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9/11 military tapes released - Pentagon lied to the 9/11 commission

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The naysayers (officialoons) have been wrong enough times.

"Alex Jones also prominently highlights the Operation Northwoods document, a proposal written by Gen. Lyman L. Lemnitzer, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1962. The document described how the United States military could generate public support for military action against the Cuban government and Fidel Castro via various false flag actions, including simulated or real state-sponsored terrorist acts on American soil or against Americans in foreign lands, specifically the American base at Guantanamo Bay. Jones says "President Kennedy was not amused" and removed Gen. Lemnitzer as chairman of the Joint Chiefs. Once believed to be an invention of conspiracy theorists, Northwoods was released to the public under the Freedom of Information Act in 1994."

Thankyou for informing me :)
Listen to me, watch my lips:

I am a skeptic. I rarely trust self-intrested authority. I like to get the opinion of many people before I make a decision. From the evidence I have read about, I have no reason to believe that the electronic voting machines in the USA can be used to perpetrate massive voting fraud (eg of the scale that would be required to tip the scales in favour of Nixon after watergate) I know that there are many groups putting the companies involved under pressure to make their code watertight. Many congresspeople have argued the same thing. This is not some sort of invisible plot that only the 'open minded' are privvy to. It's a well-know fuckup and there are lots of people trying to fix it.

Simply saying that ex-cia people run the companies and that their machines are shoddy is not evidence. It is grounds for suspicion, but it is not evidence. The whole point of being a skeptic is that you question all sources, not just those that speak against authority.

And lastly, get down off your high horse. You're not the only one who sees the truth and we are not all blind sheeple. Get some perspective and some experience (no offence intended, although you will probably take some)
Crispy said:
Listen to me, watch my lips:

I am a skeptic. I rarely trust self-intrested authority. I like to get the opinion of many people before I make a decision. From the evidence I have read about, I have no reason to believe that the electronic voting machines in the USA can be used to perpetrate massive voting fraud (eg of the scale that would be required to tip the scales in favour of Nixon after watergate) I know that there are many groups putting the companies involved under pressure to make their code watertight. Many congresspeople have argued the same thing. This is not some sort of invisible plot that only the 'open minded' are privvy to. It's a well-know fuckup and there are lots of people trying to fix it.

Simply saying that ex-cia people run the companies and that their machines are shoddy is not evidence. It is grounds for suspicion, but it is not evidence. The whole point of being a skeptic is that you question all sources, not just those that speak against authority.

And lastly, get down off your high horse. You're not the only one who sees the truth and we are not all blind sheeple. Get some perspective and some experience (no offence intended, although you will probably take some)

You should find out what Rep. Cynthia McKinney thinks about these machines.

I don`t ride a horse... Its a massive golden griffon, way better than any high horse. :p I`m not calling everyone sheeple, I`m just responding to people who try and mock.
Love All.Trust Few.Fear None :)
Crispy said:
Listen to me, watch my lips:

I am a skeptic. I rarely trust self-intrested authority. I like to get the opinion of many people before I make a decision. From the evidence I have read about, I have no reason to believe that the electronic voting machines in the USA can be used to perpetrate massive voting fraud (eg of the scale that would be required to tip the scales in favour of Nixon after watergate) I know that there are many groups putting the companies involved under pressure to make their code watertight. Many congresspeople have argued the same thing. This is not some sort of invisible plot that only the 'open minded' are privvy to. It's a well-know fuckup and there are lots of people trying to fix it.
Well Crispy it seems you haven't actually read much evidence. Have you even heard the phrase 'Central Tabulator'?

It's a central computer from which the votes from different precincts are collected. To change an election result, it would have been quite sufficient to hack into the Central Tabulator.

Here's a link for you.


Perhaps after reading it you could comment on your claim that thousands of people would have been needed to hack the election?
Did you look at that site at all Jazzz? Here's some choice quotes from it

• The safest place for a child is with their biological father.

• The safest place for a woman is in her home married to the biological father of her children.

• Men and women are equally violent in domestic relationships.

• "Any country that has tried to create a political solution to human problems has ended up with concentration camps and gulags." (Erin Pizzey)

I'd have hoped by now Jazzz, that you might have learnt something about sources. Oh well.
what the fuck are you on about blagsta? What's that got to do with electronic voting? I just googled central tabulator, and that site came up with Bev Harris's stuff ( www.blackboxvoting.org ) - which is absolutely sound. When are going to learn to realise that all kinds of sites can host good information?

Which bit of information on that PAGE do you doubt, blagsta?

If you want to look at Bev Harris's site itself, and judge that, click on the link. That's where that article comes from. You can find all the same stuff there, but you may need to dig a bit.

I chose the page I did because it was a good synopsis of the Central Tabulator security issue. Which to be honest, you don't give a flying fuck about, you just want to throw crap anyway you can. I am so tired of this form of 'debate' which ignores discussion of the evidence and just consists of smear by association.

Anyway, I note no response from Crispy.
Really Jazzz, you get pulled up on this all the time, its shocking that you don't learn. If you want to back up your posts and look credible, it might be an idea to check on the credibility of your sources. That means looking to see if the site is run by complete nutters, like that one is. It casts big shadows over the credibilty of what you posted. It makes you appear pretty dumb Jazzz.
Sorry Jazz, can't be everywhere at once.

