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Afghanistan: Mission Accomplished


Ah that’s lovely to see. Thanks to liberal interventionism, those Afghans have put down their guns and set up a boutique floristry concern, and by the look of those hipster beards, Kabul will have a Hoxton / Dalston vibe before we know it. At least it all worked out ok in the end then.
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Ah that’s lovely to see. Thanks to liberal interventionism, those Afghanis have put down their guns and set up a boutique floristry concern, and by the look of those hipster beards, Kabul will have a Hoxton / Dalston vibe before we know it. At least it all worked out ok in the end then.

Sorry, pet hate. But i keep seeing this..

Afghan = people
Afghani = currency
The western powers are basically at the Taliban's mercy? How does that end well?

20 years of occupation against a country with nothing. This is how it ends?
Ethical foreign policy was what Robin Cook was trumpeting at the start of the New Labour era wasn’t it?

Robin Cook did oppose Iraq War.

Feeling I get is that John Smith died then Blair got leadership. Labour was already ahead in polls. Blair got to be PM. The specifically Blairite project took a while to bed in.

Ie to sideline people like Cook. He must have had an enormous amount of pressure from Whips not to stand up in parliament and oppose the war.

So I would say the New Labour Blairite era took time.
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The western powers are basically at the Taliban's mercy? How does that end well?
20 years of occupation against a country with nothing. This is how it ends?
Afghanistan has come out of it a lot better than most places the US and UK turn their sights on - not a massive difference really apart from the corpses and maimed. Whereas Libya for example....nevermind Iraq
Ah that’s lovely to see. Thanks to liberal interventionism, those Afghans have put down their guns and set up a boutique floristry concern, and by the look of those hipster beards, Kabul will have a Hoxton / Dalston vibe before we know it. At least it all worked out ok in the end then.
wdym ? Cereal Killer Cafe Kabul hasn't opened yet
Afghanistan has come out of it a lot better than most places the US and UK turn their sights on - not a massive difference really apart from the corpses and maimed. Whereas Libya for example....nevermind Iraq

You'll have to tell me about that sometime. I wouldn't trust the bastards if my life depended on it any more.
A quick little derail. I thought I'd post you one of those warm and fuzzy stories that is going around mainstream media here in Canada.

CTV News has confirmed that forces have convened only a short distance away from the airport, in a designated holding zone where Afghans on their way to Canada are assembling.

At one airport entry gate, Canadian troops have scanned the crowd for Afghans wearing red – a colour those accepted for Canadian flights were told to wear.

Once they’ve made it through the danger and chaos on the streets just beyond, Canadians meet them to offer some reassurance.

Officials said Monday that a Canadian C-17 Globemaster took 436 people out of Kabul airport on Sunday night, up from the 121 airlifted the day before. The plane carried Canadian citizens and family members, as well as Afghan nationals who had been approved for resettlement by Canada and its allies.

"We are having success getting folks into HKIA in significant numbers, which has been a significant improvement over the last few days," one official told The Canadian Press, using the acronym for Hamid Karzai International Airport.

Earlier stories have been about retrofitting (?) planes to carry more passengers.

Sadly, Canada's planes can not be refueled in the air. They must leave from a base and make they have enough fuel to return.
People are heavy, so they must limit the number of people on board.

The article does go on to mention that this is an election year. Trudeau called it early, assuming he would win.
Tories are doing far better than the liberals right now, so I assume we will be getting more heart warming "Hooray for Canada" stories.
Are the new Taliban administration waiting for the deadline next week regarding stopping all movement of people away from Afghanistan. Possibly rubbing their hands at the prospect of gaining control of the billions in funds held by the former Afghanistan government, frozen by the US and allies in return for allowing more people to leave. Or are they contemplating massacres of all those they view as collaborators?
I fear for the bloodshed that this debacle will soon unleash.
You'll have to tell me about that sometime. I wouldn't trust the bastards if my life depended on it any more.
heres a couple of links ive just googled at random - limited but you get the idea


Libya -
Nice to see some positivity (not) from the British government before the G7 meeting later today.
Extension of Afghanistan evacuation deadline unlikely, says Wallace Extension of Afghanistan evacuation deadline unlikely, says Wallace
There is a certain macabre humour in watching them trying not to come out and say what everyone else knows, The decision to leave will be made by Joe Biden and everyone else will go along with it because they have no choice.
I expect that this coming weekend will be absolutely chaotic as there is a final mad rush to the airport and there will be more tragic footage doing the rounds on twitter.
Biden has announced they intend to complete operations by 31st August, following the G7 zoom meeting headed by Johnson, wanting an extension & at least supported by France & Germany.

I take my hat off to the Sky reporter interviewing Johnson.

Johnson - waffle, waffle, waffle, waffle, waffle...

Man from Sky says, 'so, you have basically failed.' :D :D :D

Johnson - waffle, waffle, waffle, waffle, waffle...
I don't think the US and allies have any choice but to stop on the 31st, it could become quite unsafe to operate aircraft from that runway if the Taliban wanted it to.
I'm still a little unclear as to how or why the self proclaimed 'greatest military force ever assembled' is being bullied out of Kabul like this by a smallish bunch of amateurs?
Yeh. But they probably don't have special forces on the ground to do special recon for them, so they know they're hitting Taliban rather than wedding parties or big rocks.

I assume they've still got special forces there. The SAS is still there (according to the Mail :hmm: ) The yanks have fucked this up but I assume they've still got a wee bit of leverage.
I'm still a little unclear as to how or why the self proclaimed 'greatest military force ever assembled' is being bullied out of Kabul like this by a smallish bunch of amateurs?
I don't think the Taliban are amateurs, far from it, they have sustained a war for 20 years and inflicted lots of losses on their enemy through the use of roadside IEDs etc, they and their ilk booted the British out and the Russians and now the USA. Far from amateurish.
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