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Why the lib-dems are shit

Ipsos MORI poll to be announced tmw:

CON 36%(+4), LAB 30%(+2), LDEM 23%(-9)

Up your two arses.

That looks like bollocks to me, do they weight their sample properly?

Average from last few polls is

CON 35
LIB 30
LAB 27

Which gives Labour majority of 38!
True i heard they want to give trident to North Korea and cut pensions so they can help Iran build more nuclear weapons.
Apparently they are going to cut child benefit so that they can give more money to illegal immigrants to stage cock fighting on tower bridge.
They've got my vote then. I'd pay anything to see you fighting on tower hill.
Tower hill in Kirkby that is.
Clegg's wife is a partner in DLA Piper who give advice on how to break strikes here

Identify which employees are involved in the action and whether they are members of the union supporting the strike, members of a different union or non-union members.
Collect all information and communications relevant to the dispute in order to consider legal steps to prevent the planned strike and possible action against employees or the union involved.
£70 for a pair of pants.

That little 'news' article is quite funny - sheer speculation about Clegg's rich lawyer wife buying expensive knickers. It being in the Mail, the article comes across like someone droolingly saying, 'Oooh, wouldn't it be lovely to be rich and live in places like that and be able to get your underwear in places like that and spend loads of money and have posh relatives and go to expensive schools... and...'

The knickers non-story could have been better handled in the Sun. They'd have some model wearing the expensive knickers and looking vaguely like Clegg's wife.
Clegg's wife is a partner in DLA Piper who give advice on how to break strikes here

you're getting pretty desperate aren't you?

from what I can tell, she's got nothing to do with that side of the business, she's not listed on the rapid response site you linked to, and according to the main DLA Piper website, she's a specialist in EU and international trade law, so would likely have fuck all to do with giving advice on breaking strikes.

I couldn't care less if she personally directs these strike breaking operations or merely works for a company who makes them their specialty. It's rotten either way.

The true desperation is those who just shove everything mentioned on this thread and elsewhere under the carpet and pretend that they don't actually matter. The anti-union approach doesn't matter, the pro-private health care position doesn't matter, the pro-private education position doesn't matter, the 'break up the nhs' position doesn't matter, the neo-liberalism doesn't matter, the lies don't matter, the backhanders don't matter, the deceptions don't matter, the half-truths don't matter, the careful PR doesn't matter, the life of privilege doesn't matter - none of them matter, - the politics, in brief, don't matter - because you're voting for change.
I might change a 15 year policy of not voting and vote Liberal. I have no idea why. It'll be a chuckle.
Butchers quoting the Daily Hate ?

Well I suppose slebs buying posh pants is their one area of expertise ....
not read whole thread but i see we've done his "i don't remember that" on his Tory past, have we done his "i have no recollection of that" on being served breakfast in bed (with newspapers) by Louis Theroux at Westminster school?

or his "i burnt down a greenhouse full of Germany's best cactus collection" when according to his schoolteacher he only singed a few plants? (quite why he'd want to lie about that is even more telling than his untruth).

i think he's got a screw loose tbh.

another story i remember about Clegg was, tbf, from a backbencher Labour MP who'd been abroad for a week with him on some Parliamentary visit somewhere. his abiding memory of Clegg was his ongoing chat about how good looking he (Clegg) was......

i suspect this one has some serious issues up top.
I couldn't care less if she personally directs these strike breaking operations or merely works for a company who makes them their specialty. It's rotten either way.
it may be one area the company specialises in, but it's not their only specialism, and she doesn't work in that area of the company.

I doubt there'd be many specialist international corporate law firms that wouldn't have one branch of the firm dedicated to dealing with industrial action, so having a pop at her for joining this firm on this basis is irrational bollocks IMO.

The true desperation is those who just shove everything mentioned on this thread and elsewhere under the carpet and pretend that they don't actually matter. The anti-union approach doesn't matter, the pro-private health care position doesn't matter, the pro-private education position doesn't matter, the 'break up the nhs' position doesn't matter, the neo-liberalism doesn't matter, the lies don't matter, the backhanders don't matter, the deceptions don't matter, the half-truths don't matter, the careful PR doesn't matter, the life of privilege doesn't matter - none of them matter, - the politics, in brief, don't matter - because you're voting for change.

so what's the alternative?

vote new labour?

vote conservative?

as I've said before, where I am, not voting lib dem would effectively be a vote for the conservative party (barring an unlikely resurgence from labour here), as it's a lib dem vs tory fight, with a lib dem mp defending who's been a good MP with a voting record I mostly agree with, a good attendance record, no outside interests, reasonable looking expenses etc.

I've read through the first 6 pages of this thread, and see little substantial in it, and lots of sub daily mail smearing. I don't expect to agree with 100% of what they stand for, I just agree with them more than I do either labour or tory.
it may be one area the company specialises in, but it's not their only specialism, and she doesn't work in that area of the company.

I doubt there'd be many specialist international corporate law firms that wouldn't have one branch of the firm dedicated to dealing with industrial action, so having a pop at her for joining this firm on this basis is irrational bollocks IMO.

