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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Worst thing is these cunts think they've invented this shit.
Back when The Clash wrote about it 35+ years ago, the line "They got Burton suits, ha, you think it's funny. Turning rebellion into money" was apt. Now, you'd have to delete "Burton suits" and paste in "Savile Row", though. :(

to be fair though strummer was a posh lad who went to public school singing about weller who was a working class kid from woking. So according to the Fishponds Library Classometer that makes strummer the laurie penny of punk. Or sumfink.
So a highly educated m/c geezer thinks that classrooms are a prison.

Perhaps he realises that those currently in the classroom will be the ones sounding his death-knell in a few years, when they drag him screaming from his bed to do his compulsory work allocation at the Peoples' Salt Excavation Project in New Jersey.
Who's Helena Fitzgerald, I notice he's (Malcolm Harris) often photographed with her, drops her name etc. ?

Body language suggests they know each other very well.

(stripy toff blazer FTW)


Christ, it's a whole fucking hallfull of smug! Look at those facial expressions, let alone the "entitled" body language many of them are giving off!
Good spot on Harris's body language, although the woman's arm is almost uncomfortably drawn back, so perhaps she's not quite as fond of Malcolm, as Malcolm (with his open, angled legs) is of her?
It is a reoccurring theme with him, definitely. It is an unabashed too, he tries to make it a bit high-brow but it's mostly an excuse to talk about porn with no real consistency in his opinions. Read a few of his articles now and none of them seem good, I can't see why he is so highly regarded by people. Laurie Penny is a lying gobshite but she does have her moments, this guy is diabolical.

Alarm bells ringing.

"Unabashed". Fnarr!!
Every time I see that picture I want to punch him in the fucking face, really hard :)

No doubt this will reported back to him by the party faithful as misandrist hate speech.

You have spotted Death Himself sitting second from the right in the second row, right?

He is, hopefully, taking notes on who will fall next to the scythe. . .
You have spotted Death Himself sitting second from the right in the second row, right?

He is, hopefully, taking notes on who will fall next to the scythe. . .

Looks more like Eric Sykes, to me, but there's nothing to say Death can't look like Eric Sykes, is there? :)
yeah, it took me some time in my twenties to accept that one. not john peel, i said, excuses i came up with. but it's bollocks. he was a nonce. a nonce who introduced me to some good music and played some good shows but a nonce. so he was for the camps, just like hakim and alan and that fucking shitbird harris, who's continued existance proves that there is no natural justice. after all, in a sane world he'd have been kicked to death in the town centre by enraged citizens. and still might be if he comes to the uk.
He did on 'Should I stay or Should I go?'

he certainly had a go ;)

But it was strummer who gave us the sardonic "huh" as he sang the words about turning rebellion into money. Strummer who turned his cutural capital - his posh school, his privileged education, his families wealth and social status into punk rock rebellion. If laurie penny is deserving of hostility for her obvious class privileges then why not all the others?
he certainly had a go ;)

But it was strummer who gave us the sardonic "huh" as he sang the words about turning rebellion into money. Strummer who turned his cutural capital - his posh school, his privileged education, his families wealth and social status into punk rock rebellion. If laurie penny is deserving of hostility for her obvious class privileges then why not all the others?

Dying of hep c and making an overt celebration of punks debt to reggae means he is beyond reproach and I will chinese burn the fuck out of anyone who says different
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