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Saturday 5th March 2016 4:50'ish

OFFICIALLY CHIN ITCH'D CASPER for about 30 seconds - this is a first - his fur's not at soft as Clive's - it's almost a year (March 7th when they arrived) and this is the first time either of us have "officially" touched Casper - I've managed the very occasional "sneak" stroke, but this was a proper, full on he knew it was happening and didn't run away contact

The traumatised boy in question shortly after the itching

Oh HV, that's great. Your patience and perseverance is paying off. You should be proud of yourselves, you two.
I hope your cat turns up soon CNT36 - FWIW, your care of her doesn't sound at all neglectful, most cats are OK with being left overnight as long as they have access to the necessities. Sounds like someone is trying to cause trouble :( Good luck and hope you find her safe and well.
If there were a competition for cuddliest cat in the world I think Perry would be in the running. I need to go to the loo, but how can I?

These were in one piece when the cat visited me in bed this morning.


Now they are not :mad:

I've had them 3 days :facepalm: :D

Dunno what it is with some cats and cables, only one of mine has ever done it. I am familiar with that ^ sort of thing though. :mad:
Was just sitting at my computer and heard a sort of <schlump> sound from the kitchen. Went to investigate but couldn't see anything then heard a pathetic meow. Loki had fallen down the back of the fridge :facepalm:

Luckily it's on wheels or he might have had to spend the night there
Hope you get Martha back soon CNT36

Noticed this week that my old girl is getting a bit stiff in the back legs. She's fine otherwise, sticking rigidly to her routine like a retired sergeant major :D but definitely not as spry as she used to be.
Hope you get Martha back soon CNT36

Noticed this week that my old girl is getting a bit stiff in the back legs. She's fine otherwise, sticking rigidly to her routine like a retired sergeant major :D but definitely not as spry as she used to be.
Thanks. Just got in from another look around. Hope she is tucked up indoors somewhere warm tonight. It isn't nice out there.
Radar completely disappears under the duvets on our bed. Sometimes when I go in there I don't even know where he is until I hear a rustling sound and his head pops out from the nest he has made for himself. :D

Jakey hates being under blankets of any sort for some reason.
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That was a Hilli speciality - she would "tunnel" under the duvet from the side, so all you could see was a cat-sized lump in the middle ...
Peg burrows under a loose sheet I keep on the bed. It's one of her favourite places. But she goes under completely.

She's only been under the duvet once, and that was when I was changing the bedding and she wanted to be a part of the process.

Otherwise, she's shown no interest in going under the duvet (unlike Charlie, who loved to snuggle under there at night). But even when she goes under her sheet (which is most days, for hours at a time) she never, ever leaves her head out. She manages to tuck the sheet all the way around her so she's sealed in :D
i have been granted access to the floofy orange belly. when he's had enough, he will stick his nose under my hand rather than claw. that's me though, just me, anyone else is going to bleed for even trying. it's putting himself quite out of sorts that this furry bastard is more comfy with me than with him.

we're also keeping an eye on the furry creature that is really aggressive to all the other cats and sprays everything. because he does not look in good condition. i think he's an entire tom though, and i am not inviting one of them into the house. and we have enough cats for now. but if things get worse for him, then i'm going to see about whether we can trap him.
The magnificently handsome but feral un-neutered tom is back in our lives (or rather back in our house). He seems better cared for than last time he was making regular visits - eyes a lot clearer and fur in better condition. We've ended up buying a magnetic catflap which seems to be working at keeping him out but our own cats are struggling to work it out.

I think junior cat may have already broken it by repeatedly clawing under the flap rather than pushing with his nose and letting the magnet do its thing.
Bollocks and arse - Casper appears to have some "friends" - anyone know of a flea treatment that can be given orally? - or should we discuss with the v. e. t.
It's my understanding that the general flea treatments you can buy in the shops don't work because the fleas have developed immunity. It really is best to ask your vet for some stuff because they always keep in the stuff that still works (and cycle it out when it stops working).

It's generally that "gloop on the back of the neck/shoulders" stuff.
You can usually vaguely touch him when you feed him, yes? Without him realising? Might you be able to squirt it on him then without too much fuss?

You won't need to take him to the vet to get the stuff. They'll need an approximate weight for him though, so he gets the right dose. Over 5kgs or so and they get the big cat dose. Giving a small cat the big cat dose can be dangerous.
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