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Anarchists sabotage railway signalling in Bristol

listned to radio bristol recently for the first time in a while n quite enjoyed it! reactionary sheep that I am...

these people are such mugs and a danger in general..
The entertainment industry is an important tool to manipulate human behaviour. Without a steady supply of distractions it would be much harder to persuade people that their lives are satisfactory, to convince them to keep going to work or in whatever way to reproduce the system. So to deprive the network of the ability to offer this essential means of escape from chronic modern stress, anxiety, frustration and dissatisfaction is to undermine the smooth running of society, however temporarily.

Has it not occurred to them that some people can enjoy Downton Abbey and understand that their lives aren't satisfactory?

Patronising or what. :facepalm:
I have no problem with acts of sabotage against 'the man', but to bring down police communications and possibly other emergency services is just idiotic and guaranteed to make the unpopular rather than garner support for their cause, whatever that is.

They sound about 15.

I wish they would free the creationist rhinos though :)
Has it not occurred to them that some people can enjoy Downton Abbey and understand that their lives aren't satisfactory?

Patronising or what. :facepalm:

Init, I fucking hate that attitude. And you usually get it from people who are themselves mindless followers of some bullshit orthodoxy someone else thought up, straight edgers and surplus cunts of that nature.

Television is capable of being high art as well as mindless dreck, and all sorts of stuff in between. These days screen writing interests me a lot more than prose fiction tbh. People dismissing telly as insignificant fluff created solely to numb the brains of the masses would do well to remember that plenty of people said the same thing about novels when they first started appearing.
When I was involved in animal rights we used to leaflet at the zoo regularly - it was a lot worse in those days though. We went last year and it has changed a lot although I still didn't like seeing the animals in cages.
When I was involved in animal rights we used to leaflet at the zoo regularly - it was a lot worse in those days though. We went last year and it has changed a lot although I still didn't like seeing the animals in cages.
But did you ever smash it up in the hopes the owners would see the errors of their ways and free the lions?
No, but when I went with butchers in the summer, and saw a notice on the lion's cage saying that they have a high perch so they can look out over the Downs, I did say it was a pity they couldn't be let out for a bit of a runabout.
Surely that's just going to make the lions mad because they're being taunted with the acres of free space they can't have.
Has it not occurred to them that some people can enjoy Downton Abbey and understand that their lives aren't satisfactory?

Patronising or what. :facepalm:
I wonder if the writers are also responsible for the front page of today's independent,

Voters 'brainwashed by Tory welfare myths', shows new poll
Has it not occurred to them that some people can enjoy Downton Abbey and understand that their lives aren't satisfactory?

Patronising or what. :facepalm:

V true, but I tell you what if 'Countdown' and 'Pointless' go down some serious shit is gonna hit the fan.
Revolutionaries used to understand that you were part of world produced by culture (hence being seen, being accountable) . These people just see enemies. Eng lit grads.

Annoying when you consider that it's not as if the youthful journalist-cum activist manque crowd don't understand that they're part of a world productive of culture, because that's obviously part of what they're doing - attempting or pretending to produce culture and/or cultural change. Perhaps it just that they're not willing to be responsible for what they give birth to (it's not like we haven't seen generations of people involved in activism who've bricked it)?
I for one welcome our nascent puppet theatre mime artist street performer overlords.

Death to the tyranny of tellybox! Let the sheep graze on lead! For a pure and freegan brave new world!
I have no problem with acts of sabotage against 'the man', but to bring down police communications and possibly other emergency services is just idiotic and guaranteed to make the unpopular rather than garner support for their cause, whatever that is.

They sound about 15.

I wish they would free the creationist rhinos though :)
The Girder ought to publish an article pointing out the error of their recent tactics and recommend more worthwhile objectives under the banner heading "FREE THE CREATIONIST RHINOS!" :)

We need a communique from cmbbe mainwaring extolling the ideological purity of the rhino!
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