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Album of the year 2022

Rather pissed off that I've been getting away with working from home since April 2020 and now as the end of year lists have come out and I've got important listening to do, my manager's asked me to go in!
the wire list is here - unusually I've heard loads of them this year

Yeah, I know several well and have listened to 29 of them. The Aldous Harding one is in my top 5 listened to albums this year.

As an aside, whilst looking for Belladonna by Mary Halvorson I happened upon Belladonna by Ian Carr. Both are pretty good.
There's lots on the Wire list catching my eye, but that's because it's old names. Alvin Curran, Éliane Radigue... Feel I need to get into the 2020's proper.
Yeah listening to the Lucretia Dalt atm. It's got moments which are really stunning.

The Alvin Curran is particularly strange even for Alvin Curran.
I'm struggling this year. Not because there hasn't been loads of good music, but because I seem to have listened to a couple of hundred new albums between 0.75 and 1.25 times each and liked them all pretty much equally. HMHB's Voltarol Years and the Circle/Richard Dawson collab. seem to be the only things I've listened to more than five times, and one of them's from last year.

What do you suggest in this situation? I might have to follow killer b's lead and just pick the ones I think will make me - and us, if any of them make the grade - look good.
Oh, Automatic, that's another one that I reckon would probably be on my list if I'd given it a few more listens:

As it is I reckon there's about nine albums I can confidently vote for, and then I'll probably just vote for Wet Leg an extra 21 times to pad my list out. :thumbs:
I'm struggling this year. Not because there hasn't been loads of good music, but because I seem to have listened to a couple of hundred new albums between 0.75 and 1.25 times each and liked them all pretty much equally. HMHB's Voltarol Years and the Circle/Richard Dawson collab. seem to be the only things I've listened to more than five times, and one of them's from last year.

What do you suggest in this situation? I might have to follow killer b's lead and just pick the ones I think will make me - and us, if any of them make the grade - look good.
You got a number of options:

1. Vote for all of them in a random order.

2. Only vote for the ones you've listened to all of - what if you missed a track that was so terrible you could never in good conscience vote for an album that contained it?

3. Only vote for albums you think other people will vote for - make those votes count.

4. Create a brain meltingly complex scoring system and spend every waking hour from now until the 17th creating numerous linked spreadsheets to come up with a scientifically objective basis for your list.

5. Ignore what you've listen to, intead cutting and pasting the Pitchfork/Quietus/Wire/Decibel/Rolling Stone/NME list. Saves you time thinking about it.

6. Spend 5 minutes writing down the ones you can remember without checking. If you haven't remembered an album by then, you can't have liked it that much.

7. PM killer b and ask what he's voting for.

8. Pick the ones that make you look cool.

9. Use the force to help you put 30 in order.

10. Only vote for the two albums you REALLY liked.
Oh, Automatic, that's another one that I reckon would probably be on my list if I'd given it a few more listens:

You've got time to give it a few more listens before the deadline. Go on, put it on now, then you can vote for it :)
You got a number of options:

1. Vote for all of them in a random order.

2. Only vote for the ones you've listened to all of - what if you missed a track that was so terrible you could never in good conscience vote for an album that contained it?

3. Only vote for albums you think other people will vote for - make those votes count.

4. Create a brain meltingly complex scoring system and spend every waking hour from now until the 17th creating numerous linked spreadsheets to come up with a scientifically objective basis for your list.

5. Ignore what you've listen to, intead cutting and pasting the Pitchfork/Quietus/Wire/Decibel/Rolling Stone/NME list. Saves you time thinking about it.

6. Spend 5 minutes writing down the ones you can remember without checking. If you haven't remembered an album by then, you can't have liked it that much.

7. PM killer b and ask what he's voting for.

8. Pick the ones that make you look cool.

9. Use the force to help you put 30 in order.

10. Only vote for the two albums you REALLY liked.
11. Just vote for Wet Leg?
You got a number of options:

1. Vote for all of them in a random order.

2. Only vote for the ones you've listened to all of - what if you missed a track that was so terrible you could never in good conscience vote for an album that contained it?

3. Only vote for albums you think other people will vote for - make those votes count.

4. Create a brain meltingly complex scoring system and spend every waking hour from now until the 17th creating numerous linked spreadsheets to come up with a scientifically objective basis for your list.

5. Ignore what you've listen to, intead cutting and pasting the Pitchfork/Quietus/Wire/Decibel/Rolling Stone/NME list. Saves you time thinking about it.

6. Spend 5 minutes writing down the ones you can remember without checking. If you haven't remembered an album by then, you can't have liked it that much.

7. PM killer b and ask what he's voting for.

8. Pick the ones that make you look cool.

9. Use the force to help you put 30 in order.

10. Only vote for the two albums you REALLY liked.

Thank you for your exhaustive consideration of this.

6 seems like the most sensible option - if I can't remember it, stands to reason it didn't really blow me away. Trouble is, at my age I'm prone to forgetting such trivial details as my PIN, my child's name, and indeed my age, so I find that the contents of my head at any given moment are no longer a reliable guide to what I actually think.

Maybe I'll go with the inverse of no. 3, which you didn't suggest: deliberately pick the absolute most obscure ones that I'm fairly sure even killer b hasn't heard and no-one else will be voting for. My votes will count for nothing whatsoever but I'll get one up on everyone else when I post my list after Knotted has announced the collective results.
I've managed to submit a list - first time I've done so in many years as I normally get stuck in decision paralysis. This time I narrowed it to 12 - the order I placed them in was pretty random though 😁
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