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Lilith was sneezing today and I noticed a green discharge from her right eye. She seems healthy enough in herself but I'm going to take her to the vet anyway. They're fully booked today but said to ring back first thing in the morning to get her an appointment. She's lively and is clearing her plate as usual, so I'm not overly worried but I'd rather make sure she's checked over. I have gently wiped the green stuff away with a cotton bud dabbed in warm salty water as advised by the vet I spoke to on the phone, and both eyes are wide open. She was more put out about me holding her down while wiping her eye but co-operated - think she trusts me by now. I'm just dreading the cat carrier battles tomorrow! Hopefully nothing worse than a bit of a cold.
She's dry retching. Don't know if it's related or not but I'll definitely be taking her to the vet in the morning. I'm going to block the cat flap for the night so she doesn't escape when it's time to leave.
She's dry retching. Don't know if it's related or not but I'll definitely be taking her to the vet in the morning. I'm going to block the cat flap for the night so she doesn't escape when it's time to leave.

Oh dear - I hope it is nothing serious. Best of luck to you both and lots of love!
Oh dear - I hope it is nothing serious. Best of luck to you both and lots of love!
Thanks Epona and Puddy_Tat . General internet consensus seems to think it's a hairball that causes cats to dry retch. Maybe she's got a cold (which would explain the runny eye and sneezing) and she could have been coughing rather than trying to puke. Anyway, I've got a good vet who I trust to get to the bottom of the problem and give her the right treatment, and Lilith still seems lively with a healthy appetite. It's just a worry as cats can't explain in words what's wrong.
Thanks Epona and Puddy_Tat . General internet consensus seems to think it's a hairball that causes cats to dry retch. Maybe she's got a cold (which would explain the runny eye and sneezing) and she could have been coughing rather than trying to puke. Anyway, I've got a good vet who I trust to get to the bottom of the problem and give her the right treatment, and Lilith still seems lively with a healthy appetite. It's just a worry as cats can't explain in words what's wrong.

Lil’ Bob has a runny eye - noticed it when we first got him. I just wipe it from time to time 🙂
Lil’ Bob has a runny eye - noticed it when we first got him. I just wipe it from time to time 🙂
If it was just that on its own, I'd probably do the same but the sneezing and coughing along with it makes me concerned. She seems fine this morning but I don't want to take any chances. Thanks for your post though, it's good to know it's not necessarily an infection. I think the vet will probably find she's OK, it's just getting her in the carrier. I"m going to ring them at 08:30 when they open and get an appointment.
If it was just that on its own, I'd probably do the same but the sneezing and coughing along with it makes me concerned. She seems fine this morning but I don't want to take any chances. Thanks for your post though, it's good to know it's not necessarily an infection. I think the vet will probably find she's OK, it's just getting her in the carrier. I"m going to ring them at 08:30 when they open and get an appointment.

I understand your concern. My attitude has always been that if a cat is eating, playing, is enjoying attention and grooming normally then they’re OK. If they have unusual symptoms (sneezing, coughing, etc.) then I give it a day or so to pass then, if not, it’s off to the vet. Every cat we’ve had has had a minor recurring ailment that we’ve learned to live with (With Buttons it was furballs, With Lil’ Bob it’s his runny eye, etc.) although it initially caused alarm. I’m sure Lilith will be fine 🙂
Well we got back just now. The vet confirmed she's fine, just got a cold. He gave me some eyedrops just in case her eyes get so gunky she can't open them properly, but he said there's no need at this stage as her eyes are fine. He said cats get colds on occasion just like people, and as long as she's eating and going about her normal activities, just allow her immune system to do its job and the cold should go away by itself.
Well we got back just now. The vet confirmed she's fine, just got a cold. He gave me some eyedrops just in case her eyes get so gunky she can't open them properly, but he said there's no need at this stage as her eyes are fine. He said cats get colds on occasion just like people, and as long as she's eating and going about her normal activities, just allow her immune system to do its job and the cold should go away by itself.
Good news. I got told the same thing by a vet, that they get colds just like we do!

To the vet with Zoe this afternoon. A pair of gardening gloves each, a piss up the wall, a bout of wailing that alarmed our other cat, and an almighty struggle with the cat carrier later, we got her there.

It's just a check-up for her hypothyroidism and early stage kidney disease - we get the results later, hopefully.
Good news. I got told the same thing by a vet, that they get colds just like we do!

To the vet with Zoe this afternoon. A pair of gardening gloves each, a piss up the wall, a bout of wailing that alarmed our other cat, and an almighty struggle with the cat carrier later, we got her there.

It's just a check-up for her hypothyroidism and early stage kidney disease - we get the results later, hopefully.
Hope all's as well as it can be.
I am having to really impress on OH right now the importance of him NOT feeding Jakey with bits of fish or similar items of treat food.

We're in prescription diet territory, he can't have too much protein or food that is too fatty or oily - so he certainly can't have a bit of salmon or tuna.

Sorry OH, sorry Jakey. :(
He looks like a little bear! Glad he found people he could trust and a home. 🐈‍⬛

I think that is what is referred to as a "foster failure" - because they ended up keeping the cat.

There are far far worse ways to fail at something :)

Lovely tale, thanks for posting it :)
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