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Will you continue using a face mask after 19 July?

Will you continue to use a mask in certain situations after 19 July?

  • Yes

    Votes: 213 88.4%
  • No

    Votes: 14 5.8%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 11 4.6%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 3 1.2%

  • Total voters
Around here mask wearing was still at 90% plus 2 weeks ago when it ceased to be mandatory. There have always been the odd self-centred cunt that reckons the rules don't apply to them but there was also a lot of people who didn't like them but did so because it was the done thing. On our way home from my parents on Sunday, we called at the KFC on the services and rather than go through the drive through as we have been doing these past 18 months, Youngest Q and I went in.
Certainly mask wearing is down to no more than 50% tops now. None of the staff were wearing them (though the screens are still up) and only about half the not inconsiderable number of people going through the services were.
Very varied selection though as many young as old were wearing or not wearing. I don't see anyone wearing them improperly now, I think anyone who did that would have just stopped wearing one now.
It's pretty inevitable the further we get from 'Freedom Day' that mask wearing will drop off, as more and more people stop wearing them, then more people will see others not wearing them and stop themselves.
The things is the vaccines do seem to be working and any upswing in cases isn't being matched by any sudden surges in hospitalisations/deaths and there seems to be an ever growing feeling that it's over (whether or not it actually is)
BoZo's mad gamble seems to have paid off more through sheer chance rather than any action on his part but there you go.
No-one has challenged me about wearing a mask, there must be something about me that deters the loons, I've never encountered a single anti-vaxxer in the flesh either. Every single person I've spoken to about vaccinations as either had it or been in the process of getting it.
I’ve not really been out and about much in the 2 weeks since freedom day but have worn them in every public place:

Osteopath (they wear them too)
Doctors (they wear them too)
Sainsbury’s (50% wearing)
Uber (driver wore it)
Tube (80% wearing)
Train (50% wearing)
Waterloo station forecourt (10% wearing)
Bus (90% wearing)

I don’t mind wearing masks as I don’t really go anywhere public very often. Maybe I’d feel different if I had to wear them for a long time. The train was 3.5 hours but also sitting down doing nothing.
Some of you live in much more cautious/compliant areas than I do. Ubers are 100% and the library is pretty high too, but shops and trams here are around 30% masked only. No one has given me any attitude though. I will cough on them if they do.
Damn. I finally lost my rag in Aldi :(

Quite a few customers came in with no masks ... I got to the scab till and needed assistance so after she'd handled a lot of my groceries I finally asked her if staff were exempt ..

"I'm exempt"

"yeah right" ...

"I'm helping you"

"does that make up for you giving me covid ?"

The 20-ish assistant threatened to cancel the transaction and send me away with empty bags ...

I feel bad, but she was taking the piss ...
Damn. I finally lost my rag in Aldi :(

Quite a few customers came in with no masks ... I got to the scab till and needed assistance so after she'd handled a lot of my groceries I finally asked her if staff were exempt ..

"I'm exempt"

"yeah right" ...

"I'm helping you"

"does that make up for you giving me covid ?"

The 20-ish assistant threatened to cancel the transaction and send me away with empty bags ...

I feel bad, but she was taking the piss ...
I'd have taken her up on that. It's going to be her left with a big pile of groceries she's going to have to re-shelve, and maybe she'd get to explain why to her manager.

Some hills ARE worth dying on.
Damn. I finally lost my rag in Aldi :(

Quite a few customers came in with no masks ... I got to the scab till and needed assistance so after she'd handled a lot of my groceries I finally asked her if staff were exempt ..

"I'm exempt"

"yeah right" ...

"I'm helping you"

"does that make up for you giving me covid ?"

The 20-ish assistant threatened to cancel the transaction and send me away with empty bags ...

I feel bad, but she was taking the piss ...

She should have told you to fuck off out of the store, you rude cunt.
Damn. I finally lost my rag in Aldi :(

Quite a few customers came in with no masks ... I got to the scab till and needed assistance so after she'd handled a lot of my groceries I finally asked her if staff were exempt ..

"I'm exempt"

"yeah right" ...

"I'm helping you"

"does that make up for you giving me covid ?"

The 20-ish assistant threatened to cancel the transaction and send me away with empty bags ...

I feel bad, but she was taking the piss ...
Iirc shop workers can wear them voluntarily. Stores may have their own policies
That's a fair point, but I think the level of abuse of the exempt status is bound to have a backfiring effect.

Tough shit. Shop workers aren't required by law to wear them. If on top of that you question someone who tells you they're exempt, that should be that. They absolutely should not have their medical issues questioned by some stranger in a shop. Anyone who has a problem with that should fuck off somewhere else or shop online.
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Like some kind of horrible incoherent fence sitting liberal I agree with gentlegreen and Spymaster, both have a point.

