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it's now 8:58am - 32 minutes away from Caspers v. e. t. appointment - I let him out this morning, unfed, so that he could do whatever it is he has to do - that was an hour ago - ever morning him and his brother pop out for about half an hour and are then back in again

except today - of bloody course

On the plus side - I still have the standard 8 pints of blood in me
Cats: 1
Humans: 0

My first ever "no show" at a vets :facepalm:

On the plus side - I've picked up AND HELD ONTO Clive for it to be classified as a proper pickup and hold - and he didn't look stressed according to Mrs Voltz and we both got in itches and strokes whilst he was picked up
Cats: 1
Humans: 0

'Twas ever thus, really.

As our feline overlords stealthily infiltrate human society one lap and household at a time, they lay their plans against us.

Come the sacred Caturday they shall rise as one, a mighty global coup that will sweep away the old order of human dominance in the Great Revolution hat will enslave us all. Battalions of feline stormtroopers will roam the streets, dissenters will be deported to the Isle of Man for compulsory re-education, the remainder will be used as forced labour opening tins and emptying litter trays and teh kittehz oldest rival, the unfortunate dogs, will become extinct.

For Caturday is coming... And our kittehmogs will reign supreme...

Fear them, hoomins...

Fear them...
Cats: 1
Humans: 0

My first ever "no show" at a vets :facepalm:

On the plus side - I've picked up AND HELD ONTO Clive for it to be classified as a proper pickup and hold - and he didn't look stressed according to Mrs Voltz and we both got in itches and strokes whilst he was picked up

I once had to phone the vet to cancel an appointment because Jakey (my one that panics at the sight of the carrier) had escaped from my grasp and gone into hiding behind the bookcases. Nothing I could do about it really without dismantling half the fixtures and fittings, he was behind there for about 4 hours. It was for a routine post-operative check-up, it's not like his leg was hanging off or anything so not an urgent situation. Vet receptionist said not to worry, it happens all the time, thanks for phoning, and booked us an appointment on another day (which we were able to keep!)

EDIT: (Going to be quite honest here - I had got to the point of "oh ffs is this visit really necessary?" by this point, he had been in twice pre-op, then once for the dental, then another time for a checkup after a week, which showed he was healing fine, but the vet wanted to see him again 4 days after the previous checkup as well and I really didn't think it was necessary - he was eating fine, very lively, no bad breath or anything - ie in good shape - but being traumatised by the constant vet visits. I did fully intend to take him to the vet for that checkup because the vet wanted me to, but I honestly believe that Jakey sensed my antipathy towards getting him in the carrier and up to the vet yet again, in that I was not as "we're going to do this whether you like it or not" as usual, and took advantage of it).
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She sure does love tucking herself in.

She has more problems since I've been ill because I haven't been making the bed. Which means she can't completely disappear under that thin sheet. So she has to make do.

I hope you feel better soon. Peg is such a sweet looking cat, I love the way that when cats sleep they always seem to look so comfortable, I often look at my cats sleeping and wish it was that easy!
View attachment 84881

She sure does love tucking herself in.

She has more problems since I've been ill because I haven't been making the bed. Which means she can't completely disappear under that thin sheet. So she has to make do.

That's the thing about cats, they'll struggle on through the harshest of circumstances, with never a complaint or a whinge or a whine ;) barely ever letting you know that they're there - brave little soldiers, one and all really
That's the thing about cats, they'll struggle on through the harshest of circumstances, with never a complaint or a whinge or a whine ;) barely ever letting you know that they're there - brave little soldiers, one and all really

"Barely ever letting you know that they're there" my arse :D - Radar doesn't care whether I am well or ill, he will tap his paw on my face repeatedly until I let him under the covers, and if he decides to lounge on my side at night, if I dare to move my arm away from him, he will stretch his front paws out to grab my arm and bring it back into cuddling position! It's quite sweet, but also quite annoying :D
At the risk of cursing my patience and sterling work with the boys . . . but, I "think" that Clive's resistance to "fuss-in-general" appears to be, whilst not totally broken, at least on the wane - to the extent that, it's almost boring stroking him - he's a lovely boy with such silky soft fur that stroking him never will actually get boring, but, you get the drift. He's not flinching when being stroked whilst eating and for the first time, I've not had to rush the first stroke whilst he's been sitting in his nest so that he won't get up and walk away

And Casper's got the most amazing purr on him - both me and Mrs Voltz are now concentrating our efforts on him - he's about 3-5 months behind his brother in the confidence stakes and as a result of this we've not really concentrated on him - but now we've got FiFi and Clive handleable we can now turn our full attention onto Casper - I have secret high hopes for Casper for when he gets into middle age - I'm hoping that he'll be a bit of a softie and a total lap cap
There's a possibility that both of us coming back home last week absolutely stinking of OTHER CATS might have bucked up C and C's ideas . . . we had a visit to the rescue where we got FiF's from and obviously, took advantage of the samples on offer - I'll call it improving their sociability - others might call it having goes on cats
I'm so pleased to hear that you are making big strides with both of them - absolutely delighted!
Patience and gentleness does pay off eventually :)
others might call it having goes on cats

I dunno what it is about that phrase, but if one of the boys is on my lap I'll say to Nate "do you want a go on him?" it sounds a bit awful but it's just like he's here, come and have a stroke while he's in the mood type of thing. So I understand "having goes on cats" :D
Mine too. I think they're worried about us, strange creatures about to be swallowed up by the water.
Ages ago had a cat who, when he was a baby, would sit on the edge of the sink and watch me as I shaved, head cocked, very concerned.
People with multiple cats - how do you handle mealtimes? When it was just the two brothers, it was fine feeding them together. Now there are three, and Carpet is a right gannet who comes running at any sign of food. Dylan is missing out somewhat, especially when it comes to wet food (he prefers dry). He's not exactly thin though, and Hendrix is as chunky as ever.
People with multiple cats - how do you handle mealtimes? When it was just the two brothers, it was fine feeding them together. Now there are three, and Carpet is a right gannet who comes running at any sign of food. Dylan is missing out somewhat, especially when it comes to wet food (he prefers dry). He's not exactly thin though, and Hendrix is as chunky as ever.
when i had 6 cats i had to supervise. Most cats were fine but at least one would happily nick everyone's food. Sometimes I fed him separately so i could watch him properly
I don't worry about dry food but do tend to feed Perry his wet food separately, or sometimes feed them together but supervise. Dry food is now difficult for them to overeat, I think.

Moonie is tiny but has clearly been deprived of food in the past from the dog-like way she wolfs down food and begs at the dinner table. She ate my daughter's cheese sandwich while my back was turned the other day.
they started playing in boxes

then they started eating the boxes....


Chester did his bit too:

Till he got his box just the way he wanted it...

Though Lester prefers sleeping on this... which i bought for my feet.

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