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After all his trials and tribulations, Bubbles is dead. He was killed outside my house - ran out in front of a car apparently. My neighbours were walking past and saw and knocked on my door. I held him as he died.

I've wrapped in a towel and put him in the boot of my car. We're going to bury him tomorrow

I'm so sorry Trashy, I wish I could say something to make you feel better, as I read your post I almost burst into tears myself! Thinking of you and the Foal. ((((Bubbles))))
After all his trials and tribulations, Bubbles is dead. He was killed outside my house - ran out in front of a car apparently. My neighbours were walking past and saw and knocked on my door. I held him as he died.

I've wrapped in a towel and put him in the boot of my car. We're going to bury him tomorrow
OMG no, after everything :( I am so, so sorry. RIP little man.
trashpony I'm so sorry for your loss. I have just buried mine two days ago at the age of 19 and this puts my grief into perspective. At least you got to hold him as he died and he knew you were there. RIP Bubbles xx
trashpony I'm so so sorry to hear this. So shitty, particularly after his adventures, but I guess at least he died with you, not somewhere unknown, and I bet he had the best time with you and your son.
Oh no, trashpony, I'm very sorry to read that. Losing a pet is just awful. As others have said, at least you were with him.
Thank you all - you're very kind.

My neighbours came back this morning to help me bury him but in the end I decided it was something we needed to do together. I dug a very deep hole and we buried him with a fishy blanket, some Dreamies, a lego head (he chased them and ran around the house with them in his teeth) and a squeaky mouse. We put a piece of MDF over the top of the grave which the foal decorated and wrote his name and dates on and I've put a plant pot on top of that (to deter foxes). Bubbles wasn't injured externally at all though so I hope he won't smell like prey.

He looked just like he did in life. I was glad he was stiff - last night when I picked him up, he was so warm and still alive feeling that I really wouldn't have been surprised if he had wandered off in the night.

The foal was very upset this morning so I've plied him with Lego to distract him.

He was a brilliant cat - he had a huge personality and he'll leave a huge hole in our lives and hearts. He was only 2 1/2 too :(
You're so brave. I suppose you have no choice but to be brave, for your little one. Much respect to you. :(
I'm don't think I'm brave. I think I'm still in shock.

Also (and this might be before your time), he went missing in May last year. He was found in August 12 miles away but for those 3 months I didn't know what had happened to him and where he was and that was truly awful. I would lie awake at night, worrying that he'd been stolen as bait for dog fights :(

So I've gone through all that and this feels much less awful, although much more final.

Maybe he wasn't a cat who was destined to live long. He was the runt of the litter and nearly died. He burned very bright and very fast and has marked our souls forever. I'm so glad to have had him in our lives.
I'm so sorry about Bubbles. Our cat Harvey got run over a few years ago in similar circumstances and it was horrible. At least you know what happened, which isn't much comfort I know. I hope E is ok tomorrow. x
trashpony I told Mr K about Bubbles the other night, and we were talking about how some cats with big personalities do seem to live fast, die young. One of my childhood cats was much the same. Doesn't make it any easier though :(

Much love to you two, and much fuss to Loki and Weegie.
I am trying to work. The door is closed. The cat is not impressed :D

I've got another cat due for a vet visit this evening, it's like a neverending fucking round of vet visits. Just his annual MOT so fingers crossed for a clean bill of health!
I'm so proud of my boy. Not only has he taken to going outside very easily after four years as an indoor cat, but the second we put the catflap in he walked in and out of it and has been using it every day! I thought we'd have to patiently teach him. But no, he's out there running around, and jumping worryingly large distances, but he's also still cuddling me like a baby all the time he's in. :)

It's the new cat that doesn't know how to use it, but that's at least partly because the lowest we could put it down is still a bit too high for her because she's so ridiculously tiny. She's been way more affectionate lately though - seems to have finally accepted us as home. :)
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Back from the vet with Sonic after his check-up - the vet (first time the new one has met Sonic) fell in love with him and commented what a wonderful cat he was :D

All is well, he's in good health but will need to be booked in for a dental within the next few months.
There's a wild tom back on the farm because the farm wankers can't be arsed to spay their queens. Off to the vets with Basil with an abscess behind his ear due to a wound. We also had to give Bert a shallow bath to get all the mud off him from his part in the battle. We reckon it costs us about £200 pa. to repair our cats after tom engagements. :mad:
For a bit of added privacy I got FiFi a "high back" litter tray - the back of the litter tray is a good foot tall

Explain to me - how the fuck can a "lady cat" MISS THE FUCKING TRAY and manage to empty the entire contents of her bladder - which is a goodly amount it must be said OVER a wine rack - this has now resulted in the following being thrown away:-

Half bottle of Pernod - not mine, it's Mrs Voltz's and it looked like piss when it was being poured away - so not a great loss for me tbh
Half bottle of blackcurrant cordial (as above)
1 bottle of Heston's Winter cider
1 bottle of Christmas wine
1 bottle Wine - not great but it's a bottle of wine ffs

For Sale - one cat - will post

On the plus side - it's getting boring stroke Clive now - he's so much more confident with me around - I've been leaving him and FiFi in the house and with access to the outside for a couple of weeks now - the relationship, whilst not perfect, it much better - it's only when you include Casper in the mix that Clive reverts to being a bit of a nobhead

So two down, one to go - and it's coming up to 1 year since we got the boys, that'll mean it's just about 1 year since we got FiFi

And it's over 13 months since we lost Bobbie <sigh> we both miss Bobbie terribly

But a note to all of you who have lost pets - it does get better, really it does
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