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Your daily cat and kitten news

Been hot in here today, it finally got cool enough for Jakey to want a cuddle and as soon as he settled on my lap he was rewarded with his flea treatment which I have been waiting all day to do, so he exited stage left in a bit of a huff (it is wet and greasy, kitty not keen).

I am now forgiven however and he is back on my lap, I am trying to avoid getting flea drops on me now though as their neck stays greasy for about a day.
We had a slightly awkward moment this week, when a neighbour, previously unknown to us, was handing out flyers about his missing cat. I shot waxoyl a warning look, and said pointedly, through clenched teeth, 'Don't, We. Know. That. Cat, you know, The. One. Who Comes. Through. Our. Garden.?' willing him not to tell the worried, grieving owner that we call his cat Hitler.

Anyway, all's well that end's well, the cat found his way home after a few days on the loose. :)
There is a new video game out where you play as a cat, called ' Stray'.
Here is a thread of people's cats watching them play the game.

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Oh this morning I tried to watch the 16 minutes of gameplay trailer that is doing the rounds, Jakey nearly knocked my monitor over searching for the cats.
I have added it to my Steam wishlist but fuck knows how I would manage to play it without something getting broken :D
My Jakey loves it so so much when I start singing his theme song (Pink Panther cartoon theme) he sits right up and starts waahing and purring.
I make sure to sing it frequently to my little Pink Panther. And yes when I get to the "it's as plain as your nose" line he knows that and holds his nose up for me to boop him on it.
I've finally got Wicket to do a little trick. When I'm feeding her and she's waiting for me to open the pouch etc, I raise my big toe off the ground and she rubs her little face all over it <3 I know it's cupboard love but it's so nice. Plus she has finally stopped swiping me all the time. I think she's settling in.
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