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I feel a bit like helicopter mum, but all the palaver with Charlie has firmly implanted a 'better safe than sorry' approach, since frankly he nearly died before he was diagnosed with his thyroid.

the moment you said that she just wasn't herself was the moment you made that decision. and considering how subtle cat igns can be, then i reckon - good call. i just wanted yo say that some cats yak more than others and there was no need to panic just because of that. i reckon the mice must be breeding out there, cause madamme is doing her going out, coming home and yacking. so mouse fur, bones or something. she never vomits and is good as gold about it all. i'd also worry if she was 'not herself' as well as starting a yack fest.

will she eat fish in oil? seem to remember you talking about tuna water, so might be wirth trying it in oil if she likes the taste. oil or butter seems to help madamme.
Had a bit of a crisis with our elderly cat Tiggy (coming up to 22 :eek:) this afternoon. Her rear legs have suddenly gone wobbly and she has been falling over.

We ended up at the emergency vet in Streatham. It's a back problem like a slipped disc or trapped nerve, apparently. She's had an anti-inflammatory injection and been prescribed an oral version of the same. This does seem to have made her slightly better but she is not out of the woods. She's due at the usual vet on Monday anyway.

I'm hoping she comes through this and we have her a bit longer (she's a feisty little thing and good for 21) but my main worry is how much it will devastate my partner, who's had her since kittenhood, when she eventually goes. I will also be very upset but have lost cats before, at least three before their time, and know Tiggy is lucky to have had a long and happy life.

It was our younger cat's birthday ;):D today (I know for definite the day she was born) and she had a miserable day thinking the carrier basket was for her and hiding in the garden!

Currently staying up late keeping an eye in Tiggy so my OH can get some sleep. I'm a night owl and he's a lark.
the moment you said that she just wasn't herself was the moment you made that decision. and considering how subtle cat igns can be, then i reckon - good call. i just wanted yo say that some cats yak more than others and there was no need to panic just because of that. i reckon the mice must be breeding out there, cause madamme is doing her going out, coming home and yacking. so mouse fur, bones or something. she never vomits and is good as gold about it all. i'd also worry if she was 'not herself' as well as starting a yack fest.

will she eat fish in oil? seem to remember you talking about tuna water, so might be wirth trying it in oil if she likes the taste. oil or butter seems to help madamme.

Thanks. I think I did the right thing. She was mostly fine yesterday, and has been today so far. She does a little splutter now and again. I'm not convinced it's hairball related but time will tell. Whatever shots he gave her seem to have made her less miserable, at least. She's been eating more or less normally and playing with her toys today, and last night.

I tried her with tuna in sunflower oil - she turned her nose up at it. Charlie used to do the same, and he was addicted to tuna like it was crack.

I have discovered, however, she isn't quite the non-cat I thought she was -- I tried her with a bit of ham today. She likes it! So I let her have a few little pieces. She didn't seem to do that thing many cats do, where they get the taste for it and ask for more... the only thing she does that with is her usual biscuits or the dreaded Dreamies. Such an odd animal.
Had a bit of a crisis with our elderly cat Tiggy (coming up to 22 :eek:) this afternoon. Her rear legs have suddenly gone wobbly and she has been falling over.

We ended up at the emergency vet in Streatham. It's a back problem like a slipped disc or trapped nerve, apparently. She's had an anti-inflammatory injection and been prescribed an oral version of the same. This does seem to have made her slightly better but she is not out of the woods. She's due at the usual vet on Monday anyway.

I'm hoping she comes through this and we have her a bit longer (she's a feisty little thing and good for 21) but my main worry is how much it will devastate my partner, who's had her since kittenhood, when she eventually goes. I will also be very upset but have lost cats before, at least three before their time, and know Tiggy is lucky to have had a long and happy life.

It was our younger cat's birthday ;):D today (I know for definite the day she was born) and she had a miserable day thinking the carrier basket was for her and hiding in the garden!

Currently staying up late keeping an eye in Tiggy so my OH can get some sleep. I'm a night owl and he's a lark.

How's Tiggy doing today? Metacam (the anti-inflammatory) can work wonders - it's a life-line for a lot of cats who have arthritis, for example. Keep an eye in case she gets a poorly tummy with it - that's one of the side-effects and you need to stop it immediately if she does (the vet probably told you this, but I've had some that didn't) - it can be dangerous to the kidneys if they take badly to it. That said, at her age it's a case of balancing what would give her the best quality of life.

Good luck tomorrow. Let us know how she gets on.
Thanks for asking vp - she is better today than yesterday, but still stumbling a bit and sleeping a lot.

