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9/11 a conspiracy?

gorski said:
- instead of stemming the abuse he actively promotes it, even when unprovoked!!!:eek: [and he is a MOD, FFS...:rolleyes:]
Hmm. Let's see.

The first person to pipe up with the unprovoked personal dig was...you!
Are you always this confused, chopsy boy?

Gathering of the syle goo-rooooossss has begun in earnest!!!!

Now, since it comes from you we are all supposed to stop questioning if that is right, never mind the fact that you're behaving as badly as any mod does and prance about like an emperoro, covered by nothing in terms of substance, eh?:rolleyes: :D

Or "Bob the lost" teaching me HIS manners and HIS "style" - fook the substance of HIS manners and NO substance in such a stance... Yah, yah, yah... Soooopppeerrbbb!!!!!:D :p :D
gorski said:
Or "Bob the lost" teaching me HIS manners and HIS "style" - fook the substance of HIS manners and NO substance in such a stance... Yah, yah, yah... Soooopppeerrbbb!!!!!:D :p :D
Look you stupid fuckwit. You want to jump in where you haven't got a fucking clue go ahead, let's face it, that's how you work. That was a polite heads up, if you want to get bitchy then bring it on.

You've got the spelling skills of an Aoler on crack and make even less sense than cheesy, i'm not worried. Up untill now i have been polite, that's over. Now take your head out of your arse, and shove your fucking ego up there instead. Prick.
Yap, Yap, Yap, That's It - Keep It Up!!!!

Bring on what? You just legitimised yourself - I don't need to do anything at all... You are a GEEEEEEEENIIIIEEEOOOUUUUUSSS!!!!!!:D :p :D :p :D
gorski said:
Bring on what? You just legitimised yourself - I don't need to do anything at all... You are a GEEEEEEEENIIIIEEEOOOUUUUUSSS!!!!!! :D :p :D
You don't speak english do you? "legitimised" myself, so i'm no longer an illegal alien? Thanks. :rolleyes: Once you've stopped grinning like a gormless loon then please, feel free to correct my misunderstanding of your post.
gorski said:
Now, since it comes from you we are all supposed to stop questioning if that is right, never mind the fact that you're behaving as badly as any mod does and prance about like an emperoro, covered by nothing in terms of substance, eh?:rolleyes: :D
Why did you pipe up with that cheap dig if you didn't want a reaction? Or do you just crave the attention?
Such eloquence, such elegance, such a superb style... not to mention the ideas...:rolleyes: :D Achhhhh, the things I'd do to be like you!!!!!:rolleyes: :D
gorski said:
Such eloquence, such elegance, such a superb style... not to mention the ideas...:rolleyes: :D Achhhhh, the things I'd do to be like you!!!!!:rolleyes: :D
You haven't got much of an argument have you?

No wonder Jazzz is impressed. He's all out of idiots at the moment.
oh come on editor, you can raise your consciousness higher than this, you don't have to start flapping about in the sandpit because someone put a light dig in your direction.

But you can if you want I guess, they're your boards!
gorski said:
Maybe I do 'ave an argument, righ', but 'ow 'r you gonna ge' i', righ'?!?:rolleyes: :D :p :D
I think I should ration the amount of emoticons you're allowed to use in each post and - who knows? - you might start making something approaching an intelligent point using words.

I'm none too hopeful though.
ok that's enough..! Let's remind ourselves that, along with suburban, this is Urban75's 'grown-up' forum. :)
Jazzz said:
ok that's enough..! Let's remind ourselves that, along with suburban, this is Urban75's 'grown-up' forum. :)
Yeah, you're right. The bin's the best place for this kind of bollocks.
MikeMcc said:
Let it happen by accident means just that, it happened through mis-judgement and mstakes in handling and gathering intelligence information. 'Let' does not necessarily imply intent, it can also include acts of omission.

If a person fails to close a gate properly and an animal escapes, that person 'let' the animal out, but did not necessarily intend to do so.

Sorry mike, but no the person did not let the animal out! He left the gate open, or the animal escaped. But i can't see anyone saying he let the animal out. Unless they say, he let the animal out by accident, and even that seems most unlikely.
aylee said:
In the view of you and your ilk, someone's only "good" at debate if they agree with you.

My ilk?!

Aylee, that's simply not correct. In my view someone is good at debate if they stick to the topic, avoid literary sleights of hand, and avoid rubbishing the debater.

I can't tell you the amount of time editor has indulged in the second of those with me.

Anyone who enjoys debating would very very quickly get bored if everyone agreed.
Bob_the_lost said:
Oh cripes, now i remember you!

You're missing out on a lot of history here. Plus you have no idea how much research has been done on the issue. By Jazzz, none, he just regurgitates crap from prisonplanet, by those that try to point out why Jazzz is talking crap, lots.

This is bob yet again showing why it's difficult to accept what he says. To say that jazzz has done no research on this issue is amazing. He's probably done more than anyone on this forum.
fela fan said:
This is bob yet again showing why it's difficult to accept what he says. To say that jazzz has done no research on this issue is amazing. He's probably done more than anyone on this forum.

Reading Prison Planet is not research! It should be clear that it takes more research to debunk his claims than it takes him to regurgitate them.
Bob_the_lost said:

Reading Prison Planet is not research! It should be clear that it takes more research to debunk his claims than it takes him to regurgitate them.

So may i infer two things from this:

firstly that jazzz has only used prison planet to inform himself of the events of 911;

and secondly that you somehow know this.
fela fan said:
So may i infer two things from this:

firstly that jazzz has only used prison planet to inform himself of the events of 911;

and secondly that you somehow know this.
Infer what the hell you like from it. What i can prove is that Jazzz does not research his links and statements consistently or with any hint of a critical eye.

You can also find out that nearly all of his threads match up with threads posted on one of the major conspiraloon boards and "annoucements" on that board. Fancy doing your own research?
fela fan said:
Aylee, that's simply not correct. In my view someone is good at debate if they stick to the topic, avoid literary sleights of hand, and avoid rubbishing the debater.

I guess that makes you one of the worst debaters on these boards then.
Martin1 said:
Fair point
Well, at least when I finally bin it, I get my "Keeping A Hat On Those Pesky 9/11ers Getting Too Close To The Truth " commission from The Man.

*flicks through holiday brochure
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