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9/11 media happenings

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Could you use a word like "pube sandwich" instead of "spastic"?
Thanks :)
Crispy said:
Could you use a word like "pube sandwich" instead of "spastic"?
Thanks :)

Hang on. Isn't referring to a conspiraloonatik as a 'pube sandwich' a but insulting to those in the pube sandwich community?

I'd rather be called a pube sandwich thana conspiraloon.
People!!! Gather Round Me!!! I Have The Answer!!!!

There was a conspiracy, and it's only the unique and suspicious timing of Jazz' first 9/11 thread for a couple of months that led me to my obvious answer:


He was doing some TEST FLIGHTS for XMAS, using a NEW and UNTESTED REINDEER and TRAGICALLY the REINDEER, inexperienced as it was, was CONFUSED by two HOLOGRAPHIC passenger JETS (much like you are by now CONFUSED by my RANDOM caps) and TRAGICALLY STRUCK the towers. Tower 7 COLLAPSED when residual PRESENTS fell from the SLEIGH.
Crispy said:
Could you use a word like "pube sandwich" instead of "spastic"?
Thanks :)
hmmm, that really helped... I think you may have better modding to come crispy.
Kenny and Dub are only hurting each other, and they don't seem to want to stop, so I'll leave them be :)
editor said:
How could he possibly be free to make an interview if 'they' are silencing and censoring him?
Listen to the interview. He claims he was silenced by the US Government investigation committee. He's spent 5 years trying to get his story out on US media without success. Only gaining airplay on Spanish language media and now the beeb. It's all in the interview.

editor said:
Surely we can only conclude that the recoding has been made by an imposter.
How do you know the recording is real?
O'Reilly, Who's the conspiraloon now?
Maybe he's a hologram?
Do you honestly believe it's possible he's an impostor? If so, please provide a link to prove this.
pocketscience said:
Listen to the interview. He claims he was silenced by the US Government investigation committee. He's spent 5 years trying to get his story out on US media without success.
So "they" can hijack planes, topple the WTC towers and attack the Pentagon and silence every single person involved but when it comes to stopping this one person supposedly spilling the beans, they just can't manage it, yes?

And look! Here's a distinctly non-silenced Rodriguez chatting away to CNN in 2001!

editor said:
And look! Here's a distinctly non-silenced Rodriguez chatting away to CNN in 2001!

You You still haven't listened to the interview, I take it. Rodriguez mentions this CNN interview. Sadly only his "heroic" anecdotes were ever broadcast, whereby his and 22 other 1st hand eyewitness claims of auxilliary explosion were not aired. More importantly he gave an interview at the 911 commission investigation - but the commission refused to allow it to be broadcast whilst countless irrelevant tales were thouroughly aired.

If you're going to be cynical why not consider:

-The Govt didn't even want to launch an investigation into the events of 911. It was only after a public outcry that they agreed to one, albeit with a 3 million dollar budget!
At the same time the bush administration requested a 75 billion dollar suppliment to fund the Iraq war.
"The panel has until the end of May 2004 to complete its work, but it will spend the $3 million it was originally allotted by around August 2003"
"Other commission members were equally disheartened. Commission member Tim Roemer, a former Democratic congressman, said the probe is off to a disturbingly slow start and that failure to quickly provide the funding increase wouldn't help. "The White House should be strongly supporting that effort, given President Bush's compelling statement when he signed this bill into law," said Roemer, who last year served on the House-Senate joint inquiry on 9/11 that led to the creation of the commission. Roemer has gone so far as to draw comparisons with the $50 million provided to investigate the recent Columbia tragedy in which seven people died."

-As for him NOT being silenced : Rodriguez was asked by the republican party to to do tv public service anouncements in support of the Iraq war. - He refused!

If you still believe Rodriguez is a conspiraloon-impostor, why not call/email the guy and tell him your feelings:
To contact Mr. William Rodriguez for interviews:
201-892-0503, wtcbill@gmail.com
Email: goodkarmapr@yahoo.com
Phone/Fax: 805-653-1588
pocketscience said:
If you still believe Rodriguez is a conspiraloon-impostor, why not call/email the guy and tell him your feelings:
To contact Mr. William Rodriguez for interviews:
201-892-0503, wtcbill@gmail.com
Bit strange he's got a big Public Relations team behind him, no?

But anyway, I can see where this is going - you're already adopting the scattergun approach so beloved of 9/11 nuts while ignoring any bits you don't like, so I can't be arsed to waste my time keeping up with an endlessly shifting (non) argument.
editor said:
Bit strange he's got a big Public Relations team behind him, no?

