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Bloody hell I hope Carpet gets the hang of the cat flap soon (he will now come through it gingerly when it is taped open - but only into the house not out). He has just done a poo in his litter tray which I can smell through a closed door. :eek::facepalm::mad:
Haha our cat is now so pampered that although she goes out she only poos indoors in the winter. She is a cheeky wee scamp.
Perry hasn't started pooing outdoors yet, not sure he ever will. I'm nor sure this is a bad thing, really - Moonie likes to poo in my vegetable beds and cat poo is not a good fertilizer.

The local cats have taken a real liking to our garden. Not sure I like this. Three or four enormous cats all hanging around there.
Bloody hell I hope Carpet gets the hang of the cat flap soon (he will now come through it gingerly when it is taped open - but only into the house not out). He has just done a poo in his litter tray which I can smell through a closed door. :eek::facepalm::mad:

Ours didn't go out for months, only in. We were leaving the cat flap propped open all winter. In the end we just thought enough is enough and put the food outside. After a couple of times having to go out and eat, she just carried on using it without trouble.
Does anybody else's cat go through phases where they completely change their habits for a while just to keep you in your toes ? Alfie usually stays in a lot and is an affectionate, sociable cat. But once or twice a year he goes semi-feral for a while, stays out for hours and keeps his distance. He's almost like a surly teenager and I'm like "My cat doesn't like me anymore :( " That can last a few weeks. Then after that is over he becomes super affectionate for a while, barely goes out, follows me around while purring and wants to sit on me wherever I sit. His feral phase always freaks me out a bit. Initially when he's first out for ages I'm worried he's gone lost.
Does anybody else's cat go through phases where they completely change their habits for a while just to keep you in your toes ? Alfie usually stays in a lot and is an affectionate, sociable cat. But once or twice a year he goes semi-feral for a while, stays out for hours and keeps his distance. He's almost like a surly teenager and I'm like "My cat doesn't like me anymore :( " That can last a few weeks. Then after that is over he becomes super affectionate for a while, barely goes out, follows me around while purring and wants to sit on me wherever I sit. His feral phase always freaks me out a bit. Initially when he's first out for ages I'm worried he's gone lost.


madamme varies from going out for half an hour every few days to appearing for long enough to scoff half a bowl of crunchies every couple of days, then running off again. but she survived 18 months on her own before she was 2. as long as it's not the middle of winter, she has proven able to feed herself and otherwise look after herself so i don't worry that much. and everyone round here knows her as a complete attention seeking tart so she's got attention if she needs and enough know she's ours that any real trouble and we'd know. and yeah, the running off tends to be a few weeks at a time. but ti's often the good weather that triggers it. she also goes off in not so good weather, but just before winter really sets in.
... and another yes. Randomly changing behaviour patterns is all just another joyful part of Being A Cat.

it's not always so random. its usually related to the change in seasons. but they don't all do the same things at the same time. but they all seem to be much more awake over the summer than the winter.

madamme is still sleeping all the time.

noodle is starting to caper about like a big overgrown kitten.
^ agreed, that sometimes stuff which looks random to people is not random for cats (just think of all the things they can smell, hear and see which we can't), but I would say that going into your out-very-late, more-out-than-in summer phase during the coldest week of February in London, is pretty damn random! But still nothing to worry about.
Breeze is still desperate to groom Ella (has decided Charlie is a lost cause.) Whenever she gets just about close enough, Ella does the Elvis snarl and Breeze backs off, but it's gonna happen.

In other news, Breeze has discovered the joy of fresh salmon. This is an expensive habit I will try not to encourage!
watermarked-Ella and Breeze-001.jpg watermarked-My Girls.jpg
Ours didn't go out for months, only in. We were leaving the cat flap propped open all winter. In the end we just thought enough is enough and put the food outside. After a couple of times having to go out and eat, she just carried on using it without trouble.
I wouldn't mind but until a few weeks ago he was a bloody stray and outside all of the time. :rolleyes:
My lot are all indoor-only, but they still go through phases of higher activity - I think seasonal changes are triggered by length of daylight rather than ambient temperature, but mine have sprung into a high-activity phase this week - very lively, awake for longer periods than usual, pestering me incessantly to play with them, and starting to moult out their winter coats (not that Oriental Shorthairs get noticeably fluffy in winter or anything, but they do get a bit longer/thicker hair in winter especially around their belly and do still moult seasonally - just less noticeably so than cats with thicker/fluffier hair).

