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9/11 media happenings

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Pete the Greek said:
:D :D you misconstruing sod! i said no such thing!

1) I said the black boxes (they are plane equipment, mate) were recovered from the, er, planes.
2) I said the two (twin) towers were hit - and if i didnt state this in words, I hoped this obvious fact would be taken for granted in what I was inferring.
3) The mobile calls were recorded, because I remember clips being played back on TV news reports.

where do you get your ideas from, Jazz?
1) Not from the WTC they weren't - not officially, anyway

2) I said that WTC7 looked like a text-book implosion. You responded by saying 'When was the last time you saw one of the tallest buildings in the world fall down because of a jumbo jet ploughing into it?' - yet no plane flew into WTC7. This means you either didn't know what WTC7 was, or were under some illusion that a plane flew into that too :D

3) You remember clips being played back from calls from workers in the WTC onto their families' answering machines, NOT passengers from flight 93.

Go back to sleep, fool!
Bring it on Jazzz, or are you going to hope everyone failed to notice you talking out of your arse on a topic you've been corrected on multiple times!?

Jazzz said:
I said that WTC7 looked like a text-book implosion.

And i say you're not only wrong but you know you're lying.
Jazzz said:
1) Not from the WTC they weren't - not officially, anyway

2) I said that WTC7 looked like a text-book implosion. You responded by saying 'When was the last time you saw one of the tallest buildings in the world fall down because of a jumbo jet ploughing into it?' - yet no plane flew into WTC7. This means you either didn't know what WTC7 was, or were under some illusion that a plane flew into that too :D

3) You remember clips being played back from calls from workers in the WTC onto their families' answering machines, NOT passengers from flight 93.

Go back to sleep, fool!

no wonder people are getting seriously fucked off with you. :mad:
Whenever someone enters into dialogue with you, you deliberatly mis-quote them. What is your problem, you imbecile?

I did not mention WTC7, what are you on about you freak? I didnt say a number did I? Did I? Can you go back to my posts and find evidence of me naming a certain tower? No. You can't.

Neither did I specify a plane from which the recorded calls were logged. Again, you swerve and slickly manouvre yourself out of the way of my points.
Jazzz said:
Oh just the person I wanted to see. What your opinion of the Jersey Girls and their documentary?

For editor, here's respected media outlets referring to 'the families' in just the same way I did



If you "know your stuff", why is it you merely post up links instead of summarising, or discecting the views and evidence you subscribe to?

It seems obvious to me that if someone believes something, they post their views and deliver evidence clearly, rather than give people links to shit other peope say.

You are acting like some form of dissident, weird, evangelical Christian who has been booted out the church and doesn't actually know much about Theology.
Pete the Greek said:
no wonder people are getting seriously fucked off with you. :mad:
Whenever someone enters into dialogue with you, you deliberatly mis-quote them. What is your problem, you imbecile?

I did not mention WTC7, what are you on about you freak? I didnt say a number did I? Did I? Can you go back to my posts and find evidence of me naming a certain tower? No. You can't.

Neither did I specify a plane from which the recorded calls were logged. Again, you swerve and slickly manouvre yourself out of the way of my points.
You're the one being slick. Your comment about a plane flying into a building was in direct response to my WTC7 comment - I said the collapse of WTC7 looked like a text-book implosion, you said "It looked like a text book implosion? Are you kidding me? When was the last time you saw one of the tallest buildings in the world fall down because of a jumbo jet ploughing into it?" I haven't misquoted you at all.

As you won't be aware, nearly all of the passenger calls were from flight 93.
Pete the Greek said:
If you "know your stuff", why is it you merely post up links instead of summarising, or discecting the views and evidence you subscribe to?

PtG - out of everyone I've discussed 9/11 with you've been the biggest fool by a long way. I don't know why you are bothering or what you think you are going to achieve here. I can't be bothered to carry on correcting you on really basic points. Go and find someone else to bully if you're in a funny mood.
Jazzz said:
You're the one being slick. Your comment about a plane flying into a building was in direct response to my WTC7 comment - I said the collapse of WTC7 looked like a text-book implosion, you said "It looked like a text book implosion? Are you kidding me? When was the last time you saw one of the tallest buildings in the world fall down because of a jumbo jet ploughing into it?" I haven't misquoted you at all.

