Thanks epona.
I did wonder about that. Since I know big cats certainly won't (can't) eat a whole kill in one go, and will save it for later, sometimes for days. But I'd also heard regular cats in the wild will hunt and eat several times a day, so I wasn't sure.
When I got Peg, the people at the shelter said she wasn't very fond of wet. And indeed, she loves her biscuits but trying to get wet food into her is a struggle. Like Radar, she licks the sauce/gravy and for the most part leaves the rest. The only exception is tuna (of course) but even then she doesn't always clean her plate (I only give her a couple of teaspoons worth of it every couple of weeks, whenever I'm having any).
But, mindful that cats need moisture in their diets, and particularly because she's 11 now, I figure it's worth persevering. I add water, as I said, so at least that gives extra gravy/sauce for her to lick up, meaning extra moisture. When she first moved in she wouldn't drink any water at all. Then after having several different bowls, cups, and glasses in various places she started drinking a bit every day from a mug on the side in the kitchen and a glass on the windowsill in the back bedroom. In the last few weeks she's stopped doing that though, but has decided standing in the bath and asking for the shower to be turned on is a better alternative
Problem is, she's very awkward about actually getting in there. She loves the bathroom and dashes in as soon as I'm anywhere nearby, but then stands there mewing at me for ages as if she wants something, but won't jump in the bath (and she hates it if I pick her up and put her in there). Or she just rolls around on the floor, which is another favourite pastime. Anyway, at the moment she's jumping in the bath at least once every couple of days, and lapping at the running water for about a minute. I'll just have to hope that's enough for her. (I tried a water fountain and she was having none of it.)
I still get the feeling I'm not providing something she needs. She often seems like she's asking for something, but I don't know what. I've never adopted an older cat before, so even now several months later it's still difficult, wishing I'd known her while she was younger so I could learn her likes and dislikes while she was developing them.
In other news, she's not doing that mouth thing as frequently now. And that has seemed to coincide with me being able to grow her grass indoors again now the weather's a bit better. She really does love her grass. Now, perhaps it's just a coincidence, but thinking back the mouth thing seems to have started when the grass stopped growing. Maybe it helps clean her teeth? idk. She still does it sometimes though. She did it today when we were playing with feathers, and she brought her paw up in that typical "get it out of my mouth/off my face" way
I swear there's something going on, but the vet didn't find anything so...