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A Pivotal Moment In Housing - When The Tories Take Our Home


I was interested to note that when I Googled "rods of god", the majority of the sites were the Usual Suspects, loonspud-wise...

Well atm it is all theoretical, it was an example of an alternative to nuclear weapons that has similar devastation without the nasty side effect of contamination.
They are best employed in science fiction

I especially like the kinetic harpoons used for planetary bombardment in Peter F Hamilton's Night's Dawn Trilogy.

Or Heinlein's take in "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress", of launching rocks - later sort-of hi-jacked by Babylon 5, where the Centauri ships used "mass-drivers" to launch meteors at the Narn homeworld.
Or Heinlein's take in "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress", of launching rocks - later sort-of hi-jacked by Babylon 5, where the Centauri ships used "mass-drivers" to launch meteors at the Narn homeworld.
genius of that was realising (me not hienlien) that actually, fuck me it costs x amounts in sheer energy to get a finger to prod a moonmans chest but chucking rocks the other way, down a gravity well thats begging for objects to draw in- well thats costs you sweet fuck all! Thats why we need a moonbase, to hold nation states to ransom
I met a pair of blokes raising funds for their feature-length documentary "Dispossession: The Great Social Housing Swindle" (link to indiegogo crowd-funding page). They're passionate about doing something with a bit more impact than an episode of "Despatches" can have, so although I'm not flush, I've made a contribution to their funding goal, because to my way of thinking, we (people living in social housing) need something as powerful as "Cathy Come Home" to energise people about what's going on.
A few years ago, my neighbour, a single parent with 2 young boys, somehow acquired a mortgage of £185,000 (he was a totter ffs with no obvious source of income apart from his license to work the local tips). Within just 3 months, he was out on his arse after defaulting on the first payment (he did a moonlight flit)...and just a couple of months later, the banks and a local developer had this ex-family 3bed council house (2 doors from mine - current rent £135 pw) on the market as a 6 person rental - currently bringing in £2,800 pm (as of 18months ago when we rang up pretending an interest in renting - prolly more now).
Shitcunts of the highest (lowest) levels.
And here we see the endpoint of the ideological mess created by neoliberalism in regards to housing. Redbridge council outbids Canterbury council for 200 homes in Canterbury, meaning Redbridge will now uproot people on its housing waiting list out of London and relocate them to Canterbury, whilst those in Canterbury on housing waiting lists are left without anything locally.

Londoners to be sent to Canterbury after council bidding war for housing
Guardian said:
More than 200 homeless families are to be moved from east London to Kent after their local council outbid authorities in Canterbury for the use of a former barracks.

Canterbury city council says it made a “robust and comprehensive bid” for the 208 homes at the Howe barracks, but it lost out to the east London borough of Redbridge, “a council with financial resources far in excess of Canterbury”.

A spokesperson for the city of Canterbury said the move would require “huge resourcing” and put already stretched public services such as schools, health and social care under renewed financial pressure.

But Redbridge blamed a “chronic shortage of affordable housing” in London and deep cuts to welfare spending by central government, which had made it difficult for the borough to find homes locally for families on its housing list.

Housing has become a totemic issue for London, where gentrification, soaring rents and the demolition of social housing has led to accusations that the capital is in the grip of “social cleansing”.

London new-builds are seen as a solid, reliable investment for transnational elites, leaving the city centre littered with empty flats and ordinary Londoners increasingly pushed out into the suburbs and beyond.

On Tuesday the Guardian reported on the Tower at Vauxhall, Britain’s tallest residential block, where two-thirds of 214 luxury flats are owned by foreign buyers and only 60 people are registered to vote.

But the problem is equally acute at the lower end of the housing market. A study by the housing charity Shelter, published on Sunday, found that almost half of all homeless families placed in temporary accommodation by London councils in the year to June 2015 were sent out of the area.

The Ministry of Defence gave up the lease on Howe barracks, the former home of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, late last year, sparking a bidding war between local authorities with overflowing housing lists.

Simon Cook, the leader of Canterbury council, which has 2,500 families on its housing waiting list, said: “It is very disappointing that we were not successful in the selection process. We did our utmost to try and get these properties for people on our waiting list because it would have made a difference to so many local families.

“The law does allow councils to place people in districts outside of their own, but of course this severely restricts the ability of the councils in those other areas to provide adequate and affordable housing for their own local people.

“We have explored the effective legal avenues open to us to prevent this from happening, but sadly there are none at present. The law allows councils to place people in districts outside of their own, provided they follow correct procedures. We will monitor this to ensure Redbridge follow due process and will take action if they fail to do so.

