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US drops 'mother of all bombs' (not nuclear) on Afghanistan

I think treelover may have meant that dropping a giant bomb with massive media fanfare is a top recruiting gift for Isis, in a way that humanitarian aid wouldn't be?
I remember during one war, possibly iraq 2 there was big talk of the 'daisy cutter' full page spread diagrams and stats. Yuk. Wait google says it was afghanistan. Related search questions thrown up by googlebox?
What is a fuel air bomb?

How heavy is a Moab?

What is the blast radius of a Moab?

What is the largest non nuclear bomb?
I remember during one war, possibly iraq 2 there was big talk of the 'daisy cutter' full page spread diagrams and stats. Yuk. Wait google says it was afghanistan. Related search questions thrown up by googlebox?
What is a fuel air bomb?

How heavy is a Moab?

What is the blast radius of a Moab?

What is the largest non nuclear bomb?
A fuel air bomb is one which sends out a cloud of vapour which is then ignited by an explosion
I saw it pointed out somewhere that this is basically a massive chemical weapon that also explodes. If it wasn't detonated, it would just be a standard poison gas bomb - the fuel is poisonous after all. But if you ignite it to blow people inside out and suffocate anyone remaining, that's obviously perfectly fine.
I saw it pointed out somewhere that this is basically a massive chemical weapon that also explodes. If it wasn't detonated, it would just be a standard poison gas bomb - the fuel is poisonous after all. But if you ignite it to blow people inside out and suffocate anyone remaining, that's obviously perfectly fine.
Yeh like you're not allowed to use tear gas in war but choking smoke is fine :confused:
There's a bigger one, more analogous to the Grand Slam than the MOAB is:

Massive Ordnance Penetrator

hehe, he said Massive Penetrator, hehe

I saw it pointed out somewhere that this is basically a massive chemical weapon that also explodes. If it wasn't detonated, it would just be a standard poison gas bomb - the fuel is poisonous after all. But if you ignite it to blow people inside out and suffocate anyone remaining, that's obviously perfectly fine.

I think that's bollocks though, isn't someone getting confused between a thermobaric (fuel/air) bomb and this MOAB which afaik is a conventional explosive one?
I've just appreciated what a completely fucked up avenue of protest this really is anyway. Sorry.

"It is barbaric that Planet X has used a device on their own population that sucks out their intestines with a straw. This is against all norms. We shall retaliate by sending the Mother Of All GX-423-Zs which turns their intestines into cockroaches."

"Hah I read somewhere that it sucks out their intestines with a straw before turning them into cockroaches!"

"No sir you are incorrect, they are turned into cockroaches in situ"

"Oh ok"
I've just appreciated what a completely fucked up avenue of protest this really is anyway. Sorry.

"It is barbaric that Planet X has used a device on their own population that sucks out their intestines with a straw. This is against all norms. We shall retaliate by sending the Mother Of All GX-423-Zs which turns their intestines into cockroaches."

"Hah I read somewhere that it sucks out their intestines with a straw before turning them into cockroaches!"

"No sir you are incorrect, they are turned into cockroaches in situ"

"Oh ok"
yeah at the end of the day dead is dead but the horror of certain weapons makes them talking points. VX gas, thermobaric weapons. My reaction 'What, it sucks the air away for long enough to suffocate? Thats well out of order' then reading on 'Oh and there is an explosive element afterwards? Wankers'

'I have invented the most lethal thing known to man. Don't you see, I have ended war! for no one would wish to be king of a wasteland am I right dear boy? '
Where this is concerned, I don't think there is much by way of sensible discussion going-on TBH, and as psychological impact was one of the main design criteria for this weapon, then yes size does trump actual yield. :(

then yes size does trump actual yield.
:D:D:p,nice one
if it was camo, they wouldnt be able to find it obvs
Never thought of that, just kind of thought that of, in the 'new world order' do you want your latest infrastructure destruction in 'dayglow orange' or would you prefer monochrome annailation

According to defense officials, the bombing was yet another blunder for the Pentagon, since news of it dashed hopes that most people outside of the military wouldn’t ask too many questions or even think of the longest war in American history.

The Afghan War has been marked by a number of phases, to include a successful invasion, the routing of the Taliban, the reemergence of the Taliban, the re-routing of the Taliban, a period of progress, another period of progress, one period of fuck it, Obama doesn’t even care about this place, more progress, another reemergence of the Taliban, an alliance between the Taliban and Russia, an alliance between the Taliban and ISIS, and more progress.
A full sixteen years of progress.

Now not just are the Taliban taking provinces but Trump's dropping MOABs on an IS infestation. Something parts of the Taliban have actually been fighting with Iranian backing. All started to "deny AQ a safe haven" and they are still in country as well. Buggers have just had a very good year in Yemen and Syria. Partly as a result of this war a very nasty terrorist war spread out through FATA into Pakistan as well with about 40K dead. This lot will probably still be going when Trump retires to play a little less golf.
I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. They've dropped a fucking huge bomb on a bunch of total cunts. One of Trump's better decisions, afaic.
I saw it pointed out somewhere that this is basically a massive chemical weapon that also explodes. If it wasn't detonated, it would just be a standard poison gas bomb - the fuel is poisonous after all. But if you ignite it to blow people inside out and suffocate anyone remaining, that's obviously perfectly fine.
The fuck?
Where the hell are you getting this pish from?

And why.
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