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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Yeah but it was started by one of the leading anarchists of the nineties


Along with Fergo getting teaed at the Bookfair, that's made my day :cool:
He's still attacking Dawkins from the atheist free market right :facepalm:


That's utterly fruitbat - just flatly asserts that Darwin said and thought all kinds of things that he certainly didn't say and almost certainly didn't think. Then again, should we really be surprised?

Look at the comments though - it appears that plenty of people are taken in by it. But it also makes me wonder, considering the number of posters making numerous very lengthy comments, do these sorts spend their entire lives on the net talking about impossiblist politics or something?
I am not bloody dealing with him I do want Malcolm here - he's a modern American youth and I don't know any such people. Question 1: Malcolm how could you not know a speaking agency was charging $5000 for a talk? 2. Why your focus on Kesha?

And Ke$ha says “I am capital. Capital is a liar” ... You see this play out in the tastes on the radical left: The last explicitly anarchist party I went to promised “plenty of Ke$ha” on the Facebook invite without a bit of irony. Of course there’s also a kind of aphasia though, an inability for these songs to say what they’re about. Instead we have evocations of desires, specifically the bringing about of chaos, the control necessary to destroy control, running through the street, etc.

3. What does this mean? - since when has subversion of images or attacks on billboards been about drawing circled As?

We as anticapitalists have to trouble the relationship established during the counterglobalization movement between cultural products and left resistance. What good is culture jamming when the giant subway ads already read “RAGE” with a circled A? I think there’s an answer, and it’s no longer about injecting new stuff or emphasizing implicit consequences. It’s about revealing and contextualizing what’s already very much there.
"it would be pretty crazy if people ripped those ads off the wall and showed up to the march with them on sticks. Reappropriate the reappropriated!"

No, you'd just be a series of walking advertisement for that particular brand - a funny one first time round maybe but then pretty boring.

"I would love to go on a march with Rihanna at my back reminding me “there’s only one thing on my mind/ who’s gonna run this town tonight.” Keeps you focused. If someone took these insurrectionary fragments and stitched them together into a dance megamix, we’d have a genuinely dangerous piece of music. Could even the most innocent of bystanders resist the pure form when they’ve been fed the adulterants for so long?"

My guess is none of the fans of the originals would like your remix and no bystander pedestrian would simply join your march as a result.

No wonder we don’t trust ourselves with mortgages, spouses, children, or state power: The crisis generation knows that it’s not stable. We’re “dynamite” “about to blow.”

Why are you entrusted with a magazine?
One reference to hedge-porn and then one to "fast-forwarding" in the same thread. <snip>Wanna come round mine and play Manic Miner?
Only if you go down on me while we wait for the game to load at snail's pace. :p
Look at him. Just look at him. The smug cunt. If that's not a face that's begging to be slapped I don't know what is
I try not to judge by appearances, but sometimes it's extremely difficult not to.
As retweeted 1 March 2013 "Do today's teens even know that smashing capitalism is an option?"

This kind of question will clearly not raise any teenagers' hackles - instead it will bring them onto your side in their droves

What they should do is read magazines like the New Inquiry - which will explain that there being no options means that smashing capitalism is an option.

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a futile act, because those who might hear you have already been persuaded to commit to a “biopolitical paradigm of distraction” that immerses them in “affective pursuits and fantasies of economic advancement.” Everyone is busy looking for or fantasizing about situations, for self-serving alternatives. ... This may put you in an uncomfortable situation — but what other choice do you have? Whether you fag on at flesh, forge ahead avowedly single, or labor through a relationship, you end up powering the standardized, homologated and commodified mechanisms that oppress you. But if Guy Debord and his merry band had anything to teach the world, it is always to welcome impending situations, particularly those whose kairos may afford opportunity to rediscover the singular pleasures of the body in a way that doesn’t put money in someone else’s pocket.
What the fuck is this primped up little fop doing to smash capitalism anyway?

When he was a leftist SDS leader at his university he was pushing the drive for dressing up in his column Halloween Take your chance break the rules, does that count?

