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14th November Movement for Left Unity

I've been entertaining myself by chatting with (bating?) some of them on the twitter stream. The ex-SWP types in particular are all rah-rah onwards and upwards, we're not part of the left ghetto unlike the other left groups, how dare you suggest that this is a room full of old lags, etc.

I'm actually a bit surprised by their lack of self awareness. Tom Walker actually quoted the paper membership figure at me, as if that proved something!
175 people joined yesterday after the new Loach article, most joining now are basically old labour supporters who can't stomach the LP anymore, especially after the welfare cap vote, its not a traditional sect and I don't think the new members are 'wreckers'

and I'm not a member.

So they were OK with the junking of Clause 4, the Iraq war and all Blair's other New Labourisms but failure to vote against the welfare cap was the final straw? Are you sure?
I've been entertaining myself by chatting with (bating?) some of them on the twitter stream. The ex-SWP types in particular are all rah-rah onwards and upwards, we're not part of the left ghetto unlike the other left groups, how dare you suggest that this is a room full of old lags, etc.

I'm actually a bit surprised by their lack of self awareness. Tom Walker actually quoted the paper membership figure at me, as if that proved something!

Why are you 'baiting' them, jesus, whats the fucking point of it, people trying to do good things, they are not slagging your outfit off, so why do it?
We've just joined Left Unity because we believe that none of the mainstream parties represent our individual philosophies and politics. Both of us are sick and tired of being told that we must vote Labour because they'll be nice to us once they're in power! As a couple with strong socialist beliefs, one of whom is a blind person who works in the public sector and the other who is a teacher, we feel that Left Unity is calling to us. We live in Gateshead and wonder if there are any organised meetings or Branches in the Tyneside area?

I just discovered Left Unity this morning - I'm in Milton Keynes. Is there a branch here, and if not, how do we go about organising one? I've become increasingly frustrated with the state of things in the UK, and have felt for years, that there is no substantial difference anymore, between Labour and the Tories. As for the LibDems, they seem to go wherever the wind blows, in their desperate hopes to be elected and their desire to feel relevant. This morning, I actually feel excited to have found a party that I believe could be the start of something better!

Some reasons for joining.
I'm in Left Unity as I've said before on this thread (I think). My basic motivation for joining was that they would stand in elections and present some kind of opposition to power on that level. It may well turn out to be a misplaced hope, I'm well aware of that.
A lot of the language and imagery seems completely out of kilter with what I would like to see, even the name, Unity is much better. But sadly they haven't chosen me as their dictator-leader ;)

But I have to say it's a bit sad to see people on U75 slating them, many people who would probably make LU a better outfit if they joined up. I mean, "baiting" LU people on Twitter? What for?
I'm in Left Unity as I've said before on this thread (I think). My basic motivation for joining was that they would stand in elections and present some kind of opposition to power on that level. It may well turn out to be a misplaced hope, I'm well aware of that.
A lot of the language and imagery seems completely out of kilter with what I would like to see, even the name, Unity is much better. But sadly they haven't chosen me as their dictator-leader ;)

But I have to say it's a bit sad to see people on U75 slating them, many people who would probably make LU a better outfit if they joined up. I mean, "baiting" LU people on Twitter? What for?
We'd make the tory party better if we joined. Is that an argument for joining the tory party? For muting criticisms of the tory party?
I don't think you can compare the Conservatives and LU. And yes criticisms of LU are fine. What are your main ones? I've got a few and I'm a member.
Don't see much wrong with 'baiting' them tbh. It's often conducive to them developing some kind of self-awareness. IME in the SWP and SP the most reality-detached hacks are those who've not had to endure 'baiting' and the ones with useful and often constructively critical things to say about their own organisations tend to be the ones who've been 'victims' of 'baiting'.

And to say that they've not 'baited' other orgs - the SP included - is nonsense too. They do it all the time, I've amusingly been subjected to it once, though it wasn't repeated because the outcome was the opposite to what I think they'd imagined it would have been. And implicit in everything they say is the idea that the 'old' left (as in left proper - cares about and takes as its starting point class and actually has an analysis of society beyond 'let's all be nicer') needs to die and be replaced by their far more vibrant (whatever the fuck that means) organisation whose lies about membership are more to do with naivete than cynicism.

I take it on the chin from anarchists - they're arguing from a position of credibility on these issues - but I won't take it on the chin from a group that just replaces the dead Russians of the SP/SWP with the 'spirit of 45', Attlee and Bevan and retains, in an incredibly dishonest way, the other failings from which those groups suffer.
Crikey. I think you've over thought that one. Liars, not real lefties (obviously unlike your opinion of yourself), who bait other organisations are "incredibly dishonest" and who use the word `vibrant`.
As opposed to a small group trying to possibly stand in elections and even to get some votes.
Crikey. I think you've over thought that one. Liars, not real lefties (obviously unlike your opinion of yourself), who bait other organisations are "incredibly dishonest" and who use the word `vibrant`.
As opposed to a small group trying to possibly stand in elections and even to get some votes.

Have I?

How's about you actually refute the comments rather than projecting whatever's in your head onto me and taking comments out of context (eg. it's the denial/playing down of class and watering their politics down to 'let's be nicer' that makes them not proper
left I disagree with the ICC, AFED, individual anarchists and all kinds of other people but I wouldn't say that about them - there's a reason why).

Nowhere did I call them liars - I said they were as dishonest about membership as everyone else is - something the more grounded lu supporters appear to agree about.

The baiting stuff was in response to 'hurrah for left unity' posts upthread that didn't just imply but openly state that lu shouldn't be 'baited'. My point being that they do it themselves and ought to use it as a tool for improving their self-awareness since the most effective baiting is always grounded in truth.

How's about you go through and answer the points raised rather than resorting to the kind of knee jerk reactions you'd expect from the worst kind of SP or SWP hack?
Did you raise any points? I didn't get them. Anyway...no worries. Carry on using Twitter to bait fake leftys mate ;)
Did you raise any points? I didn't get them. Anyway...no worries. Carry on using Twitter to bait fake leftys mate ;)
well yes I did, though sadly I'm not surprised they were lost on you. fuck knows what the twitter comment is all about, I only ever done about 20 tweets and they were nearly all expressing my displeasure about being called unpleasant and untrue things by Laurie penny.
And a third bald man turns up and baits them on Urban
to be fair though, Im the only one who acknowledges and embraces my baldness - I went for political hair the clippers and got a rhetorical number 1. A8 went for the unconvincing hair piece that is the labour party and coolfonz keeps hold of the comb because the vibrancy of lu means its just a high fringe.

see that ^? that's metaphors and poetry and stuff. maybe I'm thinking outside the box and being vibrant like lu? for the hard of thinking (looking at you fonzie) it means I'm the only one not in self denial when it comes to admitting ones own political irrelevance.
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