That page is a reputable source, guys. It was written and published on www.blackboxvoting.org, which is "the official consumer protection group for elections, funded by citizen donations" and they are respectable. And this appears to be a genuine hole in the central counting system that lets you replace the real results with a faked set. Presuming that nobody notices that the results are dodgy and orders a recount or an examination of the tabulator, then massive fraud would be possible. It seem like a man deeply in debt and a known con-artist had responsibility for the code that allows the fraud.

From here, it all looks pretty damning.

I stil don't think you'd be able to swing things more than a few perecnt with such a scheme, however. If exit polls and opinion polls show one result, but the count shows another, by a significant difference, then suspiscions will be raised, and a cursory examination will discover the '2nd book' in the tabulator, not to mention the individual voting record stored on each polling machine.
If its a reputable article, then surely Jazzz can find it posted on a more credible site. Not checking your sources Jazzz is one of the reasons people think you're an idiot.
Crispy said:
I stil don't think you'd be able to swing things more than a few perecnt with such a scheme, however. If exit polls and opinion polls show one result, but the count shows another, by a significant difference, then suspiscions will be raised, and a cursory examination will discover the '2nd book' in the tabulator, not to mention the individual voting record stored on each polling machine.

But Crispy - that's exactly what happened! The exits polls were significantly different - but curiously, only in the states which had electronic voting and swung to Bush.

Suspicions have been raised but not investigated officially. No-one has been able to assert that such a hack did not happen. I'd need to read up on it again, but I believe the software is designed so that such a central tabulator hack can change the voting record on the individual machines and no-one could be any the wiser!
kyser_soze said:
Well, am I also supposed to find it 'alarming' that a decade earlier Tom Clancey wrote a short story about a hijacked airliner being flown into a skyscraper?

He also wrote a novel [Debt of Honour, I think] where a Japanese pilot of a commercial passenger jet crashed it purposely into the Capitol, kamikase style, taking out the President and most of the Government. One of my first thoughts when it happened was 'whoever did this must be a Tom Clancy fan'.
Azrael23 said:
The thing with you "normal" people is you expect it all to be spelt out for you in 20ft high black letters. It never occurs to you that you have to use your own powers of deduction.
And the thing with you fruitloops is you draw your own letters to fit with whatever scant "evidence" is presented to you, no matter how dodgy the source or implausable the conclusion.
It never occurs to you that you have to use your own powers of deduction.

Or simply that our powers of deduction don't extend to wild extrapolations of one event=massive chain of others=they are all linked=conspiracy.
ZAMB said:
He also wrote a novel [Debt of Honour, I think] where a Japanese pilot of a commercial passenger jet crashed it purposely into the Capitol, kamikase style, taking out the President and most of the Government. One of my first thoughts when it happened was 'whoever did this must be a Tom Clancy fan'.
Me too, that Algerian (i think, should really check) terroists tried to pull of a similar trick a few years before with an Airfrance plane and the eiffel tower is mostly ignored. Possibly by the fact that it's embarrasing to the yanks to know the french did better, more probably as the amount of lead time was much greater and the terrorists less well prepared.
Suits you Sir

can I interest anyone in one of our very stylish TinFoil Trilbys?
All the best nutters are wearing them!
beesonthewhatnow said:
And the thing with you fruitloops is you draw your own letters to fit with whatever scant "evidence" is presented to you, no matter how dodgy the source or implausable the conclusion.

More like looking at the obvious 20 foot high black letters, reflected in a mirror and viewed through a tank of vaseline and making sense of what they see. ;)
We've seen those films ages ago , Azrael23 - You're a pale shadow of king conspiraloon Jazzz. Try harder and maybe you too can have 30-page ranting argument threads of your own :)
Looks like mobile phones are once again proven to work in an aircraft, contrary to the "expert" opinion of conspiraloons...
Yossarian said:
I'm surprised none of the conspiraloons have appeared yet to tell us that we're all fools for not believing the Single Plane Theory! :D


I've just realised - it was none of these things, not even a plane...

It was Xena's steel aerobie of death.

Think about it - one object, flying around destroying stuff with nary a slowdown in it's passage...

Xena did 9/11!!
Hardly a cover up if they release hours of audio recordings to a journalist. I heard this guy on the radio a few weeks ago, apparently it was part of the research for Olivier Stone's film.
scott_forester said:
Hardly a cover up if they release hours of audio recordings to a journalist. I heard this guy on the radio a few weeks ago, apparently it was part of the research for Olivier Stone's film.
Amazing. They can release stuff which shows that they lied through their teeth, made the whole official investigation a complete farce, and that just means we can trust them? Brilliant. You have to hand it to them. :rolleyes:
Jazzz said:
Amazing. They can release stuff which shows that they lied through their teeth, made the whole official investigation a complete farce, and that just means we can trust them? Brilliant. You have to hand it to them. :rolleyes:

Amazing. The 'loons' can shit comments about mobile phones and aircraft which shows that the 'loons' lied through their teeth, made the whole "release the evidence" a complete farce, and that just means we can trust them?

Brilliant. You have to hand it to them. :rolleyes:

Mobile phones can obviously work in an aircraft, hence this recent retreat from the UK/US flight path on account of a mobile phone ringing, so all the bullshit about fake spouses talking to their fake relatives about to collide with the World Trade Center was a lie then, eh Jazzzbot?

Looks like the whole thing was feasable after all.
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