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Afghanistan: Mission Accomplished

More drivel from someone else I once had some time and respect for. This insistence that you can’t criticise the liberal democracy worldview of the third way neo-libs without letting Biden off the hook is exhausting:

Am I alone in noticing the frequency with which the names of the bastards of the 21st century start with b? Bush, Blair, Biden, Boris...
More drivel from someone else I once had some time and respect for. This insistence that you can’t criticise the liberal democracy worldview of the third way neo-libs without letting Biden off the hook is exhausting:

hes absolutely right - Blair should spend the rest of his life groveling for forgiveness - instead his ego has only grown as he tells the world continuously how they're doing it wrong. On this subject above all else its the deepest of insults to the dead on both sides. the only lesson blair has learned from his part in imperial games is shouldve done more, harder, and for longer. classic doubling down of a psychopath
hes absolutely right - Blair should spend the rest of his life groveling for forgiveness - instead his ego has only grown as he tells the world continuously how they're doing it wrong. On this subject above all else its the deepest of insults to the dead on both sides. the only lesson blair has learned from his part in imperial games is shouldve done more, harder, and for longer. classic doubling down of a psychopath
Too right. In the toy town world of TB the only mistake he has ever made was to stand aside for Gordon Brown. Based on his pitiful performance with the US when he was in power I am sure that if he were still PM he would be fully supportive of Biden's stance and jumping through all the necessary hoops to explain the position.

That has pissed me off so much, that I've not only e-mailed my own MP, who represents most of Worthing, but also Loughton as he's MP for East Worthing & the Adur council area, that sits between Worthing & Brighton.

I read earlier this week that Worthing & Adur Councils had announced that they are prepared and ready to take Afghan refugees.

Today, I've read, see link below, that 70 Afghan minors are currently being held in a hotel near Brighton, and one was transferred more than 250 miles from the south coast to Yorkshire.

This all seems somewhat disjointed to say the least, so I am hoping that you, Peter, as my MP, and Tim, as a former children's minister, could join forces, and get the Home Office talking to Worthing & Adur Councils, and indeed others across West Sussex, in an attempt to resolve this problem.

I am sure you both agree that there's real a crisis upon us, action needs to be swift to reduce suffering, and some joined up thinking and action is required to ensure that.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to your comments.

Im short he's saying it a clash of civilizations. Radical Islam versus Liberal democracy. The politics should be taken out of it and its about defending Western secular values.

He includes under his term Radical Islam the non violent or violent.( He doesn't say how to deal with Islamic based parties who get elected.)

He still defends intervention. Even though in case of Afghanistan it keeps failing. If I get him right he is basically implying permanent presence of troops in Afghanistan.

Its also top down. People in countries like US and UK were getting tired of seeing their people being killed and maimed in foreign wars. Wars which had no end in sight. He sees it purely in terms of leadership.
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hes absolutely right - Blair should spend the rest of his life groveling for forgiveness - instead his ego has only grown as he tells the world continuously how they're doing it wrong. On this subject above all else its the deepest of insults to the dead on both sides. the only lesson blair has learned from his part in imperial games is shouldve done more, harder, and for longer. classic doubling down of a psychopath

Yeah, but that’s not the point I’m making. If Blair is wrong it’s does not mean Biden is right. It’s not an especially tricky concept.
and those are people with poor literacy? if you can spell you aren't racist? is the tory cabinet poor spellers? do they turn out more illiterate people from state schools or eton?

No it’s a whole internet meme about people who are thick as mince and also racists.

Only a fuckwit with the sense of humour of a dazed sea sponge would try to make an ‘argument’ that the creator was trying to link poor literacy with bigotry….Oh I see, do carry on and continue grace us with your wisdom. I bet the long winter evenings really fly by round your house.

Meanwhile, this site has already raised over £18,000 for individual refugees from Afghanistan, what have you done for them?
No it’s a whole internet meme about people who are thick as mince and also racists.

Only a fuckwit with the sense of humour of a dazed sea sponge would try to make an ‘argument’ that the creator was trying to link poor literacy with bigotry….Oh I see, do carry on and continue grace us with your wisdom. I
Fuck you you middle class cunt. carry on sneering, like these dickheads who created this for applause from their fbpe chums rather than to try and help anyone.
Fuck you you middle class cunt. carry on sneering, like these dickheads who created this for applause from their fbpe chums rather than to try and help anyone.
Fuck you you middle class cunt. carry on sneering, like these dickheads who created this for applause from their fbpe chums rather than to try and help anyone.

Well they’ve raised £18k and, though I’ve never met them, I imagine would be a laugh to have a pint with. I’ve never met you either but imagine you as one of those dour drab joy sucking knobs who haunt the left, driving away the young and keen by your insistence on holding the discipline line and removing the life from which ever group is unfortunate enough to have you haunting it. But that’s just my opinion though. You might be a right laugh at parties.
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Ive organised a black and white minstrel show to trick racists into giving money. i did bad spelling on the poster so only the really racist ones will come.
Have you? wouldn’t be surprised. Did you make £18 grand though?
That has pissed me off so much, that I've not only e-mailed my own MP, who represents most of Worthing, but also Loughton as he's MP for East Worthing & the Adur council area, that sits between Worthing & Brighton.

Blimey, I wasn't expecting a personal reply on a Sunday.

We appreciate and share your concern.
I've forwarded your e-mail to the Home Office, asking them to liaise with WSCC [West Sussex County Council], who will be in touch with the county's borough and district councils, and our many helpful voluntary organisations and charities.
Peter B

Don't suppose it will make much difference, but worth a try.
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