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Why the lib-dems are shit

R4 report that LDs confirm that Carmichael will face no internal party disciplinary procedure as a result of his deception. They went to say that he had taken responsibility for the behaviour himself and forgone £17k severance pay.

How principled. Sounds like the party are not too keen to see anyone question whether or not anyone else in the party knew what Carmichael was up to. Hmmm
Not one of the English papers has this story on their front page. Unlike the original 'leak' lie. Also a lot of Labour politicians were very quick to jump on the story when it broke yet are curiously silent about it now :mad: And David Mundell (our only Tory) as Under-Secretary of State for Scotland must surely have known about it too.
Not one of the English papers has this story on their front page. Unlike the original 'leak' lie. Also a lot of Labour politicians were very quick to jump on the story when it broke yet are curiously silent about it now :mad: And David Mundell (our only Tory) as Under-Secretary of State for Scotland must surely have known about it too.
And it took a long time for the BBC to add in the phrase from the "apology" letter that Carmichael now admits that "the details of that account are not correct". They have now added it to their web story, but neither the 6 o'clock nor the 10 o'clock news used the phrase or referred to it, and Reporting Scotland even managed to imply that the story might still be true, despite showing the letter on screen. Snidey bastards.

Crick and Alex Thomson were both quick to notice that phrase and to report that the memo was therefore, ah, inaccurate. But neither, to my knowledge, has asked Carmichael *when* he knew that "the details of the account [were] not correct". Did he know the details were not correct when he leaked the account?

His circumlocution in the letter and his interviews suggests he did.
Simon Johnson of the Telegraph has also been quiet. Did he know the details were not correct when he ran the story? I suggest he did, because he did not ask either Sturgeon or Sylvie Berman for comment before running the story.

But he did find time to ask Willie Rennie for comment. *Willie Rennie*.
And it took a long time for the BBC to add in the phrase from the "apology" letter that Carmichael now admits that "the details of that account are not correct". They have now added it to their web story, but neither the 6 o'clock nor the 10 o'clock news used the phrase or referred to it, and Reporting Scotland even managed to imply that the story might still be true, despite showing the letter on screen. Snidey bastards.


"Dear Alistair,
get away tae fuck, ya nasty wee bastard!

Yours cordially
R4 report that LDs confirm that Carmichael will face no internal party disciplinary procedure as a result of his deception. They went to say that he had taken responsibility for the behaviour himself and forgone £17k severance pay.

How principled. Sounds like the party are not too keen to see anyone question whether or not anyone else in the party knew what Carmichael was up to. Hmmm
Par for the course with the Lib Dems. Mike Hancock? Lord Rennard?

Nice use of one of stand-up comedian Nick Helm's catchphrases, intentional or otherwise. His comedic persona is that of a man on the edge of personal collapse, living in denial and trying to paper over his inadequacy in his chosen medium with increasingly desperate-sounding feigned confidence. He should be leading this course.
It depends on whether the tories want to kick their ex-partners while they're down. Given that these are tories were talking about..
Given the proximity of Mundell to this steaming pile of excrement...I'd guess they rather the story be closed down. And anyway, none of them want another nationalist in place.
This. I can't see them letting this one die down, there's a lot of political capital to be made from it.
Be interesting to see what Labour do, as with the Mundell link you might think that they have a opportunity to gain something too, but I bet you they line up with the Cons/LDs.
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