Bring back hanging
What's class consciousness delroy? Do you mean people explicitly talking and thinking in terms of class and joining things like left unity? If not, what?
a walkover, not a struggle.Of course it is, what do you think austerity is?
It isn't just about being better. God knows Miliband is a goofy pasty faced corporate stooge.I really don't see why getting labour in would be any better. Red Ed has already said he won't reverse any of the cuts. Its just lube.
What's class consciousness delroy? Do you mean people explicitly talking and thinking in terms of class and joining things like left unity? If not, what?
How I learned to stop worrying and love Left Unity
When I first heard about Left Unity, I signed up immediately, but was sceptical and nervous. Whose stitch-up was this? Behind the façade of starting a national conversation about the kind of party we need, who was preparing the answers for us, to be swallowed whole on delivery? I signed up, and helped get our local group started. I was in. But like everyone else who came along to our group, I kept darting nervous glances towards the exit.
Since then, I have learned to relax. Left Unity is not a fraud. It is what it says it is. It is a genuine attempt to build a new party of the left. It rejects old dogmas and formulas – wanting to be guided by Marxism, and other left currents, but not defined by them.
That's Stuart Watkins ex-SPGB sometimes ultra-leftist is it?
assuming have butchers on ignore sass- there are two different left unities. The one you are on about is not the subject of this thread
You're not very bright, are you?What was that about left wing cohesion again?
One is a union group. One is a party. Go back to sleep. On my dollar.What was that about left wing cohesion again?
Would be good to get more people on the LU discussion forums, talking about policy etc...
Im surprised its as busy as it is - its hard to get people to engage with forums in this day and ageFucking hell, looking at that forum you get a real sense of what a mess this shit is.
There does seem to be an element of that, which i tend to support in general terms. Not addressing prospective voters as The Proletariat is one thing, but how this plays out in policy is another...where will the line be drawn between idealism and pragmatism, in the name of electability.I love the simplistic worldview of some of Left Unity - the left has been held back by using certain words or talking about certain things. Don't use those words or talk about those things and the people shall flock to us. Oh to be so naive.
Well why don't you come and say so? If you think peppering materials with words like `capitalism`, `multiculturalism`, `diversity` and so on would encourage people to vote LU then stand it up. Personally I think that's naive.I love the simplistic worldview of some of Left Unity - the left has been held back by using certain words or talking about certain things. Don't use those words or talk about those things and the people shall flock to us. Oh to be so naive.