Always wondered what it feels like to wear a skirt? Go for it! Kind of like the idea of being dressed fully in leather? No problem! Want to act like your costume? Why not? It's Halloween! The only way you can really attract angry stares is not dressing up at all.
Halloween is our annual safety valve. Once a year, we have the opportunity to blow off all the steam that builds up in 364 days of conformist clothing and behavior. Halloween reveals that, when we throw off preconceived notions of appropriate dress and behavior, everyone has more fun. Also, there's candy. And yet the real world seems to be colliding with my treasured day of apparel anarchy.
Almost everyone was comfortably past puberty, and so Halloween became about what everything becomes about in high school: sex. Don't get me wrong: As a 15-year-old, having your school full of sexy nurses or sexy cowgirls or sexy unicorns (okay, not as many unicorns as I would have liked) seemed like a daydream. But as the years went on, before I noticed, I had stopped dressing up. Maybe it was the public school system killing my imagination, or maybe I was just distracted wondering how girls planned to skirt the dress code and still come to school as dominatrices, but I couldn't come up with a good costume anymore.
let me get this right, this fuckstick spent nearl 600 pounds of real money so as to show a dirty film to a large audience

lol at 'only half an hour was aired' thats about the longest any porn film ever gets watched for, not counting fast forwarding etc.

was done as part of a struggle for free speech (isn't it always like this when in public?)

Imagine watching a pornographic movie. Now, imagine watching one surrounded by 200 of your peers, five university administrators and dozens of media members - all in the name of free speech.
Despite not endorsing the screening of the triple-X film, Pirates II: Stagnetti's Revenge, university administrators still attended the Student Power Party's screening of the first 30 minutes of the movie last night in Susquehanna Hall. Administrators allowed the screening to occur despite threats by state senators that they would cut funding for the university.
As administrators sat in the back row watching the hardcore porn unfold, students cheered, groaned and giggled at the graphic scenes in the short portion of the 138-minute film. Though only a fraction of the film, the segment was still explicit and included two different sets of threesomes - one with "Devil Stick Willy" and two blondes in corsets.

Clearly, free speech can't be discussed without actually playing the film.
Wonder what mark he got for that? And why journal papers are something he ignored except for one forthcoming reference?

He got honours - that's the highest any teacher can award at university. He is quite clearly very clever - which makes his whole teachers:prison guards analogy and full alienation from school:route to collective-working-class-power approach so weird.

This is his tumblr:

http://destructural.tumblr.com/post/3613556211/fuck-they-schools-veeurbanite-lmao-haha possibly NSFW

There's a picture there of someone probably disturbed, probably being bullied (upside down crosses are part of the US Satanic Church's symbols) but Malcolm sees it as "fuck they schools" - unless I'm reading it all wrong.

The good news Malcolm is in favour of abandoning all feelings of awkwardness:

Office labor and marriage are not necessary for human beings, and neither are the feelings they engender. Awkwardness may offer “its own kind of grace,” as work did in previous centuries, but when I think of other potential moods of togetherness — solidarity, adventure, eros, and if we’re lucky, even agape — it becomes an intolerable dispossession. Arise, then, comrades, you have nothing to lose but your awkwardness!

Hence his entry on this thread will allow him an opportunity to effect his vision in reality. Malcolm will not squirm but see entering this thread as an adventure and persuade the many doubters - as yet no one has said youse lot've gone too far, leave the poor lad alone. :D

IMO after reading his outpourings, he is equal with Sunny Hundal in vileness.
Most normal people don't relate to this shit and anti-shit anyways.
No but surely fuckwits like this turn off any normal people from getting involved in projects. I mean I think Occupy was destined to be a utter waste of time but amount of idiots, egomaniacs, conspiraloons etc that infected it probably either turned some decent people off entirely or sent them down political dead ends.
I mean I think Occupy was destined to be a utter waste of time but amount of idiots, egomaniacs, conspiraloons etc that infected it probably either turned some decent people off entirely or sent them down political dead ends

Freemen conference in Manchester this weekend is a sell out
Subsidise videos and pics of racist attacks/graffiti and help prevent racism.

Haven't really searched him but the bit in his piece about exhibitionism and circumstantial evidence that internet forms have helped reduce actual exhibitionism sort of goes with that.

Malcolm appears to be reasonably successful at monetising his gitness, doesn't he?
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