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Your election night snacks.

Don’t know whether to go with a bowl of broth, or a tiered stand with the full works: finger sandwiches, savouries, scones and cakes.

Soup, or major high tea?
I have 2 cans of Redbull cooling in the fridge, one to drink about midnight and a backup if I feel sleepy later. I have a large box of Cadbury Heroes hidden in a drawer in the family room. Now all the kids have left home, I don't need to hide it but old habits die hard.
Going out to the pub in a bit - chips and onion rings - to chat about bikes [we may ban political subjects, although I may ask if people have voted].

Back in time for the exit polls ...
Probably stay up to see the first few declarations and then get up early to find out how wrong or right the opinion polls have been.
Ive got loads of snacks in and since its first time Ive planned stopping up all night and been optimistic since 2015 Ive brought some nice butchers bacon for a massive buttie to munch on to celebrate as the early morning results come in memory of millibands effort
Ive got a massive tub of sweet and salty popcorn to munch while Tories cry. And some beef mince and buns and rocket to make some burgers at my Dad's to sustain us. Plus a large summer fruit cheesecake from Morrisons reduced to a the fine sum of £1.06... might have this for breakfast to celebrate actually!

I dont know if I'll stay up that late but definitely until 1am and get a glimpse of what is happening. :thumbs:
I don't know about snacks but I am just starting into a large coffee - the results aren't coming fast enough yet to keep me awake, need stimulants .. :) :( want to see some results with big name Tories getting the boot, I think we are all waiting for that ..
I have rum :)

I also have the Tomato and Oregano Bruschetta that Aldi occasionally sells because it always sells out but which I get in bulk from the manufacturer :thumbs: but which the dog also demands his share :mad:
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