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Unfortunately, the fox I have been feeding has developed a limp. Does anyone know the name of thing people use to catch animals? that pole with loop at the top. I might try catch it and call a rescue centre

probably worth talking to rescue place first - they will probably be able to lend you something

and probably better to have them lined up rather than catch fox and then have to keep them for a few days...

get well soon, foxy
probably worth talking to rescue place first - they will probably be able to lend you something

and probably better to have them lined up rather than catch fox and then have to keep them for a few days...

get well soon, foxy

I've emailed them. But dont think they cover this part of London. I am sure I called them last year about a fox. Cannot remember if it was them or not. ended up calling the RSPCA who put the fox down. RSPCA is the last resort. Though I wonder if the local vet would help if I caught it
I am so sorry for your loss Throbbing Angel - exactly how my poor darling Radar went (his was almost certainly a brain tumour) so I understand how traumatic it is to see it happen like that to a beloved companion, you have my absolute sympathy, much love to you and your loved ones.

Sushi was very beautiful, what a lovely photo.
You know that bit where a cat purposely leads you to where they want you to go.
Bloom comes in this morning and waits at the foot of the stairs for Mrs P to come down.
He then shows the way to where the breakfast goodies are.

Our one sometimes pretends she wants to be let out the front door (which I will get up off the sofa to do) and then diverts to the food bowl (which I wouldn’t have got up off the sofa to do).
probably worth talking to rescue place first - they will probably be able to lend you something

and probably better to have them lined up rather than catch fox and then have to keep them for a few days...

get well soon, foxy

got a reply from fox project. I've ordered the injury pills (didn't even know they existed)

Hi Donkeyboy

Limps are very common in foxes as they receive many a knock or sprain during their daily wanderings, which often recover within a few weeks. When a leg is held high this shows good muscle tone being used to protect an injury. Please see the following treatment plan:

To assist rapid healing feed infection mix pills, or injury pills (if no swelling) in honey or jam sandwiches for a few weeks, these pills are available from Pet Perfection - 01689 856361 www.petperfection.net.

The remedy will not harm any other animal that ingests it.

Short-term feeding patterns set up in order to treat injuries do not do any harm and will not encourage the foxes to visit long-term, as soon as they are well the feeding can cease and therefore you may see them less regularly.
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