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Are you a liberal and/or LibDem? - a Poll

Are you a liberal and/or a LibDem?

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My dad was a Liberal Party member and went out canvassing for them. I only even knew this after he died but there are values which I've sort of inherited. A certain open mindedness, valuing foreign culture, a certain mild social democractic "european identity" (not that I voted remain) and a refusal to mold kids into your image, let them find who they are. For most of my childhood the Tories (Thatcher) were in power and there was much more railing against them than there was against Labour, so I sort of picked up a hatred for them. But the problems were apparent to me even as a young teen. There's poverty and inequality and this outlook does less than the bare minimum to address it, and there's also an explicit elitism to it. "We know best".
I would support large-scale programs of expropriation and nationalisation to destroy oligarchies and provide a universal basic income and the last time I voted I chose the Communist candidate, but if "liberal" means not being a Putin apologist or not supporting a Conservative-led Brexit, then it's yep, guilty as charged.
I always thought I was a bit of a liberal with a small “l” on some things

But people keep telling me that Boris Johnson is a natural liberal so I suppose I can’t be
Apparently my opposition to other countries being invaded makes me a liberal. Nothing I love more than some oligarch-appeasing dipshit telling me my political beliefs.
If you mean liberalism as in this definition

Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), liberal democracy, secularism, rule of law, economic and political freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, private property and a market economy.

then yes guilty as charged. If you mean Liberal as in "We will shoot your dog if you don't vote us" then No nor am I a member of the Liberal Dems. I don't have the maniacal unthinking hatred of them that some posters do though. If I lived in a seat where they had a genuine chance of shifting the sitting Tory (I don't and they don't) then I would probably vote Lib Dem.
Apparently my opposition to other countries being invaded makes me a liberal. Nothing I love more than some oligarch-appeasing dipshit telling me my political beliefs.
No shortage of oligarchs in the invaded country. Are you appeasing them?
No. There's a whole bunch of working-class Ukrainians over there who would appreciate it greatly if Mr Putin and his henchmen fucked off.
I know. What do you think of the Ukrainian oligarchs?
Same as any oligarchs; the enemy, has anyone on here defended them? Bet they've all fucked off rather than fight or resist the Russian invasion, and would probably be happy to have any peace so long as they can continue their oligarching. Also expect not many will ever be executed without trial, tortured, deported, had their kids taken away, or anything like that like many normal Ukrainians have and are resisting.

Not really sure what your point is tbh.
I know. What do you think of the Ukrainian oligarchs?

Buncha dickheads. What the fuck has that got to do with the invasion? Because if you think oligarchs justify invasions, then you need to be raring for boots on the ground in Russia.
I vote Lib Dem. But thats basically because the other two options are so shit, in different ways. It leaves me little choice. Oh, and my local candidate is a sound dude who recognises how shit it all it is and gets pissed with us in my local in despair.

Get MMP in. Or at least explain it properly to the electorate before the next referendum so they can understand how much better it will be. Nobody I know seems to know what it actually involves.
I vote Lib Dem. But thats basically because the other two options are so shit, in different ways. It leaves me little choice.

That’s a pretty shit situation.

Who else is there - Tories and the National Front?
Buncha dickheads. What the fuck has that got to do with the invasion? Because if you think oligarchs justify invasions, then you need to be raring for boots on the ground in Russia.
I was just wondering if the Ukrainian oligarchs got a free pass, like the Ukrainian fascists.
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