelis appear to have worked out an MV with AQ on the Golan. It's in the nature of these things to keep your options open and hold potential enemies close.

There very little hard evidence of Turkish state support to IS. I recall a couple of instances with MIT being caught red handed passing arms. There is a lot of paranoid PKK propaganda about it, all evil comes from Ankara for Apo's mob. What there was was a tactical refusal to do much about IS while it was containing the PKK in Syria. A force Ankara regard as regime aligned which in practice has usually been an accurate perception shared with most rebels. The PKK has always been a greater concern for Ankara than IS. IS after all is just an irritation that blows up the odd Kurdish public gathering in Turkey while the PKK is engaged in what is practically a a good sized civil war aimed at dismantling Turkish state. The Turks are now taking IS more seriously as a domestic threat ironically that seems to be heavily Kurdish.

IS is an Iraqi led organisation that developed in the chaos that followed the US invasion. Iranian propaganda insist it is a creature of the Great Satan and this distortion is widely believed in the region. The groups that preceded it did have some brief Iranian support and wealthy Saudis contributed to its war chest but if anything Syrian intelligence helped it out most when they feared a US invasion. It really has had no major need of foreign backers since 06. It's essentially got a secondary colonial project in Syria financed by taxing Mosul and looting. We certainly turned a blind eye to IS early in the Syrian revolt that being a cost of supporting a patchily peaceful rising that had turned to outright Jihad. IS only got our gander up in 2014 when it took Mosul and started beheading stray Westerners on Youtube.

It's much the same with the Turks they just persisted with the original Jihadi friendly policy aimed at toppling Assad. It would be very hard to close the border to IS without compromising supply to opposition groups. IS often uses opposition banners as cover when recruiting. There's a lot of evidence of Turkish support to other extreme Salafists particularly Ahar al Sham lately. However we support groups that work intimately with both Ahar and AQ. Without support to the former the Northern revolt would have collapsed long ago. We seem quite happy with the counter-siege of regime held Aleppo despite a very large AQ contingent leading it. We also support the PKK when it fights IS. The PKK is a vocally anti-Western terrorist group not adverse to suicide operations that uses conscripted teenage girls as cannon fodder, nobody is perfect. These things require a lot of nose holding. We'll probably hang them all out to dry afterwards, it's our usual MO.
I recall a couple of instances with MIT being caught red handed passing arms.

Caught red handed ? They help Syrian groups since beginning and its not something hidden.

These trucks were stopped by Gulenists under the control of US and was created an image as it was going to ISIS.
Caught red handed ? They help Syrian groups since beginning and its not something hidden.

These trucks were stopped by Gulenists under the control of US and was created an image as it was going to ISIS.

You are contradicting yourself now. First you say 'Western backed ISIS' now you say this in particular was an entrapment job with the backing of the US and you don't provide any evidence either. Astoundingly I remain unconvinced.
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@GissiSim is also tweeting that IS is giving up Jarabulus and the surrounding countryside with no resistance at all.
You are contradicting yourself now. First you say 'Western backed ISIS' now you say this in particular was an entrapment job with the backing of the US and you don't provide any evidence either. Astoundingly I remain unconvinced.

As I said, follow the media but following only your own media is a huge mistake. Research the Gulen terror organization and US connection. There are thousands of proofs.
As I said, follow the media but following only your own media is a huge mistake. Research the Gulen terror organization and US connection. There are thousands of proofs.
I haven't been following my 'own media' on this I can assure you and so far you have failed to provide any proof.
I haven't been following my 'own media' on this I can assure you and so far you have failed to provide any proof.

Nope, I just dont care. For example in the coup night, the first explanation by US came hours after when they realized that the coup is going to be unsuccessful. US officials said "We expect sides to ensure peace as soon as possible." This sentence alone is a proof that US backing the coup.

Sides = Terrorist coup soldiers and elected government
These guys which been supported by Western is the Syrian Arm of PKK terror organization. So its a terror organization.

"Turkiye supports ISIS" is another lie created by Western countries to legalize terror organization PYD. These are cheap lies spreaded by Western media to wash people's brain to gain public support. No logical person would claim such stupid things.

ISIS nor PYD are not allowed to invade native Arab and Turkomen lands under the pretext of whatever.

Do you have an Erdogan pillow?

Nope, I just dont care. For example in the coup night, the first explanation by US came hours after when they realized that the coup is going to be unsuccessful. US officials said "We expect sides to ensure peace as soon as possible." This sentence alone is a proof that US backing the coup.

Sides = Terrorist coup soldiers and elected government

Ah well, you see you really need to provide proof for your assertions as in links to credible sources otherwise nobody is going to take you seriously round here. At this point I ought to offer you a belated 'welcome' btw.
Ah well, you see you really need to provide proof for your assertions as in links to credible sources otherwise nobody is going to take you seriously round here. At this point I ought to offer you a belated 'welcome' btw.

As I said, I dont care. US will deliver their agent Gulen to Turkiye, dead or alive.
In The WSJ U.S. Joins Turkish Forces to Launch Push Against Islamic State in Syria

The Turks are calling it operation “Euphrates Shield”, US CAS in place, rebels and Turkish SF advancing. Probably a lot of glue on Salafi chin beards in use. US official saying the US will not support the PKK moving North to have a crack at Jarabulus. This must be some sort of clever Gulenist-CIA plot.

I do wonder how this might have played out if Turkish 155s had offered the desperate Syrian PKK in Kobane a last ditch defence from the IS advance? Might have been better for Ankara, instead you get the US being drawn in to facilitating a great PKK land grab from IS in Syria. The organisation's centre of gravity becoming very Syrian. Also a civil war with an emboldened PKK in SE Turkey surging after the Kurdish Alamo that seems to have been a root cause of the coup attempt.

And now Ankara is doing something much closer to what the US hoped back then only to head off even more PKK expansionism.
The aim is to create a PYD zone at Northern Syria which starts from Iraq and ends at Mediterranean. Now Turkiye is operating in the middle of this zone to close the connection.

Obama tactically deploys Joe Biden. He usually does this when he's making the point that he is unhappy with an ally.

Obama tactically deploys Joe Biden. He usually does this when he's making the point that he is unhappy with an ally.

Had it certain that Turkiye gives no fck about Biden's visit. He is welcomed at airport by vice-city governor. This is an insult.
Hey be nice, Joe said the PKK should stay East of the Euphrates and hasn't even suggested you break your country up to ease ancient ethnic tensions, at least not yet.
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