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Anarchists sabotage railway signalling in Bristol

Cos ba doesn't like their tactics or their gabble and thus dismisses them as middle class twerps.

So you're dismissing the possibility that he may actually know one or more of them as being "middle class twerps", and that informs his opinion of their tactics and proclamations (besides the fact that their tactics are crap, and their gabble is risible, obviously)?
Because they are blatantly class conscious in their efforts.

I disagree. Their rhetoric may well have a veneer of class-consciousness, but their (at least this UK "chapter's") actions do not appear to have factored in anything resembling class-consciousness. At least the Angries tried to take actions that didn't have deleterious effects on members of the w/c.

Some of the arguments on this thread have been pretty crap. Especially regarding this particular action. Oh noes people can't get to work.

If you don't understand why not being able to get to work can be so signally important to a member of the w/c, then no amount of attempting to point out that for some, missing half a day or a day's work is the equivalent of losing the ability to fully pay a bill, or having to skimp on food for a fortnight, is going to make you any more informed.
There's more to being pro-working class than saying "bosses = bad" in an anonymous communique.

Quite! Grass has roots. They should acquaint themselves with that fact, unless they're just posturing idiots in search of thrills and headlines.

I don't believe that many people think these sorts of clandestine acts of sabotage are inspiring - quite the reverse. So where does that leave you? Either the action is wrong, or the people are...

I don't see sabotage as inherently a bad thing, and in fact some acts of sabtage are downright inspiring, but this very obviously wasn't an action into which much consideration of consequence went on. Yes, they "stopped the machine" by throwing a clog in the works, but who was most inconvenienced, the local working classes or "the man"? I'd strongly suggest it was the former, and that the latter shrugged this off easily.
Regardless of what I personally feel they are, in their heads at least, engaging in class warfare.

Attacking businesses
Attacking the police
Attacking the means to spread propaganda
...and numerous other actions.

What they're trying to propagate are more affinity groups to muck in with these simple repeatable actions. It's a tactic, I hope they don't see it as a strategy.

Quite right, it's a tactic, but in the case of these people at Bristol, it's a poorly-targeted tactic, unless their primary interest is in "the spectacle".
Anyway, I'm not anti-American, just anti American anarchist culture.

Me, I'm not "anti American anarchist culture" so much as against those elements of it that seek to reduce everything to "if you all do this, you can be free!", when "this" is stuff like primitivism, "more-anarchist-than-thou" oneupmanship or (worse!) libertarianism dressing its hate of state (except where it benefits the libertarian!) up in cod-anarchism.
Me, I'm not "anti American anarchist culture" so much as against those elements of it that seek to reduce everything to "if you all do this, you can be free!", when "this" is stuff like primitivism, "more-anarchist-than-thou" oneupmanship or (worse!) libertarianism dressing its hate of state (except where it benefits the libertarian!) up in cod-anarchism.
I was just taking the piss, really, and pretending to be David Starkey
I had a three hour delay on a train leaving Paddington for the Westcountry just before Christmas. This was a three hour delay on a journey that should last less than hours in total. This was not caused by the floods. That only happened two days later. It was announced as signalling failure. The following day it was revealed that it was in fact caused by a fire in a lineside signalling installation. At the same time there was a similar fire on a line out of Brighton. Both lines caused cancellations of trains heading for the two London airports.

If anyone has any information about the real causes of these fires that leads to a conviction I will offer a reward of a Mars bar.
'Liberate' the animals, that will go down well in Bristol.

Bears and shit on the downs. That'd be ace.

I'm nota "fan" of zoos, but I'm a member of Bristol Zoo. It's a cool little place to take the family.

Incidentally I noticed the Bristol Reptile Emporium had boarded up windows...was that same bunch?

Years ago I remember some in EF! arguing against gardens. Heh.
More "spectacular" action aimed at publicising a cause. I'd be more impressed if they'd lived up to their convictions enough to actually liberate an animal, rather than just painting the word on zoo property. :)

All that said, if they could borrow a van and go over to Noah's Ark farm zoo, I'd be a LOT more sympathetic. Creationists keeping rhinos on a farm = legitimate targets in my book.
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