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I will NEVER understand FiFi.

She's hungry, it's obvious she's hungry, she's hanging round her, FULL, bowl of biscuits, meowing and generally whinging that she's hungry

I know exactly what I need to do and that's, pour the biscuits back into the biscuit bag and then pour the exact same biscuits, plus a few more back into the same bowl. Then, and only then, will she start to devour them. You couldn't make it up
In need of advice from you knowledgeable cat people please, esp Ms T as she's been through this recently - I think a cat may be trying to adopt us. We get cats in our garden all the time, so that's nothing new, but lately a skinny tabby and white one has been hanging around more and more. I know most of the neighbours' cats by sight and this dude is new, no collar or owt. Its behaviour is very different to the local cats too - they stroll around looking at ease and occasionally spitting at each other, but mostly they all manage to get along and go about their business. This one sits outside our back door every day gazing intently into our house. It has quite a longing look :D I thought it just wanted to make friends with Beaker, but this morning after I locked up to go to work it was actually jumping up at the back door and squeaking.

It could well be a new arrival, there have been people moving in and out lots lately. What, if anything, should I do in this situation?

so skinny - how skinny? cats are lean, but shouldn't be a bag of bones. and you already can see that it's starting to show signs of desperate behavior. can it smell or see food from where it's sitting? when you feel him, can you feel his fur is too thin? can you feel multiple scabs? all signs of long term underfed cat.

i'd lure it with some food. if he's starving, he will take in anything as fast as he can. he may also try to come inside to sleep.

and whie your cat won't be freinds, they wil already have dealt with the first stages of feline diplomacy outside, so are unlikely to actually fight.

and check for a chip. if there's no chip, then check the lost pet lists. call the rescues. call local vets. be aware that even if he has a chip, he may not be claimed.

but you're also describing noodle in the days before we took him in.
I can't resist sharing some more photos. Mookie is positively phobic of other humans but is truly smitten with me I'm happy to say. I suspect it's the week their sister and brothers went missing and they, as Mooks is a confirmed hermphrocat, was glued to me to the extent that I actually took Mookie to work with me one day so they wouldn't be alone. I look shocking but I can't help but feel melty about the love between us :):cool:


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Poor Peg's uncomfortable again. She's resting now, but just spent a couple of hours being agitated and straining again. I guess the painkiller from this morning wore off. And she had a second poo of the day, this one a bit soft and smelly.

Reading online, everyone seems to say the same thing, that it can take a week to go. I feel so bad for her. I wish I could take the pain away.

I've gone and ordered a couple of new water fountains to place in different places around the house in the hope she'll drink more water. Pretty certain that's why it's happened. Will make a concerted effort to get her eating more wet food too, even if it's the stuff that's no good for her (which is about the only kind she likes). Just wish she'd do more than lick the sauce.

Will open a can of tuna later and let her have all the liquid from it. Might have to start doing that more regularly (will get the type in spring water, not brine, and not give her more than a teaspoon of actual tuna, just the water).

Poor love.
I can't resist sharing some more photos. Mookie is positively phobic of other humans but is truly smitten with me I'm happy to say. I suspect it's the week their sister and brothers went missing and they, as Mooks is a confirmed hermphrocat, was glued to me to the extent that I actually took Mookie to work with me one day so they wouldn't be alone. I look shocking but I can't help but feel melty about the love between us :):cool:
That second picture is a gorgeous image of feline adoration.
Opened a can of tuna. Poured all the water into a bowl. Added a teaspoon of the flakes. She licked up all the water. I added more water (just bottled water since all the original tuna water was gone now), mixed it up with the remaining flakes, she licked up all the water. Did it a 3rd time, she licked up all the water. Tried my luck with a 4th time but she's wandered off for now.

I've put the rest of the almost full can of tuna (now without its original water) in another bowl, soaked it with bottled water, mashed it up a bit, covered, and put it in the fridge. Hopefully I'll be able to use this to get her to drink more tomorrow. Obviously I don't want tuna to be her only food, nor do I want her eating tuna too often, but hopefully the water sans too many flakes isn't as bad as eating the flesh of the tuna all the time. And frankly at the moment I just need to get more liquid in her.

Might try adding a spoon of this tuna water to her regular wet food, see if it encourages her to eat it, or at least have the sauce of the ones she doesn't usually like.

If I have to end up wasting cans of tuna every week it's worth it to make sure she drinks more.
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Opened a can of tuna. Poured all the water into a bowl. Added a teaspoon of the flakes. She licked up all the water. I added more water (just bottled water since all the original tuna water was gone now), mixed it up with the remaining flakes, she licked up all the water. Did it a 3rd time, she licked up all the water. Tried my luck with a 4th time but she's wandered off for now.

I've put the rest of the almost full can of tuna (now without its original water) in another bowl, soaked it with bottled water, mashed it up a bit, covered, and put it in the fridge. Hopefully I'll be able to use this to get her to drink more tomorrow. Obviously I don't want tuna to be her only food, nor do I want her eating tuna too often, but hopefully the water sans too many flakes isn't as bad as eating the flesh of the tuna all the time. And frankly at the moment I just need to get more liquid in her.

Might try adding a spoon of this tuna water to her regular wet food, see if it encourages her to eat it, or at least have the sauce of the ones she doesn't usually like.

