And it's my right to debate and discuss the issues raised by transactivists campaigns, if you don't want to engage with that, fine, but just shouting 'transphobe' and running away is pointless imo.
It's complex because to be 'non-transphobic' the demand appears to be that everyone else meekly accepts that the entire parameters of the debate be set by one side. So if you don't accept that, then by definition you're a transphobe.
Hating, shunning, trying to fuck up transpeople = transphobia for sure. Bullying misgendering, etc etc likewise. I don't do any of those things and I'd happily bet I've had far more interaction with transpeople than most people, they have been in my life since the 1980s; but according to many on this thread, I'm a transphobe. If I am then the term is just a political slur, it's meaningless.