But anyway, I can see where this is going - you're already adopting the scattergun approach so beloved of 9/11 nuts while ignoring any bits you don't like, so I can't be arsed to waste my time keeping up with a endlessly shifting (non) argument.

Thats wierd, because you usually engage pretty quickly in such debates, calling for evidence.
I brought up the official Govt investigation (because it's at the heart of Rodriguez's gripe) and the fact that it was only given a piss poor 3 million dollars.
That's a fucking joke - ne , a piss take, I'm sure you'll agree!
Now if the investigation had been properly funded, we'd have some of these hard facts and more linkable evidence you and others demand, rather than it being a moot point that results in an endless arguements and a barrage of insults. It's no "Scattergun Approach", show a bit of respect for people that are generally interested in the subject and not immediatly fireing your conspiraloon gun at anyone still with an ounce of cynicism to the official 911 line. Or at least accept a challenge to your cynicism toward, in this case, a first hand witness that's been honoured and decorated as a national hero for saving peoples lives.
As for the comments on his PR team - sounds like Bill O'reilly on Jeremy Glick!
Rodriguez works extensivly for a fundraising organisation for hispanic victims and families of 911. A very busy man I imagine - and as the name may suggest (Good Karma PR) I doubt he's in it for personal gain.
pocketscience said:
Now if the investigation had been properly funded, we'd have some of these hard facts and more linkable evidence you and others demand, rather than it being a moot point that results in an endless arguements and a barrage of insults.
Thing is, your mind is already made up that it's a big conspiracy, isn't it?

That's why you putting wildly disproportionate significance on what Rodriguez's words and keeping your conspira-nadgers as far away from Occam's razor as you can.
editor said:
Thing is, your mind ids already made up that it's a big conspiracy, isn't it?

That's why you putting wildly disproportionate significance on what Rodriguez's words and keeping your conspira-nadgers as far away from Occam's razor as you can.

Well, my mind is made up that the US govt have behaved suspiciously since sept 11 concerning the attacks, and the way it distorted the truth to send us into this disasterous situation, that is Iraq, on the back of it - Yes.
A general conspiracy as to whether the US govt were behind the attacks - NO. There's still no concrete evidence as you correctly state. However, me personaly, I'm still not completely convinced some elements within the US Govt should not be made accountable for part of it, and it annoys me to fuck, when labels like conspiraloon are dished out to people who leave an open mind on the matter.
sparticus said:

Willy will be in the UK next month

Let's hear it for the globe trotting, PR agency-represented, showbiz-loving, failed magician WTC janitor while ignoring everything said by massively qualified architects, structural engineers, demolition experts and all the people responsible for building the WTC in the first place.

Way to go truthseekers!
pocketscience said:
Well, my mind is made up that the US govt have behaved suspiciously since sept 11 concerning the attacks, and the way it distorted the truth to send us into this disasterous situation, that is Iraq, on the back of it - Yes.
A general conspiracy as to whether the US govt were behind the attacks - NO. There's still no concrete evidence as you correctly state. However, me personaly, I'm still not completely convinced some elements within the US Govt should not be made accountable for part of it, and it annoys me to fuck, when labels like conspiraloon are dished out to people who leave an open mind on the matter.

There is no 9/11 conspiracy. Please dear God, seek help if you genuinely think there is. The evidence for such a thing is flimsy at best.

Concentrate your energies on researching useful things. I dunno, a cure for terminal diseases. You're efforts are going nowhere on this front.
Pete the Greek said:
There is no 9/11 conspiracy. Please dear God, seek help if you genuinely think there is. The evidence for such a thing is flimsy at best.

Concentrate your energies on researching useful things. I dunno, a cure for terminal diseases. You're efforts are going nowhere on this front.

Concentrate your energy on reading my post before you reply:

pocketscience said:
A general conspiracy as to whether the US govt were behind the attacks - NO.
editor said:
So "they" can hijack planes, topple the WTC towers and attack the Pentagon and silence every single person involved but when it comes to stopping this one person supposedly spilling the beans, they just can't manage it, yes?

There was the Manhattan project, had thousands working on it and kept that secret or years.

‘Born out of a small research program that began in 1939, the Manhattan Project would eventually employ more than 130,000 people and cost a total of nearly $2 billion USD ($20 billion in 2004 dollars based on CPI), and result in the creation of multiple production and research sites operated in secret.’

