No, it's not. The ones who were standing in the way of the entrance were not behaving the way they should. Last election was worse, with actual stuff shoved in your face and leaflets on tables in the voting room. Not on the voting tables, but on other tables next to the door.
We've had people brought in to supervise the vote because it does not work the way it should. We still don't have an official turnout because they still haven't finished counting votes.
I bloody hate that our council is corrupt, and because the mayor and his aides are bengali you're a racist for suspecting they're corrupt. Our mp is also bengali, and is there a word against her? No. She was voted in, turns up, does her job, all normal.
Do I dislike David Cameron because he's white? No. I'm allowed to dislike corruption in my own bloody council. Come and live here and see what it's like and say it's not corrupt.