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She is pretty awe inspiring with her defensive prowess, it's true.

She just managed to bring up a hairball, after a couple of weeks of dry hacking. It wasn't that big, but wasn't tiny either. She did a bit more hacking after, so I doubt that's the end of it. Pretty certain there's something else going on here.
Got back home yesterday afternoon after having been working away since Monday - who should be there to welcome me but both of the boys and both of them came out for strokes

Also, Casper later succumbed to some pretty serious tummy rubs - starting off with two handed side rubs, he then proceeds, once again, to "fall over" and presents himself for general rubbin' in the tummy/chin area. He's also now starting to give me gentle bites and "no-claws" rear feet kicks and front paws/with claws ever so gentle cat itches resulting in severe kitten type nicks - it appears he knows how to play gentle
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Went for a follow up today. Most of my hand is fine. Scratches still look angry on my palm but arent showing any signs of being a bother. Index finger is a sorry mess. Around the biggest wound it's swollen to buggery. The deep slice has split open like a star. Ugh. Didn't feel too painful when she was having a prod to see if it's infected. We thought it was at first but it may just be dead white skin after all. She's sending a swab off to make sure I'm on the right ABs. Im going back on Monday for another check and new dressings. Not in much pain, just the odd twinge around the biggest wound and annoyances because the whole finger is swollen. She said the swelling and pain is normal.

Sorry for lack of punctuation, cant type well!
My old fella, Mr One-eyed-cat. Oh he's such a delight. But I was a bit worried the other day when he didn't get up for breakfast. I'd been off work for a week (a "stay-cation", I think it's called) and he was basking in the glory of continuous attention and responses.

The first day I went back, he got up with me, all gleeful that I wasn't laying in past dawn, when he thinks is a good time to get up for first breakfast. He proper drooped when I said "Cheerio" and left and locked the door behind me though. And the next day when I got up as normal for work, but he didn't get up. Well, he did, he got up enough to turn his back on me.

And when I got home, he ignored me again. Just long enough to make go for looking for him, so that he could turn his back on me again.

And then the last two nights, this chap, who is getting on for 17 years old, who has outlived his sister-wife, and all his offspring, went a-galloping around the house, upstairs and downstairs, clicking and cluttering and chittering and chattering, landing flat-footed and sliding against the skirting.

Full moon and a change in the weather. What else could it be, eh?
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She is sweet!! Daftly so. But I guess if you feel under attack you defend yourself.

My two are not impressed with me tonight.

I came home from a night out with napkin full of tasty scraps for them but the scraps ended-up being devoured by the small female hedgehog that was rooting around in the plants by my back door.

So it looks like I have cats and hedgehogs coexisting in the same garden again! :D :D :D
Thanks! Not really in any pain now - the odd bit of stinging around the biggest wound. Back to the nurse this afternoon for dressing change and because she wants to keep an eye on it. I'll take pictures of the resulting scars, which will no doubt be very impressive.
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I just learned that ginger cat next door is called Simba. He's been let out once and didnt return for a bit, so shes a bit wary about letting him out again, although he used to go out in her last area.

I also met grey cat yesterday. Grey cat is very friendly. Its fur isnt in great condition, but then it was rolling in the road for tickles. Under all that really thick bushy fur it felt thinner than id have liked. Will investigate to see if it does have a home or not. It's always hanging around outside the same house.
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