I've been using the zoom groom on them this week and they have been all delighted and purry and lots of moulted loose fur :D Oh and Radar with his slightly longer hair has started furball season :/
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I am less embarrassed by the fact that Higgins is petrified of next doors tiny little cat after watching her chase a young fox out her garden twice last night :thumbs:
If a fox is scared of her, Higgins can be scared of her :D
The interesting thing about my lot and grooming is that none of them particularly enjoyed being groomed (and with 2 ultra-shorthairs and 1 shorthair it was never a necessary part of their care or anything, they usually don't need to be groomed) until Jakey had major surgery in 2014 that required him to wear an inflatable collar for more than 3 weeks to stop him messing with his stitches - when he couldn't groom himself at all he seemed extremely grateful for me sorting out his itches and loose fur every day and generally keeping his coat in order and stopping him getting greasy - and the others saw him enjoying it and wanted in on the action. They now form a (very) disorderly queue when I get the zoom groom out, and all want a go. Picking up the zoom groom is as effective at getting them to come to me as holding out a bit of tuna. :D
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CRI I follow a page on Facebook about a little girl called Iris who has autism and how her relationship with her cat, Thula (a maine coon, which made me think of Breeze) has helped her.
They did a film about her on The One Show and they are inseparable, even swimming together. Has Breeze ever shown an interest in water or swimming?
CRI I follow a page on Facebook about a little girl called Iris who has autism and how her relationship with her cat, Thula (a maine coon, which made me think of Breeze) has helped her.
They did a film about her on The One Show and they are inseparable, even swimming together. Has Breeze ever shown an interest in water or swimming?
Breeze likes to play in the water with her paws (I think that's something to do with checking to make sure it's safe!) so we have a pretty huge water bowl on a tray to reduce the risk of the hall flooding! She hasn't yet jumped in the bath, but has come close. She can turn the taps on and off, so have to remember to keep the bathroom door shut. She often has a wet tail from letting it dip in the washing up bowl when she jumps onto the kitchen window sill. Most cats do seem to get upset if they get wet. Breeze not.

There's a gorgeous Birman called Jessi-Cat that I'd seen on a documentary and now follow a bit on t'internet. She's best pals with a wee boy who has autism and selective mutism. I've also heard about Iris - who's a fantastic painter, and Thula. I think the "big furry" cats like Ragdolls, Maine Coons, Norwegian Forrests, Birmans, etc. which have been bred for dog-like personalities are adept at forming these sorts of bonds with children who face challenges with communication, perception, etc. Also deeply cute! :)
Breeze likes to play in the water with her paws (I think that's something to do with checking to make sure it's safe!) so we have a pretty huge water bowl on a tray to reduce the risk of the hall flooding! She hasn't yet jumped in the bath, but has come close. She can turn the taps on and off, so have to remember to keep the bathroom door shut. She often has a wet tail from letting it dip in the washing up bowl when she jumps onto the kitchen window sill. Most cats do seem to get upset if they get wet. Breeze not.

There's a gorgeous Birman called Jessi-Cat that I'd seen on a documentary and now follow a bit on t'internet. She's best pals with a wee boy who has autism and selective mutism. I've also heard about Iris - who's a fantastic painter, and Thula. I think the "big furry" cats like Ragdolls, Maine Coons, Norwegian Forrests, Birmans, etc. which have been bred for dog-like personalities are adept at forming these sorts of bonds with children who face challenges with communication, perception, etc. Also deeply cute! :)
The presence of any cat can be calming. Middle lass in particular can come our of meltdown far easier if one of the kitties is about for cuddles.

Bakunin is aspire so can probably explain some of how that works
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After all his trials and tribulations, Bubbles is dead. He was killed outside my house - ran out in front of a car apparently. My neighbours were walking past and saw and knocked on my door. I held him as he died.

I've wrapped in a towel and put him in the boot of my car. We're going to bury him tomorrow
That sounds really factual and heartless, like I don't care. But I'm heartbroken. My poor baby

I just can't really type and put it into words. He was warm so I thought he wasn't really dead when I picked him up and his head turned and I thought he was looking at me but he wasn't. Oh god. What am I going to tell Elliot ? He's his cat
Really sorry trashy, it's bloody awful when a pet dies but it's even harder to accept I think when it's due to an accident :( I wish you strength when telling the foal in the morning :(

Sending you love and hugs x
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