They could do this. So I take your point if they could do all this in relation to 911, why couldn’t they silence Rodriguez?

Actually what is your point? Why won’t you ‘no-conspiraloons’ aknowledge that serious questions have not been answered:

1. What caused World Trade Centre 7 to collapse ?
2. Why did the airforce not intercept the hi-jacked planes?

There is no real official explanation for either of these. That IS the truth.

That the government would contemplate sacrificing its own citizens for strategic ends is not in the realms of lunacy. However much you claim it is.

Operattion Northwoods is clear evidence of this, amongst other undeniable examples.
Of course governments consider sacrificing their own citizens for strategic ends. The US government has sacrificed 3,000 of its citizens and counting in Iraq for its strategic ends.

The general capacity of government for all kinds of underhand fuckery is not in question, but I believe the sticking point for most people when it comes to these 9/11 conspiracy theories is that they all sound incredibly stupid, like they’d been made up by an overexcited three-year-old who’d be watching too many cartoons.
EddyBlack said:
...Manhattan project....World Trade Centre 7 ....Why did the airforce not intercept the hi-jacked planes....Operattion Northwoods is clear evidence of this, amongst other undeniable examples.
Oh, for fuck's sake. Not this again. Operation Northwoods NEVER HAPPENED. It was just one of many military situations dreamt up ON PAPER in a different age with a different world order. But it never happened.

Still it's good to see you're acting exactly as the usual conspiraspud, jumping through the decades with a scattergun blast of wildly irrelevant guff masquerading as some sort of proof.
Irrelevant like speaking to your points, backing up my arguments with documented historical examples and focusing on the really relevent things like-

1. What caused World Trade Centre 7 to collapse?
2. Why did the Airforce not intercept the hi-jacked planes?

These questions are not irrelevent to 9/11.
EddyBlack said:
There was the Manhattan project, had thousands working on it and kept that secret or years.
Er, that'll be because they were all working together in secret as part of the war effort and thus fighting for their country.

I think you'll find people would be rather less keen to keep silent if they'd played a part in the planning and execution of the mass murder of their own fellow citizens and aided the destruction of a large part of New York City.
EddyBlack said:
1. What caused World Trade Centre 7 to collapse?
2. Why did the Airforce not intercept the hi-jacked planes?
Have you bothered looking these things up from non-conspiracy-tastic sources? You know, like reports from qualified structural engineers and the like?

Who knows, you might learn something.
editor said:
Have you bothered looking these things up from non-conspiracy-tastic sources? You know, like reports from qualified structural engineers and the like?

Who knows, you might learn something.

I just went by the official govenment reports. That is the FEMA report and the 9/11 comission report.

They couldn't (wouldn't?) answer these questions, so I don't know why you think you can dismiss them.
EddyBlack said:
They couldn't (wouldn't?) answer these questions, so I don't know why you think you can dismiss them.
So your experience and training in demolition and structural engineering is what, exactly?

Perhaps you could offer your expert rebuttal of the material offered below?

You'll note lots of references to properly qualified sources covering your important questions, so be sure to outline why you disagree with their expert findings.

editor said:
So your experience and training in demolition and structural engineering is what, exactly?

Perhaps you could offer your expert rebuttal of the material offered below?

You'll note lots of references to properly qualified sources covering your important questions, so be sure to outline why you disagree with their expert findings.

Thanks for the links.
I am a structural design engineer, hence my interest in all information on this subject. If that makes me a conspiraloon in your books, then so be it.
Scientists will argue no doubt until well, probably the end of time, as to whether the buildings were demomished with explosives or not.
So, what qualifications do you have, may I ask, to believe the ones that think they weren't? Just your opinion I suspect, as others have their opinions.
EddyBlack said:
Irrelevant like speaking to your points, backing up my arguments with documented historical examples and focusing on the really relevent things like-

1. What caused World Trade Centre 7 to collapse?
2. Why did the Airforce not intercept the hi-jacked planes?

These questions are not irrelevent to 9/11.

well in response to your 2nd point - NORAD is designed and the sysyems sited to act against aircraft approaching from outside the US (i.e. a soviet bomber or missile attack). There would have been no organised air defense network to deal with hijacked internal flights. Civilian ATC systems rely on aircraft co-operating by returning the correct codes and information. Even if they had radar coverage (using AWACS for instance), at that time they did not have on-call combat aircraft to tackle the airliners. I do know what I'm talking about on this, I used to be in the Army working on air-defense systems
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