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Are you a liberal and/or LibDem? - a Poll

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Same as any oligarchs; the enemy, has anyone on here defended them? Bet they've all fucked off rather than fight or resist the Russian invasion, and would probably be happy to have any peace so long as they can continue their oligarching. Also expect not many will ever be executed without trial, tortured, deported, had their kids taken away, or anything like that like many normal Ukrainians have and are resisting.

Not really sure what your point is tbh.

That Putin is the protector of the working class. And mighty and tumescent in that strong butt firm protection?
Same as any oligarchs; the enemy, has anyone on here defended them? Bet they've all fucked off rather than fight or resist the Russian invasion, and would probably be happy to have any peace so long as they can continue their oligarching. Also expect not many will ever be executed without trial, tortured, deported, had their kids taken away, or anything like that like many normal Ukrainians have and are resisting.

Not really sure what your point is tbh.
Not sure I know really, but it might have been because somebody implied that I was an oligarchic appeaser (whatever that means, and however you might do it while eating beans on toast in your kitchen, 2000 miles from the action.)

But anyway, it was only Noxion, getting angry with things that are only in his own head again.
Not sure I know really, but it might have been because somebody implied that I was an oligarchic appeaser (whatever that means, and however you might do it while eating beans on toast in your kitchen, 2000 miles from the action.)

But anyway, it was only Noxion, getting angry with things that are only in his own head again.

Which one of us got banned from the main Ukraine thread again? My thoughts must be pretty potent to pull that off.
I know. What do you think of the Ukrainian oligarchs?
I can give you an answer to that. Before the invasion, Ukraine was, messily and imperfectly, moving away from oligarch domination and towards something better. Meanwhile, the situation in the Donbas was also, messily and imperfectly, moving towards something better.

One might think that such baby steps towards a better future were a factor in the timing of the invasion.

And no, I don't have any easy answers to Ukraine. But then again, neither do you.
Not sure I know really, but it might have been because somebody implied that I was an oligarchic appeaser (whatever that means, and however you might do it while eating beans on toast in your kitchen, 2000 miles from the action.)

But anyway, it was only Noxion, getting angry with things that are only in his own head again.

I haven't formed the impression you're an 'oligarch appeaser' tbh. I don't think you're a 'Putin apologist' or whatever either fwiw. It does seem to me that you skate very close to being some ultra-pragmatic cynical old politico who thinks he's wiser than most, and gets a kick out of trying to trip people up. I do also wonder what your actual political positions are, and what you get from refusing to be clear about them and pathologically refusing to answer straight questions, and just constantly repeating nothing we do makes any difference.
I haven't formed the impression you're an 'oligarch appeaser' tbh. I don't think you're a 'Putin apologist' or whatever either fwiw. It does seem to me that you skate very close to being some ultra-pragmatic cynical old politico who thinks he's wiser than most, and gets a kick out of trying to trip people up. I do also wonder what your actual political positions are, and what you get from refusing to be clear about them and pathologically refusing to answer straight questions, and just constantly repeating nothing we do makes any difference.
For clarification, I've only ever said that nothing we do on some issues can make any difference. Not everything.
Which one of us got banned from the main Ukraine thread again? My thoughts must be pretty potent to pull that off.
Yes, but you are not alone on here in railing against what you want your opponent's argument to be rather than what it is.
Ukraine is hardly an example of a liberal state is it?

:confused: Do you know what the OP is on about then, their motivation to go liberal hunting.

Where it all began IMO according to the OP.

1. If you don't believe all the murdered PoWs the other day were fascist; liberal

2. If you're against murdering PoWs generally; liberal

3. If you don't mention the Azov's battalion's historical or current links with fascism in every post talking about Ukraine's defensive operations; liberal

The premise of this thread I think you may agree is the work of a plonker.
I can give you an answer to that. Before the invasion, Ukraine was, messily and imperfectly, moving away from oligarch domination and towards something better. Meanwhile, the situation in the Donbas was also, messily and imperfectly, moving towards something better.

One might think that such baby steps towards a better future were a factor in the timing of the invasion.

And no, I don't have any easy answers to Ukraine. But then again, neither do you.
Don't want to derail the thread and I appreciate that you qualified your remarks with 'messily and imperfectly' and 'baby steps'. However it would be a mistake to frame Zelensky's period in office as slow but linear. In many observers and commentators' views both inside and outside Ukraine it's been underwhelming . One of the reasons Zelensky's popularity crashed after his election ( backed by oligarchs ) was that he made very little progress against corruption and that he was seen to be in the hands of oligarchs himself. Ukraine is the third most corrupt country in Europe . The something better is very much open to debate, especially in the East.
:confused: Do you know what the OP is on about then, their motivation to go liberal hunting.

Where it all began IMO according to the OP.

1. If you don't believe all the murdered PoWs the other day were fascist; liberal

2. If you're against murdering PoWs generally; liberal

3. If you don't mention the Azov's battalion's historical or current links with fascism in every post talking about Ukraine's defensive operations; liberal

The premise of this thread I think you may agree is the work of a plonker.
Think you might be taking things a little too seriously.
I haven't formed the impression you're an 'oligarch appeaser' tbh. I don't think you're a 'Putin apologist' or whatever either fwiw. It does seem to me that you skate very close to being some ultra-pragmatic cynical old politico who thinks he's wiser than most, and gets a kick out of trying to trip people up. I do also wonder what your actual political positions are, and what you get from refusing to be clear about them and pathologically refusing to answer straight questions, and just constantly repeating nothing we do makes any difference.

Arch sinic / nihilist, IMO. A bit obsessed with beans on toast for some reason. Sure he's mentioned that veritable meal more than once now.
Arch sinic / nihilist, IMO. A bit obsessed with beans on toast for some reason. Sure he's mentioned that veritable meal more than once now.
Not sure I have. Today must be the first time I've had beans on toast since before Christmas. Enjoyed it though.
Well that's easy for you to say from your living room / office, munching on a toasted panini, dozens of miles away, probably.
It was ordinary sliced wholemeal. None of that fancy shit.
:confused: Do you know what the OP is on about then, their motivation to go liberal hunting.

Where it all began IMO according to the OP.

1. If you don't believe all the murdered PoWs the other day were fascist; liberal

2. If you're against murdering PoWs generally; liberal

3. If you don't mention the Azov's battalion's historical or current links with fascism in every post talking about Ukraine's defensive operations; liberal

The premise of this thread I think you may agree is the work of a plonker.

There are a few, in fact thinking about it more than a few as we've unfortunately had some new ones, posters on here who I have absolutely no idea what they are on about most of the time tbh . I'm afraid that its either one of the perils or attractions of these boards depending how you look at it.
Well that's easy for you to say from your living room / office, munching on a toasted panini, dozens of miles away, probably.
didn't we have a forum at one time where posters would describe what they were wearing when they were at the keyboard or on the phone
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