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US drops 'mother of all bombs' (not nuclear) on Afghanistan

Charming. I'd ask you to reflect on what you seriously think you've added to the thread, but I doubt you would listen.

Oh nose, you wound me. How will I ever recover.

I didn't ask you to turn up and be a cock...i didnt tag you yet hey fuckin ho...here you are...
Im off to bed. But yet for all the abuse i haven't heard an argument for not bombing NK as quick aa possible...

I said no to Iraq, Libya eta al...
Not sure the MOAB would count as a chemical weapon if it didnt go bang the fuel is toxic just not terribly lethal on its own probably increase your risk of cancer but that would be the worlds least effective bomb.
But as it goes bang you dont have to worry about cancer as your already in paradise;)
Article in the Washington Post. They lied, knew it was futile and civilian deaths were higher last year than any previously since the NATO invasion in late 2001.

I assume successive British governments followed the same course of knowingly telling the public any old rubbish. Soldiers and civilians payed the price for their deception.

At War With the Truth
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