But, and this is my main objection, when the primary purpose of a meeting is that of building a movement, a struggle, a situation and a process of opening up to use what is essentially an insider language (no matter how simple) is of course going to alienate those who find it utterly different from the ways of communicating in group scenarios that they have used all their lives. To feel inhibited from full participation in such meetings is disempowering for the newcomers and for many already in the group wishing to open it up. Those more au fait with the insider language will already be in a relative position of power compared to those who aren't, and more able to control (willingly or not) the direction of the meeting - which is essentially the point of jazz hands anyway is it not?
In fairness many of the same criticisms can be levelled at a typical leftie meeting filled with arcane jargon and 2nd hand trade union mechanisms.
chilango, Nov 25, 2011
It's still my view on this.