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EddyBlack said:
by Jim Hoffman
And what's this Jim Hoffman's qualifications and expertise in the area of demolition please?

Oh hold on. I checked. The answer's, "fuck all." Zero. Zilch. Nothing. You may as well ask the opinion of the bloke in the corner shop.

Now why the fuck should I bother wasting my time reading some unqualified conspiraloon's clueless ramblings on a subject he knows fuck all about?
It's wrong on several points.
But Blanchard would have you believe, for example, that it is impossible to destroy a building's columns without the labor-intensive procedure of "pre-burning." I doubt that members of combat demolition units bother with such procedures when they blow up buildings.
They do, the method is different but material science does not alter because you wear a uniform.
Since the Towers' demolitions had to start from around the crash zones, the planners would not have been able to exploit the vast majority of each Tower's mass to aid the destruction. Thus they would have had to use much greater quantities of explosives than are typical in demolitions, exploding the Towers rather than imploding them.
Utter fucking bullshit.

It consists of someone going "but it could have happened" and ignoring what they are reading. It's about as poor a debunkin as i've ever seen attempted, Jazzz could do better.

Thermobaric? FFS, this is utter shite. Are the authors all completely stupid? One of the great things about thermobaric (aka FAE) bombs is the ability to propigate through a building without demolishing it.

Self contradictory, hypocritical and deeply flawed.
EddyBlack said:
I found this analysis taking issue with the famous Protec report.

I've not read through it all yet. So i'm not going to anything.

Your opinions.

Reply to Protec's
by Jim Hoffman

I appreciate that you have made comments on both sides of the debate, so my arguement is not directed at you personally. The issues put forward in that link are ridiculous. It starts with an ad-hom attack on Blanchard, who's only 'crime' is to lay out his qualifications for laymen to look at a highly complex and contentious subject.

His contention that CDs are carried out in the same manner is a KEY arguement. The idea that the conspirators would use a novel method, twice, and expect them to succeed perfectly is crazy.

Then it reverts back to ad-hom attack on the language used, despite not finding a 'scientific' arguement against any of the points raised. Why should Blanchard have to explain the 'scientific principles of gravity'? They are well documented elsewhere. Also why should it be possible for a demolition to be successful without preburning? Simply looking at the description of the demolition by CDi of the J.L.Hudson building (linked to previously and easily googled) shows that they had to cut steel away from the columns for the shaped charges to be able to cut the columns, and this was on a building a third of the height of the WTC towers! Nor would I suggest that any Combat Engineer would have experience of a building of such a design as they were pretty unique and three times higher than the world record breaking demolition

With respect to the sulfidation of the steel, I believe that is well explained in that there were 50,000+ PCs in each tower. The level of sulphur products is easily explained by the amount of plastics involved.

The arguement about the 'multiple fingerprints of aluminothermics' is another false lead. By this silly term I infer they are referring to the potential use of thermite/ate. Yet it doesn't address the issue of how thermite would be able to be held gainst a vertical column long enough to be burnt through.

Th elast aparagraph raises a series of points but fails to show how ANY of them dispute Blanchards claims. For instance, symmetry, In what way were the collapses symmetrical? In fact the NIST report goes to great lengths to show tha the inital collapses were COMPLETELY different for each of the towers because the initila damage was so different. The 'rates of fall' is so contentious as to be worthless, almost every observer will give a different time, The NIST report is quite clear on how it measured this because any other interpretation is depependent on seeing the remains of the tower through the dust cloud. The issue of 'rates of expansion' is bizarre, what was the author thinking of, what did they mean? It doesn't make sense. The last point about 'trajectory of debris' is another silly arguement. What debris do they have issue with? How do they know what material it is, where it was originally, how was it secured?

A very poor response to the Protec statement that uses principaly ad-hom attack and no substantiating evidence.
editor said:
Now why the fuck should I bother wasting my time reading some unqualified conspiraloon's clueless ramblings on a subject he knows fuck all about?

Oh, *you* shouldn't bother with any of this really.
Jazzz said:
Oh, *you* shouldn't bother with any of this really.
Face it, Jazzz. You lost the argument month ago.

Only a fool would pay any attention to the woefully clueless and unqualified ramblings of a conspiracy-obsessed nobody like Jim Hoffman over the Protec report.
beesonthewhatnow said:
Are you ever going to do what you said you would Jazzz? Or still running away? :)
Oh, well Jim Hoffman's saved me the bother. I might elucidate.

But truth is (editor) I just got bored of wasting my breath for you chaps, fine though you are. Have had far more exciting things to think about lately.
Jazzz said:
Oh, well Jim Hoffman's saved me the bother. I might elucidate.
But he's an unqualified loon! So why are you happy to accept his clueless uninformed conspiraloon ramblings and ignore the Protect report?

Oh, I know why. It's because you're not looking for the truth. You just want to believe.
You know perfectly well editor that I was posting that the towers were demolished before Hoffman, before the Protec report, before Steve Jones, before William Rodriguez, before Loose Change, before David Shayler, before Andreas von Buelow, etc. etc.

Can't you see that I make up my own mind and judge for myself on the issues?
Jazzz said:
You know perfectly well editor that I was posting that the towers were demolished before Hoffman, before the Protec report, before Steve Jones, before William Rodriguez, before Loose Change, before David Shayler, before Andreas von Buelow, etc. etc.

Can't you see that I make up my own mind and judge for myself on the issues?

You made up your mind long ago that it was all an evil conspiracy - citing fucking idiots like Vialls - and have since chosen to dismiss all expert testimony disproving your bonkers fantasies while enthusiastically embracing the demented outpourings of any unqualified nutjob you can find on the web.