If I have to end up wasting cans of tuna every week it's worth it to make sure she drinks more.

i'd suggest also trying sardines.
Vintage Paw - the late Hilli would sometimes indulge herself with a small amount of mackerel (she wasn't that keen on tuna, tbh) and during the last few days/weeks she rather liked the re-hydration drink I made her. A tiny amount of salt and sugar - barely enough to taste - dissolved in warm, boiled water and allowed to cool to room temperature. (This is what I gave the blackbird chick, using a dropper, and he did very well on it).
Update on the tabby: saw it again this morning and on further inspection it looks in good condition, not as thin as I'd first thought, so I suspect it's just a nosy hone invader rather than a beast in need of a home :) It's got such funny body language though, I've never seen a cat duck and dive so constantly :D
Bit of advice please. I grew up with dogs so having cats for a long time is a new thing for me. My two are roughly 14 and I've had them for 7 years. My friend came round and commented on how thin one of them is now. I said it was because his two are two fat chunks but thinking on it she is thinner than she used to be. She's fine in herself though - still eating, running about, poking me in the face so she can come under the duvet! Is it just a normal thing of getting older in a cat?
Thanks for the water/fish/rehydration advice.

More poorly poos overnight and this morning, so she's not having her metacam today and I've called the vet for advice - he's not in yet and will call when he is.

She managed to settle last night, but she's having a tough time this morning. Hopefully it'll pass and she'll be able to get a kip.
KatyF - if you've got a cat losing weight over a long period, even without other signs of illness, it CAN (doesn't necessarily) indicate bad things, of varying seriousness - parasites, growths, cancer, diabetes, or just wanting to change diet ... the big indicator is how bony the cat's "hips" and back end are ... most domestic cats are way overweight, you are meant to be able to see a 'waist' on them from above and it's not wrong to be able to feel their ribs, but if you can feel the hip /thigh bones when stroking a cat it's probably a bit too thin. I would get your older cat checked out at the vet, not urgently, but just to know a bit more and to get a recent weigh-in - that way you can tell if the weight loss is still happening or constant or what.

It might very well be nothing. (I'm just a bit oversensitised to it 'cos my timeshare cat, which had to be put down earlier this year, didn't show any signs of illness right until the end, but had bowel growths etc which made him lose weight very slowly over about 9 months ... getting thinner was the only symptom he showed.) So it's worth a vet visit if you can manage one. But to repeat - it might very well be nothing.
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Thanks trabuquera, thats good advice. I was thinking I'd have a vets visit anyway, its good to get them checked when they're getting a bit senior! I'll check her hip/thigh bones tonight but I think for peace of mind I should just take her to get checked out.
Vintage Paw, how is Peg with cat milk ? Apologies if you've mentioned it already. Regarding the cat carrier, we now have one in the living room all the time and leave it open and occasionally put a bow of food in it, so they don't associate it with going to the V.E.T.
Vintage Paw, how is Peg with cat milk ? Apologies if you've mentioned it already. Regarding the cat carrier, we now have one in the living room all the time and leave it open and occasionally put a bow of food in it, so they don't associate it with going to the V.E.T.

She hates cat milk :D

I swear she's the most awkward bugger ever.

I keep the carrier in the living room, she uses it to hide behind when she's hunting down her toys :D She was fine going in the carrier when I took her previously, but this time she was having none of it, likely because she already felt shit. But I am going to start giving her treats in it so we can hopefully avoid this again down the line.

The vet called me back. He thinks I should take her back and he'll give her a different painkiller, and some anti-biotics to try to see her through the weekend. He said it sounds like there might be a bit of improvement since she's not agitated 24/7 (the first night she was up and down and pacing all night long poor love), but since it hasn't been a massive improvement and she's still miserable it's time to try something else. So she's booked in for the morning.

Wish me luck with the carrier :D

She's been sleeping behind me while I've been watching Dinnerladies this afternoon. Apparently this is comfortable:

Wish me luck with the carrier :D

best of luck.

the sort of carriers where you open the top rather than a little door at one end may be easier - with them, you can usually pick kitteh up, and get them in tail end first, this means even if they stick all their legs out, gravity tends to win.

And we get to learn what she's like being given medication by hand.


have fun...
I'm considering a new carrier. She was fine with this one at first...

Liquid - vetagesic (or however you spell it), he's going to give her an injection of it tomorrow and pre-load some syringes to squirt in her mouth ("under the tongue" lol). I'm going to ask his advice for the best way to attempt it. I tried the old towel/fullbodycontact/pray method with Charlie and it was just simply horrific.

Sadly she doesn't like the liver paste. Not that it'd be any good for a liquid anyway. She's a weird cat. She has no interest in human foods at all. Turns her nose up at chicken, cheese, marmite, liver paste, she'll take a tiny lick of butter but no more, haven't tried ham yet because I never buy it - maybe I'll get some one day.

She's not eaten much today, but she's slept loads. Not too worried at the moment as hopefully it means she's not feeling the discomfort she was earlier. Want to get her to eat something though so I can get watery sauce into her.
She's been a bit perkier this evening. Not much straining, and we had a bit of a play earlier. She's refusing to eat almost everything though, and that includes licking the sauce off stuff. And of course won't drink anything.

Our kitty-flap between the kitchen and the garden is BACK IN ACTION :cool: (and no longer gaffa-taped closed) for the first time since early March 2015 ...... since Worf had his leg broken :mad: by next door's horrible out of control dog, remember that story?, we've only been letting the cats out into the garden under very strict supervision :(

But the arsehole neighbours have recently moved out**! :D :)

**As our cats can once again now .... kitten-joy! :p
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