Yeah, I did thanks. Not her.
Yeah, I did thanks. Not her.
These were in one piece when the cat visited me in bed this morning.
Now they are not
I've had them 3 days
If there were a competition for cuddliest cat in the world I think Perry would be in the running. I need to go to the loo, but how can I?
Thanks. Just got in from another look around. Hope she is tucked up indoors somewhere warm tonight. It isn't nice out there.Hope you get Martha back soon CNT36
Noticed this week that my old girl is getting a bit stiff in the back legs. She's fine otherwise, sticking rigidly to her routine like a retired sergeant major but definitely not as spry as she used to be.
... and that was when I was changing the bedding and she wanted to be a part of the process.
Perry does that a lot:
Today he was so thoroughly under that blanket that I sat on him.