Just remember that this antagonism between people about things like mask wearing is something the government and business have largely created, it's their fucking fault, not that of the shop workers.
It's a shit show.
It doesn't help that I spend time on Paltalk arguing with insane covitards in addition to following the actual science.
I'm over 60 and it's 3 months since my second AZ and I'm starting to feel vulnerable again.
Went to see Jerry Sadowitz last night at the Leicester Square Theatre, packed audience and maskless.

Temperatures were taken on entry and that was it really.

To be honest I don't really care if people want to carry on wearing masks, it's up to them, but in all seriousness when do you think things are going to go back to normal?
Majority of people on here have been jabbed (which is proven to not completely stop transmission), and the majority still want to wear masks.It's never-ending.

It's a genuine question, so don't really need abuse from the usual suspects.

By the way I'm tested at least once a week, are those who are jabbed tested that much?
Went to see Jerry Sadowitz last night at the Leicester Square Theatre, packed audience and maskless.

Temperatures were taken on entry and that was it really.

To be honest I don't really care if people want to carry on wearing masks, it's up to them, but in all seriousness when do you think things are going to go back to normal?
Majority of people on here have been jabbed (which is proven to not completely stop transmission), and the majority still want to wear masks.It's never-ending.

It's a genuine question, so don't really need abuse from the usual suspects.

By the way I'm tested at least once a week, are those who are jabbed tested that much?
I'll be testing twice a week once I'm back at work as well as weekly for the Covid study I'm a part of, and I'll be wearing a mask in indoor public places for the foreseeable future as it's really not that much of a hardship and might help prevent passing on a potentially deadly virus.
ETA double jabbed
Went to see Jerry Sadowitz last night at the Leicester Square Theatre, packed audience and maskless.

Temperatures were taken on entry and that was it really.

To be honest I don't really care if people want to carry on wearing masks, it's up to them, but in all seriousness when do you think things are going to go back to normal?
Majority of people on here have been jabbed (which is proven to not completely stop transmission), and the majority still want to wear masks.It's never-ending.

It's a genuine question, so don't really need abuse from the usual suspects.

By the way I'm tested at least once a week, are those who are jabbed tested that much?
Let's flip this then. Presumably you're not wearing a mask now. Why?
I mean "now" as in these post-compulsory times
They're not massively effective, the rules surrounding them have been ridiculous (put them on to go to the pub toilet, take them off when drinking) I don't like them, I'm not sick and find them a constant reminder of the lack of normality.

As I said, I don't mind what others do and if it makes people feel better, I'll whip one out of my back pocket.

It's been great going into places and having a good degree of normality again.
Just say "I'm exempt". Nobody gets to question it, you don't have to prove it. What's the point in arguing? Just do what you like :thumbs:
They're not massively effective, the rules surrounding them have been ridiculous (put them on to go to the pub toilet, take them off when drinking) I don't like them, I'm not sick and find them a constant reminder of the lack of normality.

As I said, I don't mind what others do and if it makes people feel better, I'll whip one out of my back pocket.

It's been great going into places and having a good degree of normality again.
I'm glad you're feeling better, but how much does it impact on how "back to normal" you feel to see others taking precautions? I mean a lot of people, myself included, think the situation is very much not back to normal inasmuch as Covid is still very much among us - a colleague and his dad both tested positive last week and his dad has sadly died. They thought the pub without masks was a risky step towards normality worth taking. Obviously that's not worked out.
I'm glad you're feeling better, but how much does it impact on how "back to normal" you feel to see others taking precautions? I mean a lot of people, myself included, think the situation is very much not back to normal inasmuch as Covid is still very much among us - a colleague and his dad both tested positive last week and his dad has sadly died. They thought the pub without masks was a risky step towards normality worth taking. Obviously that's not worked out.
Really sorry to hear that.
I really have no answer to that, but as I said earlier, at what stage do we get back to normal, away from jabbings/boosters/masks etc. It seems never ending.
Seems as though it's not enough for you that YOU can get back to normal though, you want others to be the same. I mean I don't really go anywhere but aren't masks largely requested rather than demanded now? You've got what you want in terms of a return to "normal"?
Seems as though it's not enough for you that YOU can get back to normal though, you want others to be the same. I mean I don't really go anywhere but aren't masks largely requested rather than demanded now? You've got what you want in terms of a return to "normal"?
I've been relatively normal all through this, apart from being able to do normal things like go to the pub, eat out, go on holiday etc. etc.
As I said, I don't care if people want to wear them inside or out in the street, but please don't say it's back to normal. It isn't normality.
I've been relatively normal all through this, apart from being able to do normal things like go to the pub, eat out, go on holiday etc. etc.
As I said, I don't care if people want to wear them inside or out in the street, but please don't say it's back to nornal. It isn't nornality.
It's still not a normal situation. I don't really know what point you're making tbh. What would you like to see happen?
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