The vet did warn us about danger to kidneys - luckily she is drinking a lot. Thanks a lot for the advice though.
Warning: the following post contains more images of a squeefic nature

Oh my bloody god they are cute


I'll love em and pet and keep em real good


This is the fawn one I am drawn too but will see how lamb1979 and her daughter feel between the 2


And this lovely young lady is a certainly going to be coming home

Cheers Puddy_Tat - Tiggy is still improving. Walking a bit more normally and eating a bit more but still not back to 100%.

Youngest is more normal but can definitely tell there is something not 100% right in the house! I think her carrierbasketphobia has subsided a little.

Those kittens...well! They're all lovely pics but the third one down is just beyond cute.
Tiggy is still improving




neighbour's kitty was in a friendly mood this afternoon.

i got back after a weekend away, and had a lot of stuff to get out of the car, and this took some time as kitty insisted on a fuss each time i went past. even wanting tummy rubs twice. which is quite unusual for her - she often doesn't want stroking at all...
* explodes in a shower of glitter*

that little fawn-coloured chap (killing the mouse toy) looks like he's got sort of marbly tabby stripes in shades of fawn. photo illusion or just a trick of the light because of the way his fur lies, or truth? because a tabby pattern in subtle neutrals would be even cooler than a dark tabby or a one-colour fawn. (no slight to mademoiselle who's also got a kissable face.) who am I kidding they're all ridiculously adorable.
* explodes in a shower of glitter*

that little fawn-coloured chap (killing the mouse toy) looks like he's got sort of marbly tabby stripes in shades of fawn. photo illusion or just a trick of the light because of the way his fur lies, or truth? because a tabby pattern in subtle neutrals would be even cooler than a dark tabby or a one-colour fawn. (no slight to mademoiselle who's also got a kissable face.) who am I kidding they're all ridiculously adorable.
Yes, def has tabby markings within the fawn.. As does his brother.. Very cute and I don't think I've seen a cat like it before

Antibiotics, tetanus jab, bandages, pain, one very smug cat.

I accidentally touched Peggy's belly in her sleep, while I was half asleep at 4am.

I nearly fainted.

Massive gashes along the palm, the back, and all my fingers, as well as a very deep one on my index finger that has swollen and split and looks just lovely.

She looks smug.

Antibiotics, tetanus jab, bandages, pain, one very smug cat.

I accidentally touched Peggy's belly in her sleep, while I was half asleep at 4am.

I nearly fainted.

Massive gashes along the palm, the back, and all my fingers, as well as a very deep one on my index finger that has swollen and split and looks just lovely.

She looks smug.
The cat ruined your arm? Or your arm was already ruined and you forgot and touched her belly in your sleep?
She's actually the most gentle cat, she never scratches or bites in anger or as a warning. This was purely because she was in a deep sleep and she would have interpreted it as an attack. Neither of us knew quite wtf was going on. I don't blame her in the least.
I went into proper shock, most likely because it woke me up. White as a sheet, hands went tingly numb, head rushing, I couldn't see properly, dizzy, red hot, sweating steam almost. How I didn't faint I don't know.

I should really have gone to get it looked at when it happened but I just wanted to lie down before the floor came rushing up at me.

I've never had shock like that before. Fucking scary.
yeowch VP! Sorry about the gore and the scare. I always thought of the Peg as a sweet old lady, maybe even a bit nervy and shy sometimes. Obviously I was stereotyping her...
yee-owwchhh ! poor you Vintage Paw - hope that all heals up quickly.
I know she was just defending herself when woken up out of a deep sleep, and I doubt she'll remember the incident, but she is normally quite quiet and calm - not an ankle killer at all.
Poor love is still having her hacking incidents. I'll have to take her back eventually I reckon. I'll see how she goes. Couldn't physically get her in her carrier at the moment!
'Vomit-inducing' cat food recalled as owners warned NOT to feed it to felines

Hill’s Pet Nutrition has recalled cat food pouches after they were found to contain vomit inducing levels of iron.

The major pet nutrition firm said certain packs of its chicken and fish cat food pouches contain a large amount of iron, which can cause digestive upset, including vomited and diarrhoea.

Thefelinefood was pumped full of iron in error by an ingredient supplier.

The Food Standards Agency are urging pet owners not to feed their cats the foodstuff but instead return it to their nearest store for a full refund.

Owners who have already fed it to their cat should consult a vet, they said.

In a statement, Hill's nutrition said: "Hill’s Pet Nutrition is voluntarily recalling specific manufacturing batches of the singleserving cat food pouches identified by date codes listed below.

"Due to an error by an ingredient supplier, the products contain high levels of iron.

"The issue in the United Kingdom is limited to the products and date codes listed."
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