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US drops 'mother of all bombs' (not nuclear) on Afghanistan

You can guarantee that everyone within a one mile radius was a cunt who deserved to die?
No but you rarely get such guarantees in war. It's quite possible that there were no, or few, civilian casualties, given the remoteness of the area and the fact that it was a conflict zone but no guarantees. What's absurd is all this hand-wringing about the type of weapon, "Ooooooh, it sucks people inside out ...." as if that was a worse way to die than being incinerated, butchered, or vaporised, by regular HE or incendiary ordnance.

Either fight these fuckers or don't, but if the decision is to do so, take the gloves off and get it done.

If this had been dropped in Obama's term, you lot wouldn't be getting half as worked up.
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The fuck?
Where the hell are you getting this pish from?

And why.
I read that too. The proposition was that because the first explosion atomises and disperses the fuel that the secondary explosion ignites, anyone caught within the initial cloud would die from the chemical effects even if it weren't exploded. It's bollocks of course, because the entire point of the weapon is to ignite the fuel blanket, to create the over-pressure that this thing relies on to do its business.

It's like saying napalm and other incendiaries are chemical weapons because if you didn't detonate them they'd poison people.
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Either fight these fuckers or don't, but if the decision is to do so, take the gloves off and get it done.
As for this, this bit is ridiculous. IS are not a strong force in Afghanistan, and the Taliban of all people have been fighting against them. So this mahoosive bomb appears to have taken out a target that, in the big scheme of things, is pretty irrelevant. So it's a gesture. A gesture no doubt designed to show strength to various people, DPRK included, presumably. And I cannot help but think that it is the kind of gesture designed to show strength that in reality merely demonstrates weakness. Worrying - as Trump and the US become weaker, what else will they do?
But 'I will destroy ISIS' was one of his big campaign promises and if he'd bombed the Taliban instead it'd remind everyone that they're still there after all these years.
Err, why is it painted in thon orange colour?

So they can find it if it doesn't go bang.
It is pushed out of the back of a Hercules transport so no need to paint it in camo colours so it doesn't ruin the aesthetic of a fighter jet is my guess.
They made a bomblet which was shaped like a ball the idea being it would bounce when dropped and then be easy to find if it didn't go off no one thought a bright orange ball might be something a kid would pick up:facepalm:, fortunately, most of them were used in the desert so mostly away from anywhere kids normally go. Still, a squaddie lost a few finger tips playing ball with one the imbecile.
As for this, this bit is ridiculous. IS are not a strong force in Afghanistan, and the Taliban of all people have been fighting against them. So this mahoosive bomb appears to have taken out a target that, in the big scheme of things, is pretty irrelevant. So it's a gesture. A gesture no doubt designed to show strength to various people, DPRK included, presumably. And I cannot help but think that it is the kind of gesture designed to show strength that in reality merely demonstrates weakness.
Of course it's a gesture. Half the point of weapons like this is the psychological factor. Bollocks is it a demonstration of weakness. There's a fair chance that they wanted to ascertain its effectiveness too. Ffs, there's plenty going on that you can slate the American govt/military for at the moment, but dropping big bombs on scumbags isn't one of them.
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So they can find it if it doesn't go bang.
It is pushed out of the back of a Hercules transport so no need to paint it in camo colours so it doesn't ruin the aesthetic of a fighter jet is my guess.
They made a bomblet which was shaped like a ball the idea being it would bounce when dropped and then be easy to find if it didn't go off no one thought a bright orange ball might be something a kid would pick up:facepalm:, fortunately, most of them were used in the desert so mostly away from anywhere kids normally go. Still, a squaddie lost a few finger tips playing ball with one the imbecile.
I was hoping people would pick up the similarity of the bombs colour and the complexion and hair colouring of the TTT, aye whey:p:facepalm:
My old boss used to apparently be in charge of dropping AID in Afghanistan...an ex vice chief air marshall...i said he should use his experience in carpet bombing aid to famine relief areas...

At least he knew I was taking the piss...the lot nowday would be serious.

"The Air Force estimates each MOAB costs about $170,000 (U.S.) to build. It hasn’t said how much it cost to develop the bomb or how many exist. An Air Force spokeswoman, Erika A. Yepsen, said the bomb was made “in-house,” with some parts manufactured by the Air Force itself, so the overall cost is only an estimate. Most weapons are made by defence companies under written government contracts"

Now, one of those dropped on the Syrian air base that was attacked by dozens of hugely expensive Tomahawks would have been much more 'cost effective' and would have sent the 'mother of all messages'
But Assads habit of keeping his military close to the civilian population ruled it out, I hope? or was it the prospect of TTT having to explain to Putin why some of his 'assets' had just been vapourised?
Suspect it was the latter:confused:
I find it staggering that the US were quick to announce to their global audience that there were no civilian casualties. A fucking bomb with a blast radius of a large town, & there were no civvies killed. Fuck off.
Well it's done its job...

We are all talking about a MOAB rather than the politics behind it....

I hate term the term Mothér of all.bombs as well...lets go nuclear for that..its a fucked up ordance airburst..

It's not big or clever really but has taken the headlines for at least 2/3 days. It means f.all in the scheme of things.
This maybe a controversial opinion but I'd fuck up North Korea tonight if i was in charge....full out attack.

I only say this as live over 3000 miles away and not awaiting on the border but they are takkng the piss.
This maybe a controversial opinion but I'd fuck up North Korea tonight if i was in charge....full out attack.

I only say this as live over 3000 miles away and not awaiting on the border but they are takkng the piss.

So fuck all those who inhabit S Korea then?

Kin hell
Well it's done its job...

We are all talking about a MOAB rather than the politics behind it....

I hate term the term Mothér of all.bombs as well...lets go nuclear for that..its a fucked up ordance airburst..

It's not big or clever really but has taken the headlines for at least 2/3 days. It means f.all in the scheme of things.
It's deflected the medias attention away from TTTs And his affiliates Russian connections?
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