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  • WPGB

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • LP

    Votes: 20 74.1%

  • Total voters
I might be tempted to vote for WPGB - more likely if we had PR . Why? I'm finding it hard to believe that anyone could be worse then the Conservatives or current Labour and wonder if there is much to lose? However I haven't looked into it or done any research- it's just something I was pondering last night.

Richie Sunak' s speech regarding George Galloway 's seat win in Rochdale made me want to vote for him just on the basis that the PM so clearly demonstrated feeling threatened.
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Seems an unlikely choice to be forced to make tbh.

If compelled to choose though I'd probably vote Labour on the grounds that it makes no odds to them, where an additional vote for Galloway might be of marginally more use to him.
Neither, unless there was a candidate between them likely to give other politicians/the media an aneurysm. Sadism towards the ruling class is the main motivator of my electoral politics these days.
If - in the highly unlikely chance - there was a WPB candidate that had good chance to unseat Reeves, Kendall or Streeting I might be tempted to vote for them.

More realistically I'd skip both sets of shits
I would certainly not vote for a party led by this far-right areshole.

“Fighting age men”, “3 star hotels or better”, “illegal migrants”, obsession with borders.

The talking points of Tommy Robinson. No, I would not vote for that language. And if forced at gunpoint to choose between Labour and that, it’d be a tough call, but it’d be Labour. For the same reason I voted Remain: as a vote against the worse rhetoric, not as a vote in favour of the slightly less bad rhetoric.
Unless I had good evidence that the Labour candidate was anti-immigrant, transphobic, homophobic and anti-abortion, probably Labour.

Worth remembering that there are other parties and people who are calling for an unconditional ceasefire.
Because I can see a potential future for the Labour Party to be something other than a vehicle for Starmerist neoliberalism; I cannot see any future for the WPGB except as a vehicle for Galloway's brand of opportunistic populism and cynical exploitation of world events.
Voting for the status quo in order to end the status quo. I like it.
Because I can see a potential future for the Labour Party to be something other than a vehicle for Starmerist neoliberalism;
Sadly, I can’t. After 124 years of chances, it’s shown itself to have been fully co-opted by the establishment.
I cannot see any future for the WPGB except as a vehicle for Galloway's brand of opportunistic populism and cynical exploitation of world events.
Indeed. And worse.

And ideally I wouldn’t vote in that two way race, but at gun point and in fear of my life? Sorry, but not this prick:

I'd rather have fingers made of carrots than vote for either Labour or Galloway 🥕

Wouldn't want feet made of aubergines though.
Surely aubergine feet are the better option. Maybe I could walk with them, maybe I couldn't, but lots of people live with restricted mobility. Not being able to use my hands would restrict my life far more.
Sadly, I can’t. After 124 years of chances, it’s shown itself to have been fully co-opted by the establishment.

Indeed. And worse.

And ideally I wouldn’t vote in that two way race, but at gun point and in fear of my life? Sorry, but not this prick:

View attachment 414812
Churchill on the left and what appears to be Che Guevara on the right. The daft bugger's all over the shop.
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