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You can usually vaguely touch him when you feed him, yes? Without him realising? Might you be able to squirt it on him then without too much fuss?

You won't need to take him to the vet to get the stuff. They'll need an approximate weight for him though, so he gets the right dose. Over 5kgs or so and they get the big cat dose. Giving a small cat the big cat dose can be dangerous.

May I refer you to post #6783 :)

I thought that the squirty on stuff has to be squirted onto the cats skin - so you have to stroke apart the fur so that an area of skin is showing and then dib onto that - if that's the case then we really do have a problem - also, the cats not been to the vet - he's registered with the vet but hasn't been seen by him yet, which he'll need to be to get any prescription meds - so that's going to be even more fun
Bollocks and arse - Casper appears to have some "friends" - anyone know of a flea treatment that can be given orally? - or should we discuss with the v. e. t.
Don't use the Bob Martin stuff you can find in supermarkets, it can cause a nasty allergic reaction in the cat. I used it once and then had a very distressed cat who had to be washed three times to get the stuff off, and have subsequently heard about similar situations.
May I refer you to post #6783 :)

I thought that the squirty on stuff has to be squirted onto the cats skin - so you have to stroke apart the fur so that an area of skin is showing and then dib onto that - if that's the case then we really do have a problem - also, the cats not been to the vet - he's registered with the vet but hasn't been seen by him yet, which he'll need to be to get any prescription meds - so that's going to be even more fun
We just dollop the stuff (Frontline? Stronghold? Winterfell?) onto the back of neck (where she can't lick it), the tube it comes in has a long nozzle which can be what touchs the skin if you see what I mean. She does hate it though so has to be held down.
Yep, both me and Mrs Voltz are fully aware of the Bob Martin stuff and avoiding it - but thanks for the warning, you can't let too many people know
Also re: spot on flea/worm treatment - if you have more than 1 cat and they groom one another, keep them separate for about an hour after applying (or until it dries) so that they don't ingest any by grooming it off one another. Bit of a 'mare with my lot as they seem to bathe one another even more frequently than they bathe themselves.
Well, the good news is that it sounds like the vet can give Casper either an oral flea treatment or a long lasting anti-flea injection


the bad news is, we've got to take Casper to the vet - on Saturday - at 9.30am - this maybe my last post . . . until the slashes and gashes and cuts and scratches have stopped bleeding and I've started to heal

Think of us - - - please
Well, the good news is that it sounds like the vet can give Casper either an oral flea treatment or a long lasting anti-flea injection


the bad news is, we've got to take Casper to the vet - on Saturday - at 9.30am - this maybe my last post . . . until the slashes and gashes and cuts and scratches have stopped bleeding and I've started to heal

Think of us - - - please

My number one tip is to wear a thick longsleeved sweatshirt when getting a reluctant cat into a carrier, I've had some nasty scratches off Jakey (he's a sweet boy but panics and starts scrabbling when he sees the carrier) in the past, doing it with short sleeves.
I have been nerfed.


All I did was ask the mighty Noodle to temporarily. TEMPORARILY, vacate my lap.

He stood up, making me think he was feeling co-operative.

Then, with the speed and force of a crocodile whipping its tail, he proceeded to swing his mighty (and weighty) hindquarters sideways into my chest at considerable speed, before sitting down again VERY firmly while I was still getting over the surprise.

"Human, you dropped your thing. Be careful."
"Human, I said be careful, don't thro..."
"*sigh* You dropped it aga..."
"Honestly, I won't keep going to fetc..."
"Human, what is wrong with you?"
Oh noez! Wishing best possible luck Manter. Searching for an upside: he might well be hiding so find-able somewhere, and he's so incredibly otherworldly gorgeous he wouldn't be easily confused with a random stray or any other lost cat round your way. Really really hoping that somewhere in his dim wits there's a memory of his home and he'll find his way back.
Still not back. He is waaaaay too stupid to survive rush hour :(

I probably always say this, but it's true: my own stupid cat went missing for ages (10 days was it?) and still turned up.

As a measure of his stupid: several times I had to "rescue" him from a nearby street where he would me miaowing piteously at what would have been our back gate, if he was in the right street. And no, they don't look at all similar.

Also had to collect him from the other side of the road once, as despite me being stood directly in front of him it was too hard to work out where to go.
. Neighbour found him hiding in his porch and grabbed him as he is a very distinctive cat! He is now asleep and happy as Larry....
Noodle's reign of terror continues unabated.

This afternoon I gently ejected him from my lap while seated on the chair in the study before going downstairs.

He waited on the floor until I stepped through the doorway, looked directly at me, and then immediately jumped back on the chair again.
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