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Well, it was still a struggle but I knew what to expect and we only had two carrier escapes before I managed to fasten her in. Lots of pitiful miaows. :(

Antibiotic injection, Vetergesic injection, Vetergesic syringes to be administered orally twice a day over the weekend, and I'm to phone him on Monday to "touch base" *shudder* (it's a good job he's handsome) and let him know how she is.

She had another good explore of his room while he was preparing the meds. Lots of rubbing, lots of mewing, lots of jumping up on the counter and sniffing the sink and the computer.

She's been in a very explory mood since she's been ill. This morning she decided the top of the fridge was the best place to miaow at me from.

Anyway, she's not doing too badly. I suspect this would have cleared up quite nicely on its own, but of course without any kind of pain relief she would have been really very miserable. And the ABs are more of a precaution because she's been licking her bits an awful lot and they've been quite raw - don't want a secondary infection to develop with all that squatting on the floor and in her tray that she's doing.
Guess who had a little drink from one of her new water fountains?

It'll be the only time she ever does, I'm sure.

One downstairs, a different one upstairs. Maximum opportunity for drinkage.

Of course, the jug I was filling it from was infinitely more interesting.

Because of course it was.

This is the equivalent of the box the toys comes in, for a cat who doesn't like boxes and has issues with drinking water.

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It (the vetergesic) got squirted on her fucking feet because I just can't fucking do it.

I don't think I'm cut out to care for a cat.
Looks like the final Casper barrier is starting to crumble and weaken - he's come over for a stroke :D

Not only that, but he was a "bit wobbly on his feet" in a good way, and he fell over on his side for a TUMMY TICKLE

I got in a goodly tummy tickle - he's fully on his back with all 4 legs pointing upwards - realises what's going on and starts to wriggle to right himself - but the effect that this had was to make the tummy rub even better

He's now sulking away from me . . . feeling "dirty and used" - but I don't care
Lovey mog, perfect paws. My step-cat, who lives upstairs, has gone to stay with his grandma for a few weeks. The resident cat is never happy about this, and hides.
my two are now sitting within a tails length of each other with no hissing or staring contests. i think the key change was that they both outstared another cat who came into their garden and moved within inches of each other at a run to as they herded it out. the focus on the other cat got them cloeby without attention on each other and they now accept each other more. it's quite a relief, cause although they never fought, it's quite tiring livingwith swearing cats for 4 months.
We managed to catch a couple of episodes of Meerkat Manor earlier. That's all that did get caught, though.




So I went to flat-sit for a friend over the weekend. Since it was a place where my One-eyed-cat had lived during a period of fostering a few years ago, I brought him with me. In the travelling crate, he yowled mournfully, having some kind of PTSD flashback to the endless ferrying to-and-fro when he had to have his eye treated, sewed shut, and eventually removed. But the instant he saw the entrance of the flat, he stopped mid-yowl.

We had a lovely little holiday together, just the two of us. One-eyed-cat confidentially saw off the fella who has taken over his back yard. I think the successful seeing off was a tonic for him.

Anyway, this week, I've noticed something that has probably going on for a while: he greets me with a two-tone vocalisation that, I think, is his version of "Hello!" He has different noises for "Food. now!" and "Open the bloody door cos I can't be arsed with the catflap" and "Excuse me, but this rain is unacceptable to me, do something about it now please" so forth. But this two-tone "Wah-wow" does seem to be a greeting. And when I reply with "Hello :)" we get into an interactive loop. He gets bored before I do....

I once had a cat who learned how to say "Egg". It did take me a while to work out what she was saying, and she got fairly exasperated with me a few times while she was training me. It was a command to deliver an egg to her, broken and stirred but not whisked. She had been nicking them from the counter top, so obviously I moved the eggs. But also, I think she didn't like the shell debris when she'd rolled it off the counter onto the floor to break it.

No one believes me though.

She was a dead smart cat. Y'know, one of those that you think "If she could read, she'd be less bored..." She spent a fair few days trying to turn the key in the lock of the back door, cos she'd observed that the door only opened if the key was turned. Her frustration when she gave up was very clear. It wasn't "I am defeated...." It was more "Curse this slow evolutionary meander towards opposable thimbs!!"
I got Peggy (amongst other things - quite the toy haul this weekend) one of those spiky things that's meant to slow their eating down.

It took a few Dreamies to encourage her to use it, but now she's using it like a pro for her normal biscuits.

It frustrates her, slows her down, makes eating more of an experience and more interesting, and I'm tentatively wondering if it's making her eat more of her wet food. Because she ate quite a bit of her early morning wet breakfast and her lunchtime wet.

She still won't drink any fucking water though. :facepalm:

Her cystitis seems to have completely cleared up now. Hopefully the residual behavioural quirks will settle down over this week as it all becomes a dim and distant memory.
Here it is:


I bought a different kind when I first got her, but it was quite an involved and large white rectangle of plastic with lots of different shapes and mazes and so on. She really wasn't interested in it at all, despite the Dreamie training. But she's taken to this one really well.
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So I went to flat-sit for a friend over the weekend. Since it was a place where my One-eyed-cat had lived during a period of fostering a few years ago, I brought him with me. In the travelling crate, he yowled mournfully, having some kind of PTSD flashback to the endless ferrying to-and-fro when he had to have his eye treated, sewed shut, and eventually removed. But the instant he saw the entrance of the flat, he stopped mid-yowl.

We had a lovely little holiday together, just the two of us. One-eyed-cat confidentially saw off the fella who has taken over his back yard. I think the successful seeing off was a tonic for him.

Anyway, this week, I've noticed something that has probably going on for a while: he greets me with a two-tone vocalisation that, I think, is his version of "Hello!" He has different noises for "Food. now!" and "Open the bloody door cos I can't be arsed with the catflap" and "Excuse me, but this rain is unacceptable to me, do something about it now please" so forth. But this two-tone "Wah-wow" does seem to be a greeting. And when I reply with "Hello :)" we get into an interactive loop. He gets bored before I do....

I once had a cat who learned how to say "Egg". It did take me a while to work out what she was saying, and she got fairly exasperated with me a few times while she was training me. It was a command to deliver an egg to her, broken and stirred but not whisked. She had been nicking them from the counter top, so obviously I moved the eggs. But also, I think she didn't like the shell debris when she'd rolled it off the counter onto the floor to break it.

No one believes me though.

She was a dead smart cat. Y'know, one of those that you think "If she could read, she'd be less bored..." She spent a fair few days trying to turn the key in the lock of the back door, cos she'd observed that the door only opened if the key was turned. Her frustration when she gave up was very clear. It wasn't "I am defeated...." It was more "Curse this slow evolutionary meander towards opposable thimbs!!"
A mate of my Dad's had a cat who could ask for bones.
It played for 3 seconds before I realised, then I switched it off. Still, there she is, stood next to the speakers staring intently at them as if there is some interloper in her house.
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The day when I go for the first Casper Pick up is approaching - he's now coming over for strokes, pretty much on demand now - a quick snap of the fingers and he's over for some serious itchin' - I've managed to rub both sides and lower tummy whilst stroking him, in a preparatory pick up move and there's NO SIGN of him being wary at all - now part of me wants to get the attempted pick up over and done with to see how he reacts but part of me wants to leave him in a state of blissful unawareness incase I do need to pick him up to get him to the vets and I don't want to blow the trust that's built up just to see if I can pick him up
Well done !

Although, if there is a vet visit close ahead, that might blow it even further.
If you have the time and opportunity, press ahead and get him used to being picked up for something like cuddles.
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