How about she stops being an international corporate lawyer?

She is vile as was her PP father.
How about she stops being an international corporate lawyer?

She is vile as was her PP father.
not that I particularly agree with you about her needing to quit, but in the unlikely event that clegg did become PM (yeah right), she's apparently said she would quit her job.
Asked by a Spanish newspaper, Miriam González said that she would quit her job if her husband became Prime Minister.[12]

eta - no clue about her dad's exact politics, but judging a party on their leaders dead father in law's politics strikes me as being pretty stupid tbh
I'd really like to know what he actually said.

Well, here 's a thread that looks at Clegg's attitude to Thatcher and his support of her attacks on the unions and the miners in particular

Also noticeable from that article in his claim that it's not up tpo him to decide who'll be PM but up to the electorate. I wonder what made him change his mind so suddenly?

It's good isn't it, he can criticise the constitutional system and the old gang's use of it, yet he's prepared to cynically use it to get exactly what he wants.
Most of the arguments put forward for voting lib-dem on here (and let's be honest, there's only two - to stop the tories wining and to get PR) can, with minimal development, be used to support the lib-dems or labour for evermore. The idea that the political scene will inevitably fragment after some form of PR is brought in is a fantasy - politics will still be dominated by three parties and your vote at general elections will be dominated by the same themes as today - blocking one or another from forming a majority govt.
Most of the arguments put forward for voting lib-dem on here (and let's be honest, there's only two - to stop the tories wining and to get PR) can, with minimal development, be used to support the lib-dems or labour for evermore. The idea that the political scene will inevitably fragment after some form of PR is brought in is a fantasy - politics will still be dominated by three parties and your vote at general elections will be dominated by the same themes as today - blocking one or another from forming a majority govt.
All you have to do is look at other countries that have PR. Has capitalism been overturned? Has the neoliberal consensus been overturned? Is the parliament full of decent, honest actual representatives?
All you have to do is look at other countries that have PR. Has capitalism been overturned? Has the neoliberal consensus been overturned? Is the parliament full of decent, honest actual representatives?

I was told yes they were - and directed to Germany where the Greens were in the national govt -only problem is, they were in social spending, pension cutting, workers sacking, NHS gutting, health and safety condition undermining, wage-cutting foreign troops sending govt. They clearly had little influence on their larger partners and were dragged rightwards rather than the big party being dragged leftwards. That was the only example that was found -and no aregumenst were offered as to why the same dynamics would not be at work here.
I was told yes they - and directed to Germany where the Greens were in the national govt -only problem is, they were in social spending, pension cutting, workers sacking, NHS gutting, health and safety condition undermining, wage-cutting foreign troops sending govt. They clearly had little influence on their larger partners and were dragged rightwards rather than the big party being dragged leftwards. That was the only example that was found -and no aregumenst were offered as to why the same dynamics would not be at work here.

So much so that Joschka Fischer the German Green supported the NATO bombing of Kosovo, suppiorted stationing German troops in Afghanistan.
He now works for the Albright Group a consulting group in the US led by Madeline Albright. Yup PR really helped him.....
Under the leadership of Joschka Fischer PR helped and 'forced' the Greens rtight in their quest for government and power.
Most of the arguments put forward for voting lib-dem on here (and let's be honest, there's only two - to stop the tories wining and to get PR) can, with minimal development, be used to support the lib-dems or labour for evermore. The idea that the political scene will inevitably fragment after some form of PR is brought in is a fantasy - politics will still be dominated by three parties and your vote at general elections will be dominated by the same themes as today - blocking one or another from forming a majority govt.

Of course PR will just be business as usual. But it start to scratch away at the fringes of the westminster club.
I was told yes they - and directed to Germany where the Greens were in the national govt -only problem is, they were in social spending, pension cutting, workers sacking, NHS gutting, health and safety condition undermining, wage-cutting foreign troops sending govt. They clearly had little influence on their larger partners and were dragged rightwards rather than the big party being dragged leftwards. That was the only example that was found -and no aregumenst were offered as to why the same dynamics would not be at work here.

You don't need to look to Germany to see what the Greens mean very often : - hypocrisy, privatisation of council housing, consumption taxes to 'save the environment', failing to support tubeworkers on strike - that's not to say there aren't good committed Green councillors activists aiming for something laudable.
Of course PR will just be business as usual. But it start to scratch away at the fringes of the westminster club.

Why would you want to do that?

Politics is the shadow cast on society by business.
It's at this point that we diverge philisophically. I believe in reformism, and you believe in revolutionary politics. Therefore for you, reforms to the existing system are window dressing, and for me they are slow progress toward a different system.
It's at this point that we diverge philisophically. I believe in reformism, and you believe in revolutionary politics. Therefore for you, reforms to the existing system are window dressing, and for me they are slow progress toward a different system.

Wrong. I've never argued something so crude - in fact i'm currently having to point out the idiocies of a simplisitic reform or revolution position on another thread. Reforms are a way to get get revolution -in the same way that strikes are 'schools of revolution'.
Q: Who hates the idea of PR the most?
A: The Tories

Surely that is reason enough to vote for the muppets?
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