And that's why you still can't assemble a remotely credible case based on expert testimony, evidence, facts and analysis from credible sources.
The towers were demolished and the evidence is clear that they were. This is hardly considered a possibility by the experts you refer to - that's why they don't come up with it. I judge arguments for myself - I don't seek anyone to 'believe'. You can and should do so yourself. Or, you can simply find an authority to 'believe' - but that's your way. Not mine.
Jazzz said:
The towers were demolished and the evidence is clear that they were. This is hardly considered a possibility by the experts you refer to - that's why they don't come up with it. I judge arguments for myself - I don't seek anyone to 'believe'. You can and should do so yourself. Or, you can simply find an authority to 'believe' - but that's your way. Not mine.

Are you saying the people from Protec don't consider this belief and then challenge it with their report?

What do YOU have to say about the Protec report Jazzz?
Jazzz said:
This is hardly considered a possibility by the experts you refer to - that's why they don't come up with it
You don't think of an outcome and then find evidence to fit it you clueless muppet...

Oh sorry, my mistake. YOU do. People genuinely intersted in the truth don't.

So, once again I ask - are you going to do what you said you would and back up your assertion that the protec report is "light on substance"? You were going to examine the first three assertions in the report I seem to recall.
Jazzz said:
The towers were demolished and the evidence is clear that they were. This is hardly considered a possibility by the experts you refer to - that's why they don't come up with it.
Even by your low standards, this is a fairly demented 'argument.'

You actually believe all these hugely qualified professionals and demolition experts all somehow failed to notice that the towers were in fact blown up by thousands of invisibly installed invisible explosives brought in by invisible operatives?

No wonder there's barely a soul left on these boards who even bother to listen to your insane claims any more.

But while you're here, perhaps you could point out the flaws and failings of the Protec report - using credible, non-loon sources, natch.
Jazzz said:
Oh, well Jim Hoffman's saved me the bother. .
And Jim Hoffman is... who exactly? His qualifications are? His experience in the field is?

For fucks sake, have you still not bothered to look up the word "credible" in the dictionary?
Jazzz said:
The towers were demolished and the evidence is clear that they were. This is hardly considered a possibility by the experts you refer to - that's why they don't come up with it. I judge arguments for myself - I don't seek anyone to 'believe'. You can and should do so yourself. Or, you can simply find an authority to 'believe' - but that's your way. Not mine.

Just so were clear, you've always believed the towers were CD'd before you saw any evidence, and will continue to believe this despite whatever evidence is presented to you.

Pathetic purile dogmatic nonsense.
beesonthewhatnow said:
You don't think of an outcome and then find evidence to fit it you clueless muppet...

Oh sorry, my mistake. YOU do. People genuinely intersted in the truth don't.

But that's exactly what the official 'investigation' has done - else, it would done things like test the steel for explosives. Nothing has been done to consider CD, and test to rule it out - rather, it's been dismissed as a possibility from the start.

And you know perfectly well that NIST admitted to 'tweaking' their model until it produced the desired outcome (collapse initiation), and then they didn't bother modelling the actual collapse at all.

You are arguing for my side!
8den said:
Just so were clear, you've always believed the towers were CD'd before you saw any evidence, and will continue to believe this despite whatever evidence is presented to you.

Pathetic purile dogmatic nonsense.
I shall continue to know the truth. I suggest to you, as I suggest to editor, sit back and watch. :)
Jazzz said:
I shall continue to know the truth. I suggest to you, as I suggest to editor, sit back and watch. :)

or in english

Jazzz said:
I shall continue to spout facile, incorrect, incoherant, already debunked nonsense, I'd appreciate it if people didn't point this out.
A charming translation 8den. Of course, your spelling leaves a little to be desired, but it's a case of whatever makes sense to you I suppose :p
Jazzz said:
A charming translation 8den. Of course, your spelling leaves a little to be desired, but it's a case of whatever makes sense to you I suppose :p

Challenging spelling on teh internet is the last argumnt of the desprit ful

Of course you never make a typo Jazzz, and rest assured I'll be pointing out the next one you make, along with with ripping to shreds the next piece of ill informed bollocks you spit out.
Oh, I'm not 'arguing' with you 8den. I'm sure we can both agree that it would be pointless for me to attempt that. Happy Easter! :)
Jazzz said:
Oh, I'm not 'arguing' with you 8den. I'm sure we can both agree that it would be pointless for me to attempt that. Happy Easter! :)

Jazzz if you were crushed by an elephant of facts you'd still believe this bollocks, I'm pointing this out to the folks reading this.
Jazzz said:
Nothing has been done to consider CD, and test to rule it out
Because to anyone with an ounce of knowledge on the subject it's rather obvious that CD was not the cause of the towers collapse. See the Protec report for example.

Speaking of which.... Are you ever going to do your point by point response? Or are you just going to wriggle again?

And as you say that Jim Hoffman has done this for you it seems perfectly fair to ask you to explain why you consider him to be qualified to do so.

fela fan said:
Some of you people posting here are unreal. How twisted up you get over nothing.

Carry on.

I crown thee King Of The Hypocrites!
beesonthewhatnow said:
Because to anyone with an ounce of knowledge on the subject it's rather obvious that CD was not the cause of the towers collapse. See the Protec report for example.

Speaking of which.... Are you ever going to do your point by point response? Or are you just going to wriggle again?

And as you say that Jim Hoffman has done this for you it seems perfectly fair to ask you to explain why you consider him to be qualified to do so.

Take a look at this all bees.

Doesn't it seem rather strange to you that the best evidence against CD which is being touted is no official report, no peer-reviewed work, no scientific test, but this pseudo-scientific gibberish?

Jim Hoffman makes many of the same points I would have done. If you don't consider Jim Hoffman qualified enough to make good points, what on earth are you asking me for?
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