As you won't be aware, nearly all of the passenger calls were from flight 93.

nearly all. Not....all.

Even with the existence of ONE call, your argument is that much further pummelled into the slimy, snake infested pit it belongs under.

Jazz....stop and think. Are you subscribing to your weird belief system because you genuinely believe it, or is it because of the fact you may need help?
Jazzz said:
PtG - out of everyone I've discussed 9/11 with you've been the biggest fool by a long way. I don't know why you are bothering or what you think you are going to achieve here. I can't be bothered to carry on correcting you on really basic points. Go and find someone else to bully if you're in a funny mood.


ok, if anyone agrees with you on that one, I'll back down. But I don't think I'm bullying, I'm debating.
Well, trying to.

I hear it's a two way process.
Jazzz said:
Cut out the abuse. ok, mainstream. here's CBS, Newsweek. I'm sure one can go on.

yes, I'm sure "one" can. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

That's the trouble. You go on and on, but don't really say much, except posting links that peddle lines spilled by US crackpot conspiraloons.

very tedious.

Any more "experts" in the Jazz vein here, who can offer something a bit more challenging?
Jazzz said:
Cut out the abuse. ok, mainstream. here's CBS, Newsweek. I'm sure one can go on.
You are a coward as you won't answer my accusations that you're deliberatly ignoring evidence countering your delusions. You do decieve as comments you make are not only false, but you know them to be false.

The prick is the only (possibly unwarranted, i consider your behaviour to merit it) abuse present.

So, i'll rephrase: Fox news is not respected you deceptive coward.

You lie by omission time and time again. I'm tired of it and i'm going to call you on it every time i see it. Which may well take me a while but c'est la vie.
Pete the Greek said:
nearly all. Not....all.

Even with the existence of ONE call, your argument is that much further pummelled into the slimy, snake infested pit it belongs under.

Jazz....stop and think. Are you subscribing to your weird belief system because you genuinely believe it, or is it because of the fact you may need help?
You said "the mobile phone calls were recorded you imbecile. They were logged." - which would imply that either all or a great number of the calls were. As it is I can only think of one call that was recorded, from flight attendant Betty Ong, and I don't think that was from a mobile anyway.

I'm being harsh on you PtG but with respect you have done very little research into any of this, you've admitted that you are going on your memory from what you've seen on the news, and you were being extremely patronising. I might have more patience were it not for the fact that you are now dominating a thread that is god knows how long and I don't have the energy to help you with really basic stuff.
Jazzz said:
you are now dominating a thread that is god knows how long and I don't have the energy to help you with really basic stuff.

:D :D :D :D

> add genuine ROFL PMSL here.

Oh. My. God.


That was priceless.

You are a genuine comedian. I salute you.
Bob_the_lost said:
So, i'll rephrase: Fox news is not respected you deceptive coward.

You lie by omission time and time again. I'm tired of it and i'm going to call you on it every time i see it. Which may well take me a while but c'est la vie.
Yeah I accepted that. Did it occur to you that I might have rapidly taken that from the bottom of a wikipedia entry on the Jersey Girls looking for a mainstream (rather than 9/11 truth outlets) source and not thought 'ah, FOX is mainstream but doesn't count as 'respectable'? Nitpicker.
Bob_the_lost said:
Fox news is not respected you cowardly deceptive prick.
I understand the frustration, but please try and keep it civil.

(*yes, I know I've been guilty of getting equally pissed off too by his evasive and dishonest arguing tactics)
Jazzz said:
Yeah I accepted that. Did it occur to you that I might have rapidly taken that from the bottom of a wikipedia entry on the Jersey Girls looking for a mainstream (rather than 9/11 truth outlets) source and not thought 'ah, FOX is mainstream but doesn't count as 'respectable'? Nitpicker.
No you ignorant deceptive coward (sorry ed, but they are technical terms here). The line in question was That the WTC7 collapse looked like a controlled demolition.