“The idea that a London borough can solve some of its housing problems by moving people miles away from friends and family in this way is very regrettable and we will be pushing the Local Government Association and other professional bodies to lobby for a change in legislation.”

A spokesperson for Redbridge said: “Where we have a statutory duty to place a homeless household we try to secure suitable and available temporary accommodation in the borough, however, we can only do this if we have local accommodation available.

“The chronic shortage of affordable housing is a London-wide issue and due to the pressure in the housing market it has become increasingly difficult for us to secure enough local supply.

“The cost of renting and buying properties is pushing people to outer London boroughs including Redbridge and beyond. This is not only a result of the escalating costs of rents in London, but also due to the loss of housing benefit subsidy, benefit cap and housing welfare reform.

“We currently have 21 households in Kent. We are continually seeking accommodation which is suitable for families and Canterbury is one of the options available to those families currently living in B&Bs.”

Fucking madness.
apropos of nothing:
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

these lot, members of, perpetrated the pitchfork murders during the troubles. Two civs stabbed to death.

wrt the body of the article, its hard to see how anyone could deny its social cleansing going on.
And here we see the endpoint of the ideological mess created by neoliberalism in regards to housing. Redbridge council outbids Canterbury council for 200 homes in Canterbury, meaning Redbridge will now uproot people on its housing waiting list out of London and relocate them to Canterbury, whilst those in Canterbury on housing waiting lists are left without anything locally.

Londoners to be sent to Canterbury after council bidding war for housing

Fucking madness.
And here we see the endpoint of the ideological mess created by neoliberalism in regards to housing. Redbridge council outbids Canterbury council for 200 homes in Canterbury, meaning Redbridge will now uproot people on its housing waiting list out of London and relocate them to Canterbury, whilst those in Canterbury on housing waiting lists are left without anything locally.

Londoners to be sent to Canterbury after council bidding war for housing

Fucking madness.

I'm so angry with what the tories are doing to housing, but i'm sick of the hypocrisy of Labour, such as this from our local MP which has just been circulated to me on facebook:
Newcastle MP raises concerns over 'impossible' struggle of getting a council house

A Labour council (and it was policy of the Labour government when they were in power) oversaw the bulldozing of thousands of perfectly decent council houses and flats and a number of private houses and flats of variable quality (some admittedly very poor) - in Scotswood, Benwell, Elswick, Westgate, Walker areas of Newcastle in what some residents see as a deliberate policy of social control and punishment to break up their communities. In some cases private houses are being built on the sites (though usually fewer houses and mostly not affordable by any measure - and in Scotswood new housing only started going on sale more than 15 years after people started to be evicted - and the site will not be fully developed until 2026!) In other cases sites have been left empty (including the site of 5 council tower blocks demolished in 2012 after the development company that was going to refurbish them for private flats pulled out). There have also been a few very small council or housing association developments built in the last 3 years, often of bungalows for elderly and disabled people. The net result though is fewer homes and a big transfer form social housing to private housing.

There was also much talk a few years ago about "stimulating the local housing market" - and various cosmetic improvement schemes put in place in areas of cheap private rented housing. Then they hold their hands up in horror when there is suddenly less affordable housing to rent privately or buy! While at the other end of the housing market, a ghost-town of luxury flats has been built along the quayside and elsewhere - snapped up by investment companies based in overseas tax havens, by law firms and financial firms who need accommodation for their staff for a few weeks a year, and as second-homes for ex-geordies made good. Brownfield sites around the city centre are being developed into privately-rented "luxury" student accommodation - which now form a wall separating the council estates of Shieldfield, Battlefield, and St Ann's from each other and the rest of the city. So now they "have" to develop greenfield sites, even if they are next to nature reserves and ecologically sensitive.

Of course all of this demolition and all of these schemes were done without considering what could happen in the future - and of course there's been a big increase in immigration to Newcastle (in recent years mostly from Eastern Europe), and then the bedroom tax and benefits cap (which means that housing single people or couples in two bedroom flats which there are lots more of then one bedroom flats, or small families in most family homes, or big families in houses which are big enough for them, is all setting them up to fail if they're in receipt of benefits), and now this increase in right to buy (which has always been tory policy). So now the housing list is massive, homelessness has increased, evictions are increasing, as is overcrowding.

And its not just Newcastle - very similar things have happened in lots of northern towns and cities with labour-controlled councils.
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Meanwhile, it turns out that 8% of empty council homes in Greater London - that's the 32 boroughs, and City of London - are here in Lambeth, according to figures in yesterday's Standard.

7,500 empty council homes in Greater London, and 622 are in Lambeth - A Labour-controlled borough for the last ten years.

Dirty rancid shitcunts, the lot of them.
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