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9/11 "a covert operation to bring about a fascist coup in this country".


Wayne Madsen – Former U.S. Navy Intelligence Officer, specialist in electronic surveillance and security:

"After five years of talking to many individuals in the intelligence community, in the military, foreign intelligence agencies, and a whole host of other people, people from the air traffic control community, the FAA, I came to the conclusion that after five years what we saw happen on that morning of September 11, 2001, was the result of a highly-compartmentalized covert operation to bring about a fascist coup in this country. ...

These people need to be brought to justice, if not by our own Congress, then by an international tribunal in the Hague, in the Netherlands. Bush, Blair, Rumsfeld, Cheney should be sitting in the same dockets where Milosevic and the Croatia-Serbia war criminals sat."


You have to look at the fact there are more contractors in Iraq now than soldiers and agree with him. Does that mean people who protect the official 9/11 story are protecting a fascist conspiracy the like of which the world hasn't seen since 1933?


Fucking hell, fucking hell - my world is crashing down around me, the bright white light of truth has etched my retinas. I shall gather my friends and their friends and their families and their pets and their pets friends, and we will march on the seats of power, with flaming pitchforks and eviscerate the shady conspirators with our blades of righteous power.

Calgary has had an active military garrison since the early years of the 20th Century. Strathcona's Horse had one squadron quartered in the city for many years. A local militia regiment was finally raised after several attempts by Lieutenant Colonel William C.G. Armstrong, when the 103rd Regiment (Calgary Rifles) was authorized on 1 April 1910. Units of the artillery, engineers and supporting corps also had units in Calgary from time to time. In 1914, several battalions of the Canadian Expeditionary Force were raised in Calgary, notably the 10th and 50th. Training took place at nearby Sarcee Camp, which grew enormously during the First World War. The camp later became known as Sarcee Training Area. Nearby Battalion Park overlooks this area. In 1920-21, the Canadian military was reorganized, and the 103rd Regiment was split into two separate regiments, and by 1939 these were known as The Calgary Highlanders and the Calgary Regiment (Tank). Other supporting units remained in the city as well. By 1939, these included the 15th Alberta Light Horse, 19th Field Brigade, Royal Canadian Artillery, (including component subunits 23rd (Howitzer) Battery, 91st Battery, and 95th Battery), 13th Field Company, Royal Canadian Engineers, No. 13 District Signals, and No. 9 Construction Section.
PS: When a fascist coup actually happens, I'l eat my own cock. raw (ok, maybe with some dressing)
krow said:
Wayne Madsen – Former U.S. Navy Intelligence Officer, specialist in electronic surveillance and security:
Exactly when was this expert serving as a U.S. Navy Intelligence Officer and for how long, please?
Krow - rather than me potentialy waste half an hour watching the video could you tell us the facts presented and how they indicate 9/11 was a covert operation. This shouldn't take you long as I'm sure you've studied the video hard.
Then again, the notion of bringing those listed miscreants (Bush, Blair et al) to justice isn't so crazy - but you don't need a conspiracy theory to see they deserve it.
FridgeMagnet said:
Bloody CIA disinformation merchants, coming here with their cut and pastes...

... if you ban him on his 23rd post, that'd definitely get the conspiraloons working overtime :rolleyes:

go on...i dare ya :D
So, did Krow go? If Krow goes without us knowing the foe, then us ordinary Joes will be full of woe and feel low. Lower than Krow's toe.

We have had mammoth threads on these boards, that have gone through quite a lot of the evidence very carefully, argued very strongly and in great detail from both sides.

I have to say, that there is no physical evidence to my knowledge to show that it was anything other than planes driven by Jihadists that brought the towers and building 7 down.

We are all very familiar here with the likes of Steven Jones and Alex Jones.

I do not dismiss the idea of complicity. I find plausible the idea that the demented villains in and around the Bush Govt. would want those attacks for similar reasons as you say. I just want you to know that complicity cannot be proved. Therefore it is only speculation. Most people here would say it was fantasy.

Most people here think there are serious questions to be answered, in terms of incompetence, mistakes and coverups of them. Most people who dismiss the conspiracy theories want to see a full independent investigation.

I think this should also be the main aim of the conspiracy theorists. An agreed list of questions would be a good idea.

1. Can we see all the video footage from the Pentagon?
krow said:

2.) The cockpit of a Boeing 757 allegedly made that exit hole in the Pentagon. Where is it? It's a big thing with windows:


Erm, the first link shows a photo (if genuine) showing fragments of boeing cockpit. What was your question about where is the cockpit? Just how simple do you want this? Of course you would have noted that the hole is smaller than the diameter of a 757 cockpit, suggesting the whole cockpit didn't exit the building in one piece.

Now, how come you're posting up new 'evidence' without addressing the 'evidence' from your first link. You cheeky little scamp.
bluestreak said:
Calgary has had an active military garrison since the early years of the 20th Century. Strathcona's Horse had one squadron quartered in the city for many years. A local militia regiment was finally raised after several attempts by Lieutenant Colonel William C.G. Armstrong, when the 103rd Regiment (Calgary Rifles) was authorized on 1 April 1910. Units of the artillery, engineers and supporting corps also had units in Calgary from time to time. In 1914, several battalions of the Canadian Expeditionary Force were raised in Calgary, notably the 10th and 50th. Training took place at nearby Sarcee Camp, which grew enormously during the First World War. The camp later became known as Sarcee Training Area. Nearby Battalion Park overlooks this area. In 1920-21, the Canadian military was reorganized, and the 103rd Regiment was split into two separate regiments, and by 1939 these were known as The Calgary Highlanders and the Calgary Regiment (Tank). Other supporting units remained in the city as well. By 1939, these included the 15th Alberta Light Horse, 19th Field Brigade, Royal Canadian Artillery, (including component subunits 23rd (Howitzer) Battery, 91st Battery, and 95th Battery), 13th Field Company, Royal Canadian Engineers, No. 13 District Signals, and No. 9 Construction Section.

Hey! A relative of mine was in the Lord Strathcona Horse!
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