You know, the thing you ran away from at about the same speed as a conspiraloon from reality a page ago:

Bob_the_lost said:
Jazzz[/quote said:
eh? WTC7 looked like an absolutely text-book building implosion. And the only thing that looked unlike a controlled demolition of WTCs 1&2 was that it came down from the impact floors downwards, which is no objection because demolition companies could very easily do that if needed.

It looked nothing like a text book implosion. I've pointed this out repeatedly, don't you remember?

WTC 1&2 look nothing like CDs, again this has been covered numerous times, do you not remember them either?

That one, remember yet?
Pete the Greek said:
> add genuine ROFL PMSL here.

Oh. My. God.


That was priceless.

You are a genuine comedian. I salute you.
What's funny about that? Don't take 'dominating' to mean 'making the most prescient comments/having the greatest respect' - it simply means you are taking up the most thread space and attention (by posting rubbish) :rolleyes:
What I don't understand are the motives put forward for the ridiculous bullshit controlled demolition "theory".

Why would it be in the interests of anyone to completely destroy one of the country's economic power houses, whilst wiping out untold lives? It's a joke.

It's also pretty clear that apart from the ventures in Afghanistan, Bush had Iraq lined up regardless of 9/11, so as far as foreign policy alibis go, it's irrelevant.
Bob_the_lost said:
So, i'll rephrase: Fox news is not respected you deceptive coward.

As it was, the article I quoted on Fox was written by Associated Press which is a respected agency. So, I don't think I need take any further crap on that one.
Jazzz said:
What's funny about that? Don't take 'dominating' to mean 'making the most prescient comments/having the greatest respect' - it simply means you are taking up the most thread space and attention (by posting rubbish) :rolleyes:

:D stop it. You're about to get me started again.

Thank you for providing me with my Fri night ROFL tho. I need it after a long week grafting.

Jazzz said:
What's funny about that? Don't take 'dominating' to mean 'making the most prescient comments/having the greatest respect' - it simply means you are taking up the most thread space and attention (by posting rubbish) :rolleyes:
You have trouble with even the most basic facts, don't you?

There's only one person dominating this thread, and that's you:
Posts in this thread:
Jazzz 491
editor 321
TheArchitect 286
Bob_the_lost 174
Crispy 117
Bob_the_lost said:
No you ignorant deceptive coward (sorry ed, but they are technical terms here). The line in question was That the WTC7 collapse looked like a controlled demolition.

You know, the thing you ran away from at about the same speed as a conspiraloon from reality a page ago:


It looked nothing like a text book implosion. I've pointed this out repeatedly, don't you remember?

WTC 1&2 look nothing like CDs, again this has been covered numerous times, do you not remember them either?

That one, remember yet?
I don't see what on earth that had to do with your Fox News thing - you're not making sense man.
editor said:
You have trouble with even the most basic facts, don't you?

There's only one person dominating this thread, and that's you:

Holy Shit! Talk about "No come back" ?!?

How many have I posted, just for the record, Ed?

Nah, don't worry about it, even by proving the point, I fear the argument shall not be progressed.

Never mind.

Pete the Greek said:
:D stop it. You're about to get me started again.

Thank you for providing me with my Fri night ROFL tho. I need it after a long week grafting.

Good - well laugh away and get lost, you're in the way here.
Jazzz said:
Good - well laugh away and get lost, you're in the way here.

No, I won't get lost! :eek: :D

This is a free board, I have the right to post here as much as anyone, so long as Ed don't take umbridge with anything I do/say.

You move over, Mr Four hundred and somit posts to my 20 odd.
Jazzz said:
I don't see what on earth that had to do with your Fox News thing - you're not making sense man.
God you're stupid.

You're a deceptive coward because you won't answer that post. I merely attached your titles to the other post where i remind you that Fox news isn't respected. You're still a deceptive coward because you haven't tried to address your deliberate ignorance and repeated repetition of things you know to be false.

Any closer to enlightenment yet?
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